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Thanks Ross,
That was good, I did receive your e-mail of it.
Some very interesting times we are going thru. I guess only time will tell.
Can't say that the guy wasn't spot on in his assessment. While I'm not a Obama man, I am glad to hear that even he is trying to get Congress ready to hit the ground running.
I'll just be happy if they heed the message and start doing something to help us people out.
I think it would be good to go back to work. I have a lot tougher 'boss' since I retired.:eek:
We really hope the government gets off their behinds and does something soon. This is a loan not a bailout. It's far different then giving all that cash to these banks, and then watching them take their expensive vacations.
As for the private company planes, they have a serious security issue. When Bob Stempel was CEO of GM, someone kidnapped his son for ransom. It just proves these guys are targets, regardless of what the dumbells in Washington think.
But no matter how much is given to anybody, it won't make much difference unless they turn this economy around, and soon!
For the auto companies the only reason they are in trouble is due directly to what our government did.
The other thing that really scares me is the security of this country if our manufacturing base totally goes away.
Most people out there younger than me have no idea what these companies did in times of world wars. Without them we might not exist today.
I personally engineered and designed battle tanks for this country working for GM, and I did it for a number of years.
There isn't enough room on this page to list all the things GM has done for this country during these crisises.
And let us not forget it was GM who invented the heart/lung machine. How many of us would still be here without that?

Rich ask your wife about what they used to do at the Hoover plant during the war. Hoover is no more in North Canton. Can you say Mexico? :(

Only thing still running in this area is Timken Steel and Roller Bearings. Sorry, but one plant in this area isn't enough to sustain our local economy.

Oh yeah, get this! Aultman Hospital is now the areas largest employer.
We are not sure what they did at Hoover during those times. My wife's sister worked there for many years, but now she is in a local nursing home down there because she has dimentia or altzheimers, doesn't really know anybody.
A number of my wife's family worked at Timken forever but they are all gone. I think one nephew still works there, and his wife is a nurse at your hospital.
It's really sad for states like Ohio,Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana and more.

During World War II, the Hoover Company switched its production from vacuum cleaners to items needed for the American war effort, such as helmet liners and bomb fuses. Hoover won numerous government awards for its contributions to the nation's war production. Once the war ended, the company returned to producing vacuum cleaners. In the 1940s, the company went from being privately owned to a publicly traded stock. In 1985, the Chicago Pacific Corporation purchased the Hoover Company. The Maytag Corporation subsequently acquired the Chicago Pacific Corporation in 1989. Today, Hoover has a total of five plants. Three are in the North Canton area, with one in El Paso, Texas, and another in Juarez, Mexico.

Now see this:

I don't think the Mid West/North East is the only place having major problems. We're all in the same fish bowl.
Well, it's fine to bail out the banks and Wall street...socialism for the wealthy...but what about the American worker?

Let's hope, Rich, that whatever is done to strengthen American industry, including the auto industry, is done with the idea of helping workers first and foremost.

(former oil refinery worker until Reagan broke the unions and my job was cut)
Jim that is what disturbs me most. The wealthy/Wall St. aren't going to use any of their money to help in any way, then they depend on the taxpayers to bail them out and keep increasing their wealth while the rest of us go down the tubes. On the other hand, I also realize if something isn't done and done now, we will be thrust into a Depression most likely far worse then that of the last. I guess I'll say it was Catch 22 legislation?

I'm sure I'll catch heck from someone for saying this, but it's what I and many americans feel.
Thanks for posting this. It was an eye opener for me!

You mean Utah isn't suffering? I thought everyone was. :confused:

Around here, virtually everything is gone and it's now affecting the smaller local businesses big time. About the only sure fired thing now is food/restaurant work or Medical fields.

Well according to this guy, I'm full of crap. What is else new huh? He speaks of a safety net for people now that wasn't existent in the Depression. I welcome this guy to test the safety net! There is a waiting list for people to get housing. So much for the safety net.
Well, it's fine to bail out the banks and Wall street...socialism for the wealthy...but what about the American worker?

Let's hope, Rich, that whatever is done to strengthen American industry, including the auto industry, is done with the idea of helping workers first and foremost.


I sure wish the WORKERS could be bailed out and NOT the companies/industries. But, for the most part, one is tied to the other.

And let us not forget it was GM who invented the heart/lung machine. How many of us would still be here without that?

Ah, Rich ... good point.

Except for this and the other points you've made, I have NOT been for a bailout of the automakers, particular GM. For me ... if they want assistance, they need to learn what INTEGRITY and TRUTH is first ... and stop telling people they have an Impala (2000-present), when IN FACT all they have is a redesigned Lumina, which replaced the Celebrity.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"You've made a fool of everyone" ... Jet ... 'Look What You've Done'
Please remember this is a loan, unlike the banks and so forth this will be paid back with interest.
Also everyone must understand I am not a big fan of GM myself for reaons I won't mention.
And Cort if it wasn't for the mess our government created, you would have already be looking at a brand new real Impala.
But our dumbells in Washington decided new CAFE standards were more important than developing new technology and alternative power options.
The Big Three had to spend over 100 Billion dollars due to this. Now there is nothing left to develop the real new technology we all need.
Please remember this is a loan, unlike the banks and so forth this will be paid back with interest.


Yep, I know. I get the feeling that MOST people do not know or realize this ... they just hear "bailout" and "help" ... and tune the rest out. Though, some may know it is a loan, but have doubts that it'll ever be paid back....


Rich said:
And Cort if it wasn't for the mess our government created, you would have already be looking at a brand new real Impala.

Except ... the main reason we do not have an Impala at dealerships today is because GM would rather make the SUVs. If they cut out some of those SUVs, they would be able to meet the CAFE standards and still give us an Impala.

Besides that ... consider the Pontiac G8. I noticed that it is rated at 17/24 (or something like that) ... gas mileage that my 21-year-old 1987 Monte Carlo LS is making consistently. Yet, my old MC is considered a "gas guzzler" while the G8 isn't. That just doesn't compute....

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