Hot damn, I live for this! I ran great today in the 15K, 1:36:06 (1:35:40 if you subtract the time to reach the starting line). That was 11 minutes faster than 08, which was 5 minutes faster than 07, which was 13 minutes faster than 06. That's about about 30 minutes improvement over 3 years and the best time I've run in this race since 1996. All in all, relatively one of the best performances I've had there in 32 years. I'm so pleased with myself, I can't stand it. One injury to report though. Sad to say, I hurt my rotator cuff patting myself on the back so vigorously.
The Schenectady, NY Stockade-athon is one tough cookie. Much harder than the mega-race 15K to our west, The Utica Boilermaker. There was a young hotshot from Colorado named Cabada who showed up telling the press he might break the course record. He's currently the American 25 Km record holder and may have seen the times for this one as "soft" and convinced himself he could better them. Not so fast. He ran well, maybe in the top 10 all-time but nowhere near a record.
The course is hilly and hilly where it hurts most. In short, the first half is largely down and the second half mostly up. I started well, running about 9:45 per mile for the first few and was still under 10 min/mi pace through 10K and only started to lose it on the hill at mile 7. The last two miles were a struggle but I knew I'd end up with a good time by then, so it didn't hurt as much as it might have. The 5K splits were 30:44, 31:16 & 34:07, losing about a minute per mile in the third 5K. Bear in mind I was still running 31 for 5K alone back in June.
I was also on a USA T&F age graded team that placed 1st. That was fun because one at this age and pace doesn't normally expect awards or trophies in races with over 1200 finishers. Not that it's worth anything more than bragging rights, but I can brag with the best of them, so it'll do. Just need to be careful with that rotator cuff.