Fall racing season begins

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OK, so it was the worst I had ever seen, but wow, that one is awful, too! It's kind of funny how bad they are!

And we pay for these shirts!:(

Jack, I remember a race you ran earlier this year or last that also rewarded with a pie.....

You are an inspiration for all of us.....Good for you, the soreness as we runners know was worth it. :)
Correction: The trophy pie was for 2nd place of 6 in the 60-69 age group which made it taste even better. I got one other pie about this time last year. Different race and it was peach instead of apple. I gave that one away to my son and his GF. They stopped by yesterday afternoon too but this time they just got a piece. The rest is MINE, MINE, MINE!

Last year I also won some gift certificates for some stores I can't even remember. Gave them away too. Winning the trophy is the thrill, being called up before your peers and given a few cheers. Using or displaying it, who cares. In the past, I've also gotten a bag of raisins, a jar of honey, a plastic whistle and a can of prune juice.
Another weekend, another 5K race. No prizes this time though. I was third but they were only awarding the top 2 in each age group. The AGs were set on the 5s, i.e. 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, so I had to compete against some 59 yr old youngster.

This time I was a whole minute slower than the last couple 5Ks at 28:30, (9:11/mile). That's still better than anything I ran last year, so I have to be happy with it. I felt like I was running much harder than that, but I forgot to start my watch at the gun so had no mile split times feedback. I think the major effort last week on a hilly 7.1 miles was still hurting me.

Perhaps it's time to back off the racing for a couple weeks and rebuild my strength. I'm not committed to another one until Oct 31 in my daughter's small town. Going to run it with my son and his GF, two 20-somethings and I can outrun them both.
I ran another 5K today, Oct. 17. That's race #27 this year. I know I said I wouldn't but it was a really, really small one at my daughter's alma mater, so I went through the motions. A bit slower again, 29:08 this time, so my legs are definitely getting over-raced and tired. I most certainly won't run one next week since it's my wife's Bday and she is unreasonable when it comes to doing anything other than fawning over her on her day.
Ran a 5K this morning, Oct 31. The 29th race of the year and the 11th 5K. 28:18 for 2nd place 60+. That's more than a minute better than two weeks ago when I said I was feeling tired and over-raced. So I really needed to tone down both the racing and the training.

I was actually ahead of the guy who won my age group until mile 2 but I had started out a bit too fast doing the first mile in 8:35. I should have held back a bit and gone mano a mano with him the whole way. Instead I tried to put some distance on him from the start and burned out. Lesson learned: he beat me fair and square and I was happy with how I finished, so none. I like not learning lessons from races.

I won a nice high-tech fabric (that means polyester I think) vest which didn't fit me, but was good on my son. And my grandson, 4 1/2 yrs old, ran the 1 mile kids run in 12+ minutes. The torch has been passed to another generation.
Good job. You really racked up the races this year. No wonder you're getting faster. I ran a 5K this AM too, posted separately.
OK, here comes the biggie event on my annual agenda. I'm on the way out the door to run the Schenectady Stockade-athon 15K. This will be the 26th time in 32 years and I'm pumped. Everything has gone so well this year I can't fail. It's not whether, but how much better I'll do than last year. I'll let you know how it goes.
Hot damn, I live for this! I ran great today in the 15K, 1:36:06 (1:35:40 if you subtract the time to reach the starting line). That was 11 minutes faster than 08, which was 5 minutes faster than 07, which was 13 minutes faster than 06. That's about about 30 minutes improvement over 3 years and the best time I've run in this race since 1996. All in all, relatively one of the best performances I've had there in 32 years. I'm so pleased with myself, I can't stand it. One injury to report though. Sad to say, I hurt my rotator cuff patting myself on the back so vigorously.

The Schenectady, NY Stockade-athon is one tough cookie. Much harder than the mega-race 15K to our west, The Utica Boilermaker. There was a young hotshot from Colorado named Cabada who showed up telling the press he might break the course record. He's currently the American 25 Km record holder and may have seen the times for this one as "soft" and convinced himself he could better them. Not so fast. He ran well, maybe in the top 10 all-time but nowhere near a record.

The course is hilly and hilly where it hurts most. In short, the first half is largely down and the second half mostly up. I started well, running about 9:45 per mile for the first few and was still under 10 min/mi pace through 10K and only started to lose it on the hill at mile 7. The last two miles were a struggle but I knew I'd end up with a good time by then, so it didn't hurt as much as it might have. The 5K splits were 30:44, 31:16 & 34:07, losing about a minute per mile in the third 5K. Bear in mind I was still running 31 for 5K alone back in June.

I was also on a USA T&F age graded team that placed 1st. That was fun because one at this age and pace doesn't normally expect awards or trophies in races with over 1200 finishers. Not that it's worth anything more than bragging rights, but I can brag with the best of them, so it'll do. Just need to be careful with that rotator cuff.
Congratulations Jack, I can't tell how excited you are. ;) You go guy!:)
I just saw the final standings of the local club grand prix series. This is a big club, well over 2000 members. The GP has 12 races throughout the year and the 15k last Sunday was the final of the 09 series. To score at all you have to be in the age group top 10 of a race so there are plenty of races like this last one where I won't score a single point. But I managed to score in enough of them.

Final standings, 10th of 43 in the 60-69 AG, the first time ever that I came anywhere close to the top ten in any age group. And I've been running with the club since 1982. (In fact, I was the one who set up the GP series in it's current format in 1986.)

This was my third and least likely goal for the year, but I made all three, (8 minute mile, 27 minute 5K and top 10 Age Group) so the year is complete and I can close out the fall racing season with great satisfaction. Oh, I might run one or two more races before year end but they aren't ones I key on, just social events like the Turkey Trot.

You're getting me real excited about the thought of running again after 25 years. I hope to join the the sexygenarian class and pull out some wins too. THANKS!
You're getting me real excited about the thought of running again after 25 years.

It starts today Bill. A simple attitude adjustment now and the rest is merely a matter of putting in the miles. I never ran as well as you did back in the day and I'm sure you could again.