FAQ file about warfarin???

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Karlynn and others put together an excellent sticky at this forum about warfarin/Coumadin.

How about another one -- a FAQ file with the most frequently asked questions we've seen here? One of the questions we get over and over is what to do in case you forget to take your warfarin.
A disclaimer could say that these are based on experiences of warfarin patients over a period of time. We could even pose the same questions to Jack Ansell, Al Lodwick and others for their educated answers, but also give a disclaimer that patients may also want to consult their medical practitioner.

Just a thought. Might help some people, particularly newbies.
Not a half bad idea. Would you like to be in charge of content? Pulling it all together etc? I gots my hands full with everything else. :)

Sure, I'll oversee this.

To all warfarin users:

Anyone who'd like to help me is invited to do so. PM me and I'll give you my e-mail addy. (You can get it through vr.com, but I'd like to recognize your addy as not being a virus or spam.)

What are the most frequently asked questions you can recall seeing here? (I'll also go back through the forum and find some) And I would like to find what has worked for veteran warfarin patients.
I will run the questions past ACT professionals to make sure our experiences are valid before getting back with Ross on results.

Thanks to all.
Thanks for doing this Marsha - I'll see if I can think of anything.

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