fitted with pacemaker 7 years ago now need aortic valve replacement! which should i g

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hi there.we are enjoying the most beautiful sunny weather here at the moment.I dont have a surgery date yet but expect it all to happen early May.
A friend of mine gave me a jar of POMADA DE TEPEZCOHUITE and said that it would be excelent to use on my 10" scar post op?has anybody ever used it?It comes form a tree in Mexico.
Would it be ok to use when on warfarin? not quite sure how to use this site?is this where i should post any questions i have or should i post elsewhere when i am asking something new? and if so ,where and how.
many thanks
I am 34 and I also have a pacemaker. The reason I have one is 7 yrs ago I had AVR and MVR ( live tissue) and had complete heart block as a complication. I just had my valves replaced again ( Feb 8th)--now I have mechanical. My diet really hasn't changed drastically due to the coumadin . Just wanted to let u know we have something in common
Hi Donna,

Welcome I am living in Dublin I am 48 now and had my Aortic valve replaced 3 years ago. I have a mechanical valve and my lifestyle is very active and a full time job and I still drink Green Tea !

If you need it go for it.

hi Jorsarge,great to hear from you :).i am from dublin but now live in cork.did you get the machine to check you bloods and self monitor? how does the green tea effect your levels?.does it say in your blurb that you had sternum wire removed? ???
hi donna let us know when u get ur surgery date, the waiting does suck, but you will be just fine, westie dont know where your specialist is coming from,54 and a tissue is a total non starter? that might be his opinion but its a very odd and misleading statement,
Have to agree with that Neil. My surgeon is one of the best. I was 56 at the time. He of course said that the mechanical was definitely an option, but with the new tissue valves they have been implanting more and more with people in their fifties. He was 59 at the time, and said most likely if it were him, he would go with tissue.
hi there not too sure if this is how i add to thread?
anyway got a date for surgery
1st june !
love donna
Hi all well this time next week i shall be having my operation..1st june...I feel ready and able now (i think)
am tired and heart doing a bit of racing
slept in the chair last night
lots of love to you all
this is such a wonderful site ,love DONNA
Hi Donna...I'm about your age too..and just seven weeks agao I had an aortic valve replacement and a few days later...due to complications ..had to have a permanet pacemaker, which is working 100% of the time. this is what my doctor told me about eating certain foods...he said you don't have to give them up, but you can have them in small doses. He adjust the medicine around your if you do like green leafy veggies, which I do, I eat them in moderation and he adjusts the dosage of the cumoden. Of course, I would do whatever your doctor tells you to do. As far as having invasive surgery, I can understand your concern! I too was scared to death, but you can do it! Just tell yourself it will save your life! No, it's not fun at all...but if you look at it as being 3 months out of your life, you can get through this! Also, with a mechanical valve, which is what I got, you will probably never have to go through this again! Please keep us posted as we are all been through this too and are rooting for you! By the way, I've been to Ireland twice...I envy you...what a beautiful country you live in!
Hi Donna, congratulations on getting your surgery date. We will be thinking of, and praying for you. Where are you having it done ?
thank you for those replies
yea Lanicet,thanks,i have written "it will save your life and 3 months out" into my notebook..they are good strong thoughts

hi EireCara..i will be in the CUH,surgeon Aongus o donnell what about you ?
im hoping to bring my green tea in with me and start using it with warfarin in there :)
all over ! home,happy and hungry.Had surgery on the 1st june .my hospital stay was for 11 days as getting warfarin sorted .the whole hospital experience was very good.the staff on every level were kind and respectful and caring.I did not mind waking up with the breathing tube in and its removal was fine.My wound is not really sore?.I am sleeping fine in my bed with a few pillows proping me up.good to be the other side of it all :) DONNA
Fantastic news Donna. I was getting a bit worried about you. Great to hear you had a good experience. Wishing you a smooth uneventful recovery.

*You didnt mind the breathing tube !!! eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! How on earth did you manage that !!! The very thought terrifies me. How long did they leave it in for ?

Best wishes and like they say, breath, :cool:
re breathing tube

re breathing tube

Hi Eirecara,i was in the recovery room (ICU) at about 3pm and the tube was not removed until about 3 am .the nurse i had was wonderful
Donna.....HI.....I just got my St Jude mechanical aortic valve and my pacemaker last Wednesday, June 9th. Neither one causes me any distress, dietary or of any other type. I will say that for me....and this is just my personal opinion, I am glad I Got the mechanical valve. I do not want to have to go through this again, especially not knowing what shape I will be during the next 10-20 years. I can EASILY live with coumadin since i am already retired and I am a fairly flexible person. The best 2 things that have helped me do so my loving wife and all the wonderful people here. Don't be afraid to ask ANY questions. Everyone here will help you and calm your fears and can do so in a very caring and personal way, since i can now say, WE have all been thru this :) Best wishes for the best for
Hi Donna,

Good on you for getting through OHS and returning home, reassuring eh, to be back home, take it easy, smell the roses and appreciate all around you.

wishing you a speedy recovery, all the best