Extended T-shirt Fundraiser

Valve Replacement Forums

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Out of respect for Billy (see post re: "Unapproved Valves...") I will hold t-shirt production for an additional week for those who OBJECT to having a St. Jude logo on the back of your t-shirts.

You can get a shirt with NO BACK PRINT. Please e-mail me: [email protected]
I got a question...

I got a question...

Are we being compensated for putting advertising on the back of the shirts? :confused: I don't wanna be hard to get along with...... BUT..

If not, I would rather not have the advertising there. I paid $12,000.00 for the St. Jude valve, I swallow a $100.00 worth of rat killer a week and I paid plenty of money for my protime machine. I don't think I need or want to do any free advertising for any of these businesses.

If they are willing to pay us lots of money...... my mind could be changed. :)

Just curious,
Your option

Your option

You still have time to have your shirt made WITHOUT any printing on the back.

I will indicate NO BACK PRINT on your order.

Since I ordered sweatshirts for me and hubby I did not have to decide about back logo. Just want to thank Perry for his hard work and sensitivity in this matter! GOOD JOB, Perry!!!



My curiousness gets me in trouble sometimes. :confused:

Perry, please understand I was NOT being critical. I sincerely appreciate all that you have done in bringing the t-shirt idea to reality. The design is absolutely wonderful!! I love it, I love it, I love it!!

Thank you. We owe you, big time. :)

My check is in today?s mail.

Rain, with a million questions. :eek:
Hi Perry,

I wanted to let you know I got the check in the mail for the t-shirt and sweatshirt this morning. I also am letting you know again, that I don't want the advertising on the back of the t-shirt. Rain has the right idea, why should we advertise for them? We certainly didn't receive a break on our valves. :rolleyes:
I want to Thank You Perry for making this all happen. You put a lot of hard work into this. I know it is deeply appreiated by all of us. This is great!
Dear Perry:

This is an interesting post. Gave it about 5 seconds thought, and although I recognize Billy and Elizabeths's issues are quite valid, I for one, am SO grateful that St. Jude enables my husbands heart to pump, although irregulary.

St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes. He is the forgotten apostle. After you have prayed to all of the others, then you fo to St. Jude.

I am hopeful that my poor memory serves me right. The founder of the company, St. Jude, had a child that was critically ill. He prayed to St. Jude for the childs recovery, promising that his company would be named after the patron saint. The child did recover, and today we have St. Jude's mechanical valves, pacemakers, etc. I for one don;t care what was paid for the valve.....when my husband went into surgery he couldn't walk 30 feet without stopping for a breath of air. He had to stop mid way on a flight of stairs. Today, he is so much better.....no where near perfect, as most of you know.....but so much better.

Thank you, St. Jude, for prayers answered.


PS - The story about the St. Jude company may be an urban legend.....but I like it. Heehee/
Bless you, Marybeth

Bless you, Marybeth

Others have said numerous times in these forums [and I agree], that surgery and an improved lifestyle post-surgery has shed new light on things that are important and unimportant to me. :)

Little things just don't seem to bother me anymore. I take the middle ground here with regards to "objections" about putting a St. Jude logo on the back of the t-shirts. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and freedom of speech reigns!

Anyway, I have received almost (70) t-shirt orders of which only (7) have specifically requested no logo printing on theirs. No problem for me.

There's still time to change your orders. Each person's shirt is like a single custom order to me. You really CAN have it your way!

Bless you back, Perry.

And, thank you for your time and efforts on Hanks behalf.

In so many ways, this site has helped me see things more clearly. On even this topic, the vision is cleared. You are correct, on this one, the middle road is probably the best place to be. Thanks for the insight.

And, I will repeat, thank you St. Jude, for prayers answered.

All or nothing!

All or nothing!

I feel I should remind everyone that the t-shirts can be be done with or without back printing. We can't take out any one specific logo-it's all or nothing. Sweatshirts will have no back print.

"Nothing" means you will have a shirt without the other logos which include: Q.A. Services, Warfarin.com, the Ross Procedure name, and a second vr.com logo with a different "Hankism" than the front.

I suggest you view the t-shirt designs on this website's front page and click on the back design photo to view a close-up version of the print. The choice is still yours, but the print on the backs can only be done as all or nothing.

Sure glad I don't have to ride my horse all the way to Vegas...

Sure glad I don't have to ride my horse all the way to Vegas...

Hello Marybeth,

I?m happy to hear your husband is doing well. I can relate. I was in pretty bad shape myself before my heart surgery. When my screwed up PCP finally decided I should see a cardio, the cardio said my heart wouldn?t even survive the surgery! Scary.

Needless to say, I was needing a valve replaced, big time! But I don?t wake up every morning and thank St. Jude for supplying it. I thank God, that?s who was looking out for my best interest. St. Jude would have charged me 20,000 instead of 12,000 if they thought they could get away with it... they?re in this to make money. And I don?t like getting scalped! I have two kids in college... I?m not interested in giving St. Jude the shirt off my back right now.

It?s not just St. Jude .... the first thing I do when I buy a new car is rip the dealer tag off of it. It irritates the heck out of me that you hand them $40,000 and they not only want, they EXPECT you to carry their advertising around on it. The salesmen look at you in horror when they see you removing their tags. Betcha St. Jude would just LOVE to hang a ?St. Jude? tag on each of us.

But STILL ........ whether or not the t-shirt has a logo on the back is not gonna stress me out. I was just curious if we were getting money from the businesses. Didn?t mean to cause a ruckus?!! Maybe I need ?nasty five? stamped on my forehead. :eek: lol

Hey Perry-
Is VR.com getting money from the logo people?
You know if Mike Jordan gets all that money to wear Nike's VR.com should get money for its people wearing the logo of St. Judes or whomever to help with the webhosting costs.

Companies that put their names on t-shirts for Race for the Cure or the Diabetes or Lukemia runs help defray the cost of the event/shirts. I don't mind advertising for a company but, what are we getting in return? or is this just free advertising?

Plus, I don't know about the rest of the VR.com people, but I'd like to see Hank, with the help of the rest of us, take VR.com in the same direction as Mended Hearts. I signed up with them after my surgery and have yet to hear word one from them. My feeling is they only care about the CABG patients. So I say phooey on them. Valve patients have a whole different set of troubles from the straight CABG folks. We need solidarity! This site has been so awesome and the people are so cool. Valve patients come in all ages and sizes and colors and everything we need our own stuff! We need to get the word out to other "undiscovered" valvers. Maybe hooking up with St. judes or Pro-time or CryoLife is not such a bad idea, each time someone gets one of their products, they get a packet that connects them with VR.com.
What do you guys think? The they pay VR.com a small "dues" fee and that money goes to webhosting and/or a quarterly newsletter.

Rain- I am down with you on the car dealer stickers, I rip them off right away, too. I don't know about the St. Judes thing, becoz I don't have one, but if CyroLife wanted me to get a tattoo that had their logo on it, I'd do it for a price. Hey, if Mike Jordan, and those guys get paid to wear sneakers, and now boxers have casino logos painted on their backs, why shouldn't we get paid to advertise for the medical companies. It could be a whole new endorsement program.
Hear! Hear!

Hear! Hear!

Well said Mara............

Let's not get too emotionally 'soft' over this issue. We must always remember that St. Jude and all valve manufacturers demand payment for their products, whether or not the products actually work efficiently or even work at all. They don't give anything away for nothing, so why should VR.com?

May I thank those kind and considerate folks on this forum who decided to leave their t-shirt backs bare as a mark of respect, it is deeply appreciated by myself and I'm sure by Elisabeth also.

We all owe Perry a big thank-you for his hard work in getting the idea to fruition.
To be like Mike!

To be like Mike!

All of your replies are very cool and much appreciated.

Hank and I have briefly discussed (via e-mails) the idea of pursuing corporate sponsorships (especially for the reunions), but I think we both came to the realization that that is a tough job for anybody to do. I even downloaded 9 steps on how to go about doing it, but I, personally am not the right type of person or have the talent/personality for the job. I did send letters and was rejected by the American Heart Association, Bristol Myers, etc. I got bummed out real fast. The 9 steps say phone calls and follow ups are necessary to succeed. Well, I didn't have time to mess with it any further, so the final approach for the t-shirt design was free advertising as I think is the case on Hank's website. I don't believe Hank gets compensated from the company's that are listed on the site. They are listed primarily as references for people. St. Jude does link vr.com on their website, but getting any funds out of them is a different kind of art that I just can't do.

Besides, Hank owns the site and we are merely guests. It is his to do with what he feels appropriate. We all love it and surely enjoy the comraderie, but none of us are "board members" or anything like that so we can only depend on Hank to drive it the way he feels fit. The site is also still FREE and us "members" volunteer to pay what we feel is appropriate.

I was in the Mended Hearts. I quit because very few could relate to a double clicker like me. And, they are so strict on their internet guidelines that if our posts were used in their world, we would find ourselves getting "kicked out of the club!" They also require yearly dues AND require training on how to properly use the internet and do person to person visitations. Phew!

I enjoy the freedom of vr.com and like it just the way it is. The Reunion is probably the most appropriate place to bring any organizational suggestions to the table and discuss in further detail with Hank. He's a good listener.

In the meantime, "free advertising" will go on the majority of the shirts. Who knows, maybe someday, someone will send one to a CEO and he will gladly open the corporate check book as a thank you for it.

However, shouldn't we all step back a moment and think about Al Lodwick (warfarin.com). Doesn't he deserve the advertising for his services by helping all the Coumadiner's here? That's compensation enough for me!

Q.A. Services is another vr.com "sponsor" that you will deny if you choose no back print. From what I read in Zipper's posts, they are wonderful to work with. I just learned today that my Cardiologist has signed my "prescription" for a Protime machine and mailing it to Q.A. Services for me. I am looking forward to the next steps with Q.A. Services. Their linked website provided a simple PDF with the forms I needed to accomplish this. I appreciate that. Yes, it is a major purchase, and they will profit, but I think the support thereafter will be my biggest thank you to them. Hank also owns/uses one of their machines. Do you think he'd drop them for not being a paying sponsor of his website? Maybe they do and we are not aware of it. Again I remind you, it's Hank's business.

So that really only leaves St. Jude that is getting a totally free ride with the "advertising" on the back of the shirts. I can't relate to a Michael Jordan comparison because he pays people big bucks to make sure his spondors are kept in line.

I think Hank would gladly accept volunteers to go after corporate sponsors so he could be like Mike!

God Bless.
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I know it's Hank's business. I just want to make sure Hank is getting what he needs. I agree that Al Lodwick deserves the advertising. He has been more than generous to folks on here.

I guess my concern is that Hank not get short changed by anyone. I am happy to pay my share to Hank for the webhosting costs. My ideas to pursue other avenues of revenue and/or corporate sponsorship are purely on behalf of Hank's financial well-being and the survival of VR.com. We all owe Hank a huge debt.

I suppose, though, that any corporation that might sign on to sponsor would want a say in how VR.com is run. Then Hank would lose his autonomy, and we'd be forced into a situation we dont' want.

It's a tough situation. I feel for our pals Billy and Elisabeth, and cannot begin to comprehend their loss, but at the same time feel that these bio-med companies have done a lot to help us all, even if it is indirect help.

Perry, thanks for keeping me on the level.
back on track

back on track

Here's the latest tally:

69 original commitments.
31 paid in full.
9 requests for no "advertising" on their t-shirts.

There's one more week to go.
I'm still reeling in stragglers with new orders but it's not a problem.

Cut-off is Friday, May 24!

Pre-production of the shirts begins right after Memorial Day.

I will send one more e-mail reminder to those who still owe.

I expected some to back out, but I guess we're doing ok with nearly a 50% return.

Thanks again. It's been a pleasure doing this for Hank and you all.

Dear Perry - you have given so much in this site and you still do. I want to add my thanks to you, as well. What you volunteered to do has taken much of your time and thought and it is so much appreciated.

Vegas..treat Perry ?

Vegas..treat Perry ?

Gee, I don't know if I'll make it there...BUT..lol...I think everyone who is should but Perry a drink for all his hard work...Ya think???? Ditto for Hank, and Al....just as a small show of appreciation. Also a couple of strong guys to carry them to their rooms...LOLFOF!

Zipper *~*


Hey der Mara,

Love the little animated Hampster dudette! Did you import it or is that a stock icon?

Billy has been asked to shoot people Avatar's at the Reunion. Be sure to get in line, because we don't want to assume for too long that you're a Hampster! It (she?) is a cutey! nyuk, nyul, nyuk.