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I can't believe it, well, I can believe it!
I "started" this morning.
Did this happen to anyone else this close to surgery?
Please let me know, so I can PM a few questions.
Mary said:
I can't believe it, well, I can believe it!
I "started" this morning.
Did this happen to anyone else this close to surgery?
Please let me know, so I can PM a few questions.

No, not before surgery, however, I was in intensive care, just after my MVR and low and behold, it started.
Good Luck
Mary, bless your heart. Thank goodness I haven't done this for years. I would check with your doctor but I think you'll be fine. Was it your due time or is it the stress of waiting for surgery. Those kind of things can throw off your system. Hang in there. I know you are going to be just fine.
Mary said:
I can't believe it, well, I can believe it!
I "started" this morning.
Did this happen to anyone else this close to surgery?
Please let me know, so I can PM a few questions.[/QUOT

I got mine the morning I went in for my EP study. I still had it 2 days later when I had the PVR surgery. And of course it was extremely heavy! Other than my mortal embarassment, everything was fine. In fact may of the nurses said it is a common occurence due to the stress you are under.
Glenda said:
Mary, bless your heart. Thank goodness I haven't done this for years. I would check with your doctor but I think you'll be fine. Was it your due time or is it the stress of waiting for surgery. Those kind of things can throw off your system. Hang in there. I know you are going to be just fine.

I don't know Glenda. I thought maybe I was going to escape it, so it probably was stress. I need to chill out.
It's time for my annual shingles outbreak, and it can also be triggered by stress. I don't need that on top of this!
Oh Mary! What a bummer. I got mine about the 3rd day in the hospital - the ICU nurse had warned me about it. It is just not something you want to deal with at this time!! Everything will go fine - good luck

To be honest, I don't remember about the first 2 OHS. The third was after I had my hysterectomy so it wasn't an issue.

Since your surgery isn't until next week, isn't there a chance you will be pretty much over it by then?

If not, be assured the hospital deals with this all the time.
sounds normal, then

sounds normal, then

Mary. I always feel the worst just before my period and SO much better once it's in full swing. It's almost as good as a sedative for me..... I'm hoping it's that way for you, too. Hopefully the cramping isn't a bother (never has been for me). Maybe you can think of it as a message from your body saying, yes, I'm a woman after all, and everything else is working fine so you don't need to worry about that piece of it! At least the hospital will have advance notice and be prepared. Seems better than it suddenly arriving in recovery, doesn't it?

As for the shingles. Well. You are NOT going to break out in shingles. NO WAY. Don't even consider it again. Banish the thought.

Silver lining time. Start looking for them. Let them rule. Keep the glass half full and all that. You've been a real trooper so far......not much longer. You'll be great!

"Hugs" Marguerite
geebee said:

Since your surgery isn't until next week, isn't there a chance you will be pretty much over it by then?

There's a chance, but not a good one. I'm thinking more about the heart cath on Monday than the surgery on Tuesday. Stop and visualize the heart cath procedure for just a minute and then you'll get my drift.
Plus, on Tuesday I will have enough meds in me that I doubt that will be one of my big concerns. ICU staff can worry about it that day!

And if there are any guys out there shaking their heads, I TOLD YOU NOT TO READ THIS!
I "started" my pick-m-up truck this morning. Does that count?

Sorry, I've been off computer for a while. The daughter had to wait at her new home for them to get cable problems corrected.

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

May God Bless,

gadgetman said:
I "started" my pick-m-up truck this morning. Does that count?
You've been around Ross too long! :eek: :eek:
That's all that I intend to say (at least for now!) ;)

I knew you'd been gone, but I hoped you get back soon, and I guess you did. :)
Now behave yourself! :D :D :D
If it isn't against your personal beliefs or medical history, get some birth control pills. They can trick the body into stopping the flow. Then you can start it up (stop taking the pill) whenever you want. =)
Happened to me too. It's stress related. Don't worry about it. My pre-op nurse said that it happens all the time and it's no big deal for them.
the only issue with birth control pills (and I say this only as a caution because i've been on most of the recent kinds since my surgery) is don't play with your start and stop dates.. especially if you are now a heavy bleeder due to coumadin. i did change my start and stop dates trying to fit it in with my annual exam and ended up hemmoraging for 2 cycles so much so I needed an iron infusion.. my OB explained that while most normal women can start and stop - women like myself with bleeding issues on coumadin, should not, because of what I just stated would happen. now i just take the pill continuously and while i don't hemmorage, i'm a continous dripping faucet.. details on another post when I asked about uterin ablations as i'm looking in that direction..

while you're in the hospital.. bring your own protection.. I swear their's date back to the type made in the 70's..(mine started and stopped the week prior to my surgery when I was already in the hospital for tests.) I also use Depends as a back up when it's bad.. hang in there :eek:
Happened to me each time I had OHS. The nurses did say it is one of the unmentioned side effects. Still was embarasing once I was awake enough to know what they had to do. I had forgotten all about that until now. Did not happen with the 3rd and 4th since I had had a hysterectomy by then.
Oh, goodness, more thing. Mine was actually suppressed for a few months around the time of the surgery. Kind of strange considering how regular I am.

I would concur with Christine: take your own stuff because the hospital stuff (knowledge gained from a different hospital stay) is ancient...
Christine and Sherry,
That was one of the questions that I wanted answered. On another gender related subject, I tried my Heart Hugger on last night. Women are at a disadvantage using it due to our having "protruding chests". It's always something! :eek: :eek: