Flu Shots??????

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Just one more voice advocating the Flu shot if your Doc approves it for you. I've also had the Pneumonia shot. We need all the help we can get to stay healthy. They are readily available this year...last year we did not get ours til November at my hospital. Everyone should ok it with their Doc's. Let's have a healthy winter!

Zip *~*
Hello everyone!

Well, my husband had his flue/pneumonia shot last Wednesday. That evening, his arm was just a bit red (pneumonia shot arm), and he had kind of an arrythmia going on. But he did feel ok. By Thursday evening, he complained of his arm and armpit being sore. To the Dr. on Friday, which started a three day course of IV antibiotics. He had a port installed in his arm, so he did not have to be hospitalized, just had to go there for three days to get the IV course of treatment. This morning he saw the Dr. who gave him a script for pills. (The red line to his armpit is barely noticeable now.)

So, not everyone gets off so easy. But, all in all, I'd rather this than pneumonia.

But, like Nancy always says, nothing is ever easy with some of these guys.

I was one that would never get the flu shot. two years ago, at age 63 I came down with the flu. I spent a misirable week and every morning I hoped I would be better. every night I prayed to be better. after that I vowed I would never neglect that shot.

In this town they gave flu shots for $10 and free for medicare recipiants. But the hours were from (9 to 11 a.m.) I drove by twice going shopping and there was a line out to the street. guess I'll pay my doc a visit. so, I'm pro shots.
the ram
Flue Shot

Flue Shot

At my doctor's advise, I get mine tomorrow.
Had my avr in March 2001 and my shot in October 2001.
Last year was no problem.
Prior to the avr, I never missed.
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Well, just came back from getting 3 allergy and 1 flu shot.....I'm sore!!! Went to my allergist for allergy shots and found out he was giving flu also, so figured I'd get it while no one was in the office.....of course the roads were horrendous!!!! We live out on the eastern end of Long Island....the last bastions of farmland, and all the pumpkin pickers, cornstalk hunters and apple scavengers were out today........GRRRRRR I hate SUMMER PEOPLE!!!! Anyway, took me 1 hr. 15 minutes to make a trip that usually takes 1/2 an hour.......but I did get the shots, had lunch with a friend and did my grocery shopping! On to making dinner. Stay well all.

I second all that's been said. Going to the doctor tomorrow to get mine. Before surgery I never use to get the shot. Some years I got the flu some years not. Since surgery I don't plan on taking any chances on having any problems. martha
Anyone that lives in the home with a heart patient, should have the vaccine. If I could just talk the hubby into it;)

My six year old receives it as well. She brought it to me the year I had surgery. Twice. Real bad. I was hospitalized over Christmas with a 103.

Got your shots now!
Flu Shot

Flu Shot

Got mine yesterday.
Feel great, no reaction.
Actually, I have been getting them since the 50's when I first came down with the Asian brand. Since then no reactions and very rarely the flu.
hi all!
joey got a flu shot last year after his surgery and will be getting another one in a week or so.
this is standard procedure for him according to his cardio.
hope you are all well.

please try and stay away from those germs, what with your little ones ...

be well, sylvia
I always get my flu shot. And make my husband get one, too. He hates shots but I told he had to because I am a heart patient.
Better to get the shot than the flu.
Hi Sylvia, it's hard to stay away from the germs, though since my VR, I don't get sick as much. I don't know if I could get my 3 year old the shot, I know my 1 year old isn't supposed to eat eggs yet, so HE'S a no, but Kevin is in the navy so he has to get it yearly. Ian had the same pnuemovax i had when he was 2. Just makes me feel safer, even though TODAY, he tripped and fell and split his NECK ope. THere was a peice of fat hanging out if it, it was disgusting, and he earned himself 3 stitches. Poor kid. Had to be tied up, or he would have flailed around everywhere! Well, be well, and I will try to stay extra healthy for all of you, and for my family. Take it easy!
Got my flu shot on Wednesday, Thankfully with no side effects besides a sore arm. I will get my pneumonia shot next week, hopefully I'll be fine with that too. Wishing you all good health!
I got my flu amd pneumonia shots last week at the health department. No reactions. My arm was sore a little but its better than getting the flu or pneumonia. Three years ago my husband and I both got the flu the week of Christamas and stayed in bed for the entire week. We argued over who felt worse. It was miserable! Since then I get my shot each year but my stuborn husband wont get one! I guess he would rather suffer with the flu than get a simple shot. Not me. :rolleyes:
a poser - maybe for azpam? I was told by a nurse that the prevalence of flu is in December, Jan, part of Feb and that the flu shot is strongest when first given. If taken in Oct it won't be as strong as if taken in, say, late November and that I should consider taking it in Nov instead of Oct. Anyone have any comments on this?

When the shots were scarce, my dr's office had a list of the most at risk patients and these patients got theirs before others. The dr office even called us to come in as quick as they got the medicine in the office. The dr's office has set certain hours to come in, there is one nurse who does only that during those hours and nobody has to wait. Pretty good system.
yes your arm will be sore for 2-3 days but usually that is the only reaction. moving your arm alot helps. we use a dead virus in the vaccine so no one gets sick afterwards from the flu shot itself. but taking the shot does depress the immune system some so if people get sick afterwards, it was because a germ hit them when their immune system was weak and they think it was the vaccine itself. it takes about 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to take effect so i recommend extra vit. c or an immune booster for couple weeks so they don't get sick afterwards. but like i said, most people only get the sore slightly swollen arm for couple days . the pneumonia shot is a 2 in a lifetime vaccine. # 1 shot then 6-7 years later get your booster. hope this helps. heading for vacation tomorrow so if i am absent for any other info, please excuse the 12 day wait.thanks,
Thanks aspam for the info. I always make sure to take extra rest and sleep a couple of days after my shot, and eat well. Also avoid sick people!!! While working at the hospital I make sure get my shot the day before my days off.

Have a great vacation!!!!

Zip *~*

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