It is not who you mentioned, instead his name is Majelovic (know I am messing up the spelling but it is on my laptop and I am on a desktop). He will have a PET Scan as one of the tests. He mentioned 3 valves involved in his most recent email, I am waiting for clarification because we only knew of the aortic valve. He remains positive and a sense of humor that keeps me smiling.
Its hard to guess what different numbers or valves could be with out knowing the test results to try and figure out what the possibilities are. It could really be so many different things, that until you know a little more details, try not to stress too much (easier said than done) about things it might or might not be.
Often when you are needing 1 valve replaced, they will also mention other valves have mild or trace problems, but they may not have to do anything about it, some is pretty much normal, but people don't know they have mild regurge or stenosis ect only because they never had a problems so never had tests. Also Some problems, can be caused because of the problem with the valve that needs replaced or fixed and as soon as theat valve is replaced (for example the Aortic valve like your dad needs replaced) since blood can now flow thru it and isn't backed up into the left ventricle, the other valves are fine and don't need any work.
Are you sure he is having a Pet scan or is he having a CT scan? Would it help you to understand figure out what is going one if you spoke to the nurse yourself and not getting it 2nd hand from your Dad? If you are trying to help him make decisions, Maybe you could ask him to sign the HIPPA papers so they can give you informatation and answer your questions. I know with my parents it can be kind of tough actually figuring out what is going one when I get my information from them. I haven't ever asked to speak to the staff myself, because until recently both my parents were alive, and didn't ask my opinion, but now that it is just my Dad, my SIL will be going to the appts (I live too far away) and if I have to I'll ask Dad to get me permission since Mom passed.
I really believe him being positive and keeping his sense of humor will really help him get thru whatever he needs to do.
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