I think it would be good to go back to work. I have a lot tougher 'boss' since I retired.

We really hope the government gets off their behinds and does something soon. This is a loan not a bailout. It's far different then giving all that cash to these banks, and then watching them take their expensive vacations.
As for the private company planes, they have a serious security issue. When Bob Stempel was CEO of GM, someone kidnapped his son for ransom. It just proves these guys are targets, regardless of what the dumbells in Washington think.
But no matter how much is given to anybody, it won't make much difference unless they turn this economy around, and soon!
For the auto companies the only reason they are in trouble is due directly to what our government did.
The other thing that really scares me is the security of this country if our manufacturing base totally goes away.
Most people out there younger than me have no idea what these companies did in times of world wars. Without them we might not exist today.
I personally engineered and designed battle tanks for this country working for GM, and I did it for a number of years.
There isn't enough room on this page to list all the things GM has done for this country during these crisises.
And let us not forget it was GM who invented the heart/lung machine. How many of us would still be here without that?