First Echo in 18 months is to calm down advice?

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Take a deep breath

Take a deep breath

Hi, I've been away from this forum for a couple of years but not so long that I've forgotten the anxiety that can be arroused by this subject. We all share these anxieties to some extent but you can choose to be thoughtful or distressed. Consider that there is nothing you can do to alter what may be happening inside your heart. The test results will give you good indicators of your current condition and that's information which you need. At best it is a reminder that there are choices you can make to keep your heart and cardiovascular system as healthy as possible. At worst, you learn that your heart is changing and you will need to begin making plans for surgery. THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING! These tests give you time to consider your options and make good choices before your condition is becomes critical. Otherwise, you will only know that your condition is deteriorating when your begin experiencing symptoms that indicate rapid decline and for some people that may even be too late. This is one time when ignorance is not your friend.
