First outdoor run post op

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Susan BAV said:
This reminds me: I don't know if this is true or not but I had heard that [a famous actor/politician] "blew out" his first valve replacement on an exercise bicycle; but it was reportedly very shortly after surgery.

Tom - your doctors cleared you, didn't they?
That would be Arnold Schwarzenegger !


OK ... you guys are tempting me. Let me ponder this, and I will zip you a private message. The "Akron" is a little more daunting than the running, but I have found that having a carrot is always very helpful in my exercise routine!
It's good to hear the success some of you guys have been having with running.

I was a regular runner before my AVR - not marathon standard but 5 - 10 miles comfortably.

I'm 8 weeks out from my operation and have not done any running yet (had some bleeding problems and a 2nd visit back to the hospital). I'm still a bit sore.

I have been doing daily walks but I would like to start running again.

Are there any guidelines for heart rate etc or is down to each individual ?

How long does it take for the internal stitches to fully repair ?

Best Wishes

George Montgomery
Walking is a good start

Walking is a good start

George, walking is a good start. I got my walking up to 3 miles in 45 minutes before I thought about running. You could probably use a shorter distance, I just picked 3 miles because that what I was familiar with running. I also started on a treadmill, so I could keep my pace steady. I did get the okay from my cardio post op before I started running (although the surgeon said to stop, give it a few more weeks to heal!), so if possible, I would check with the surgeon also, just to get their blessing! Good luck, and let us know how you are doing!
Hi there-

I'm 6 weeks post-op and will start Cardiac Rehab on the 9th (At 7 weeks.) I'm not ready to exercise--my recovery has been a bit slow. I do have pain still on the left side of my sternum up to my pacemaker. Not sure if this is normal, but will ask the doc when I see him on the 6th. Either way, it doesn't discourage me when I hear others farther along--just something to shoot for, in my eyes.

Keep on, keeping on. Jackie

1995 - TIAs (mini strokes) started after birth of my daughter, Aspirin started.
1996 - BAV w/mild stenosis diagnosed.
2000 - Misdiagnosed w/Asthma for 3 years
2003 - PFO (hole in heart) fixed w/Amplatzer. 3 catheters up the legs.
2003 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed, 10 mg daily Coumadin started.
2/16/07 - OHS for BAV w/severe stenosis, St. Jude clotted, Dr. Suri, Mayo Clinic.
2/20/07 - OHS for BAV, Carbo Medics, Dr. Suri, Mayo Clinic.
2/20/07 - Opened up again because of excessive bleeding.
2/26/07 - Pacemaker implanted because of AV node irregularities.
3/14/07 - Hospitalized for 2 days for fluid on my lungs.

Expect the best. Prepare for the worse.

"Life is great, life is grand. Life is like a rubber band." - Jackie Beach
Hi guys! Congrats on your outdoor run in a quite outstanding time! Now I guess I'll have to start picking up the pace on my runs or I'll be the weak link in Akron! It's gonna be a blast!

Many thanks for your advice on starting exercise.

It gives me something to aim for - though it'll take me a while to reach it !

Best Wishes
