Final decision

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Ross said:
Glad you added the last sentence here. Randy I want you to go to the nearest landfill or mining facility and find one of those huge mammoth dump trucks. Take a hard look at it and compare yourself to it. It's what is going to hit you. ;)

Something like this--Be sure to wave at the driver as he runs you down!


LOL, and remember, we're going to be PAYING them for the experience of being run down!!!! :eek:
I really could do without the visual aids. :eek:
Unless you're going to be with me as that truck approaches?
tobagotwo said:
With you?

Heck, we're bidding on who gets to drive it...

As my dear departed mother would say, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" :(
But, I must say, it was a pretty good line! :)
Ah but that's only the one that nails you on your first surgery! For those of you awaiting your second surgery, this is what awaits you next:

Ross said:
Glad you added the last sentence here. Randy I want you to go to the nearest landfill or mining facility and find one of those huge mammoth dump trucks. Take a hard look at it and compare yourself to it. It's what is going to hit you. ;)

Something like this--Be sure to wave at the driver as he runs you down!

Judging by the size of that truck, I would say I might have a good idea of what surgery will feel like if I had suffered all of my aforementioned injuries SIMULTANEOUSLY!!! :eek:
perkicar said:
yeah baby, that looks like fun. Except for that pesky rail just before the dock.......Maybe you could do some street luging???

My attitude would have been, "I'll deal with that railing when I get there."

In retrospect, and considering the frequently disastrous outcome, I do believe that philosophy was somewhat flawed.
Our son could be a relative of yours Randy. He has broken at least 10 bones (femur, ribs, mandible, skull, nose twice, tmj joint,etc, ruptured his spleen and had had multiple stitches. That could be him in the Just Do It picture. He had a street luge he made at one point in his life and generally if it looks dangerous he does it- he's a magnet to risky things. He is having his surgery at the Mayo also- on May 10th by Dr. Schaff. That is awesome they think they can repair your valve. Our son (age 20) had a Ross four years ago and it didn't hold up so he is going in for aortic and pulmonary valve replacements as well as an aortic root replacement. They want to use mechanical which is not what he wants. At this point he is choosing tissue valves which probably will not last very long they are predicting 4-5 years. I am sure you are relieved you have made the decision.
skimomck said:
Our son could be a relative of yours Randy.


Perhaps someday your son and I can meet at one of the reunions and swap daredevil stories.

Sorry to hear about his misfortune. Very unfair how the Ross procedure can work so well for some and not for others.

I can understand his dilemna regarding mechanical versus tissue valves in his position. I, having grown older and hopefully wiser, have left behind my days of mayhem and masochism. Your son, however, is right at the age where those impulses are the strongest. If he cannot learn to tone down his adventures a bit, then tissue valves and resurgery might actually be the safer of the two alternatives. But five years is such a short time between surgeries, though. I think I would have chosen to settle down. Easy for me to say.

I'm sure he will be in very good hands at Mayo. You can't do much better.

Good luck

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