Feeling down ... hate these mood swings ...

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
I know, I know, I know. I SHOULD be on top of the world. Delighted that my surgery went well 10 months ago. Thrilled that it's all behind me (for now). That my recovery went well. That I can exercise. That my family is healthy. And I am. But every now and then, like today, I feel BLAH!
It's boiling in Melbourne - nearly 40 degrees today and the same tomorrow - which means light clothing, which means my scar feels like it's on display for the world to see. I know it shouldn't bother me but sometimes it just does! It's not fair I have two scars on my back, which get sore and sensitive in hot weather, and one straight down my chest, which gets sweaty and obvious.
The heat makes it hard to exercise - which means I feel bloated and yuk.
I know there are many, many, many worse things and I shouldn't complain ... but if I can't whinge to you lot, who can I whinge to???? Thanks for reading...:confused:
Swings is the key word ... you know this too shall pass ... I think we all get up on our pity pot from time to time ... life is hard at times and being human means highs and lows ... have some banana pudding and keep moving:smile2:
Allison, I know when I get them feelings I exercise, it just seems to help me mentally. Can you get out early before the heat and take a walk ? I only say this because it sounds like you may be laying off due to heat. I have a 10 Y0 grandaughter that loves to walk with grandpa ( most times :) . I see by your signature line you have an 8 YO, try it together, I bet your on the up side soon after.
40 degrees C! Oh, is my son going to be in for a shock when he heads down under to study abroad next month, since it's common for him to have temperatures of minus 10 or lower at his school!

These reminders about what we've been through sure are annoying, since it's easy to forget that when all is well. Mine tend to be weather related -- sometimes it an increased ache in the sternum/ribs, while at other times it's the soreness in the scars. Any time they get to me, I just refocus on the positives from the surgery (being able to see my kids grow up) and they become a small price to pay. It also reminds me how fantastic it is that there are such good doctors and nurses around nowadays.
I'm having one of those days too. I think that until today, I could say,"oh, my surgery isn't until next year..." but now it IS next year, and the surgery is less than two months away. Generally, when I get to feeling this way, I spend some time with my daughter and try to remind myself that I'm doing this to make sure I have the best chance of being here to see her grow up. The problem is that she stayed with her grandma last night, so that I could go out and watch my husband's band play at our favorite bar. Thinking about that puts me in even more of a funk because I feel very guilty about not spending every spare moment with her. Did any of you write letters to your children "just in case"?
I'm so sorry you're having a bit of a bad stretch but don't be too hard on yourself. It is really quite common. I think most of us have a day here to there...... or more. Fair? No, it's not fair but no one ever promised us fair. I stopped looking for that long ago in most aspects of life not just our heart issues.

Fair? Well, was it fair the last generation died from their leaking/stenotic valves? We get to have skilled surgeons fix us and give us many more high quality years.

No lecture, of course. I understand and get the same 'blue' days. We just roll with them and move along to the next day.

Hope you find relief from the extreme heat and feel better in the next days.
I cried because I had no shoes & then I saw a man who had no feet. Was just one of the sayings I was raised on

All we need to do is read some of those biographies that are out there about problems & it can help snap us back into reality I speak at conferences on having a positive attitude - & folks ask me all the time - if I'm a Pollyanna. Dont I ever get "Down". Of course I do. But it is proven that those of us with a positive attitude get out of a down /bad mood faster - moods are temporary - attitudes are permanent. Not preaching. Simply sharing a mentality. Have Your pity party then move on ! Good luck to you. I'll find my special poem for u & post it next ! Happy new year. Nanc.
To my new friends. I read this at the end of every presentation I deliver around the country. It's very requested so I wanted to share it with you'll. I hope it helps. It sure lifts me up when I'm down. Be well.

God Forgive Me When I Whine

Today, upon a bus, I saw a lovely girl with golden hair,
I envied her, she seemed so gay and wished I were as fair;
When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle;
She had one leg, and wore a crutch, and as she passed - a smile.
O God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two legs. The world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets.
The lad who sold them had such charm, I talked with him - he seemed so glad -*
If I were late, ‘twould do no harm.
And as I left he said to me: "I thank you. You have been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
O God forgive me when I whine.
I have two eyes. The world is mine.

Later, walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue,
He stood and watched the others play; It seemed he knew not what to do.
I stopped a moment, then I said: "Why don't you join the others, dear?"
He looked ahead without a word, and then I knew - he could not hear.
O God forgive me when I whine. I have two ears. The world is mine

With legs to take me where I'd go.
With eyes to see the sunset's glow*
With ears to hear what I would know.
O God, forgive me when I whine.
I'm blessed indeed. The world is mine.

************- Author Unknown
******Compliments of Telephone Doctor® Customer Service Training
******800.882.9911 www.telephonedoctor.com
Thank you- you taught me a new word today- "whinge". I had no idea that such a word existed until today, but it is middle English, so maybe that explains my ignorance. Anyway, you can "whinge" all you want with us, no problem, we'll listen.

But I have to tell you that 99% of your previous posts were the exact opposite of whinging. In fact, you inspire me and many others that are out there reading our posts with your positive and insightful outlook. I still remember the newspaper article that you did for your local paper. It was awesome! So, please feel proud that you have touched many here.

Now, if you need to cool down then come up here to the northern latitudes where we are in the midst of winter. I am sure that I can find you a snow bank to cool you off.
All my best,

I am sorry to hear you are having a blah day, and you are exactly right that you can come and whinge to us at any time. I know that there were many things that I discussed here that I didn't discuss even with my wife, just because you all know exactly what I am going through in most cases. I have found that staying busy for me is the easiest way to stay ahead of my emotions, as for me at least an idle mind leads to 'blah'. I know that you will get better, and also know what you are feeling. Keep coming back and we will help keep your frame of mind better!
Thanks for posting, Allison-
I had surgery almost 12 monts ago. I will say the first 6 months I experienced euphoria from surviving and from feeling better every day. Then the blahs hit . . .so I totally get where you are coming from. I had a to do list a mile long and just had no energy to even get started. I seemed to have lost my mojo for a while and still struggle with it today.
I know that this too shall pass. I also think some of it is from afib and the associated meds, but just know that you are not alone in feeling blah post-surgery. Let's look forward to more motivated and energized days. . .we are still recovering in many ways.
Thanks for all your encouraging replies. I'm feeling better ... well, was feeling better until I woke up this morning to discover my daughter's lovely 3yo cat had died after being hit by a car. We are all very sad about losing Charlie. He was a great and funny cat.
Maybe it is that jolt I needed to remember how lucky I am.
Thanks again
Very sorry about the loss of your cat ... thoughts/prayers en route.

Those mood swings are frustrating, indeed. Been there, done that ... too many times than I'd care to admit. But, positive attitudes help, since moods are only temporary...!

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"Everything is temporary anyway" __ Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians __ 'Circle'
Although I'm more than anything thrilled to be alive and healthy, it is very common for post-OHS people like us to experience mood swings and even frank depression. Everyone here is very encouraging and expects you will "snap out of it" and appreciate the life you have. I'm with them too. I just want to balance that by saying that sometimes it is not a simple blah day that you can put aside and get back on track. So, if it continues, be sure to acknowledge it and not necessarily expect that you can pull your self out of it with some reminders that your should be grateful.

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