First ECHO results

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gadgetman Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2005
Richland, GA (USA)

Well, yesterday I had my first ECHO since leaving the hospital over 2 years ago. I was a little apprehensive going in. During each Cardio visit following my surgery I was assured that things sounded great. But that ECHO back in 2004 was my ?OOOPS, things ain?t right? call. As you all know, our OHS results can sometimes turn out to be a crap shoot. You just never know. We read here in these pages our success stories, our not so great stories, and those that come out worse than they went in. Unfortunately (and thank God they are very few) we have one or two that never make it out of the hospital (Maia comes to mind). Some come thru this experience a whole lot better off than they went in. Others experience one set back after another. Still others THINK things are going great but get hit with the dreaded ?another operation so soon?, ?you didn?t fix me?, etc.

Well, I?m here to tell you that mine was great (so far---life doesn?t come with guarantees). I went from an EF of less than 30 to OVER FIFTY!!!! My heart size is now within normal ranges. Regurg is almost nil. I am now back on a ?see you in 6 months? schedule with my Cardio.

WOW!!!! Bet you can?t tell I am on cloud 9 (and probably even higher). Life is good. God is good. VR.COM is good. :D :D :D :D :D :D

May God Bless,

Danny :D
That is good news!!! You are right, God is Good!!! Sending best wishes your way!!! It is great to get good news and be able to pass it on to others.
Lania Diablo!! (I had to think so hard for that one that my brain hurts!! And it may not even make sense....but you get the idea!! ;) :p :p )

That's great news! I'm coming up on my 1 year in 2 months and have already scheduled my annual echo. I thought one year was standard.....they sure were confident about YOU, to not schedule you for 2 years! Awesome!!

Hope you're celebrating! You've done great! Sweet of you to temper your thoughts with thinking of others, Danny, but take responsibility for your good luck and make the best of the moment!

:D Marguerite
gadgetman said:


Darn right I have that protected from copycats ;). He he

Seriously, bud, CONGRATULATIONS :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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