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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Does having a bad aorta valve cause blurry eyes? I went to my onc today and he seemed to think it was my diabetes. I had waited to get my eyes tested until I had been on "Gleevec" (for CML) for at least seven months. I went Friday and got tested and got new glasses. I got tri-focals and everything is so blurry. It's driving me crazy! Crazier than usual that is! The onc also said to take my water pill (Dyazide) every day instead of just when I felt bloated.

I wondered if anyone else was having trouble with their eyes.

Love and God Bless, Glenda


I would guess he is right! This is not a game, unless you like being blind. DM is the number one cause of blindness. Having aortic problems is not!

I agree with Med,
A bad aortic valve shouldn't have any effect on your sight but the diabetes sure could cause that and a lot of other things.
Had my valve replaced about seven and half years ago but a recent eye exam showed that my vision prescription has stayed the same for the last twenty years.

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