Five Year Checkup

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Saw my cardiologist yesterday. It's been 5-1/2 years since my AVR.

Everything's good with the heart. Resting HR is down to 44 bpm and BP is 110/80. The left ventricular hypertrophy is completely gone. He likes all the aerobic exercise I'm getting with my triathlon training. He didn't like the fact that I had gained a few pounds since last year, so he wants me to work on that. Doesn't see a need for an echo for two more years.

He suggested again that I get a home test unit to do my own INR. He thinks I know enough to manage it on my own, without the inconvenience of my monthly trips to the clinic. I've been planning to look into it with my insurance company for some time, but just haven't gotten around to it.

The interesting part was when he asked me when I took my last vacation. Told him I couldn't remember - it had been a couple of years. He got all over me about that. He knows I'm a workaholic and a compulsive volunteer and that I need to learn how to say "no" more often. I know he's right. But I think a lot of it has been my psychological need to try to make the most of the "second chance" that my new valve has given me. Definitely something that I need to work on.



hi mark,
great news! i'm thrilled to hear that all is well and that the doc feels as good about you as you seem to feel.
pls stay that way, just start trying to take it a little easier... yoga? pilates? lol.
be well, sylvia
Your cardiologist sounds like the kind of cardiologist we would all appreciate having.;) ;)
Your progress has been outstanding, and I bet that you have many, MANY more years of great checkups.:)
Hmmmm, I'm wondering if the dr. wrote an Rx for a vacation if your insurance would cover it?:D

Congratulations on a great check-up! And take that vacation!
Taking a vacation recommended by a doctor, Sounds good to me!!! Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary and good check up! Keep up the good work. :D

I happy for you, your health, and your fitness.

I'm a firm believer in taking time off to unhook, unwind, and recharge. For me, the tri training is a great distraction and stress reliever from the "daily grind". But there's nothing like having that distraction 24/7 for a few days.

I'm also a firm believer in weight loss, but less successful there than in taking vacations. We could have a weight loss contest over the winter. I'm still considering a Clermont tri in the spring. Loser buys pre-race pasta dinner......... or waffles post race. :D


And, thank you again for posting your success and pleasure with life after surgery. Each and every one of you folks who comes back and tells of their successes (and a few failures along the way) helps those of us still here in The Waiting Room to realize that life can indeed be wonderful again after valve replacement.

Keep it up, and come on back to visit often. . .
Many of us remember when you had it done and know how far you have come since that day. We have watched your exercise progress and admired your courage in all you have accomplished. Bless you for setting such an example for all valvers and showing what can be such an outcome. Blessins, Mark.

P.S. and look who you brought out! Our own ILoveNY Nicole. Nicole you must start your own thread and let us know what you are doing these days and how you are. Now if Brad N and Joy will stop by we'll be nearly caught up on everybody.
Congratulations Mark! Now is a great time to book that vacation! I truly beleive good R&R does one a world of good!

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