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Hey der Perry-
My hamster is an import from a hamster message board. We have two hamsters and really like them a lot. They are great pets for apartment dwellers, but they are anxiously awaiting their move to their new house.
I know that hamsters are rodents, but they really have their own personalities and are very tame. Minnie is kind of bossy and has to take all her food immediately into her nest to sleep on it. Goldie is happy to take some of the food away and leave the rest in her dish for later. Plus they are so cute and sweet. Minnie likes to be petted, but Goldie only tolerates it for a short while until she wants down and wants to play in her hanster ball or in the maze.

More than you wanted to know about hamsters right?
My 2 Cents

My 2 Cents

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Hey Mara

Upon visiting the vet recently. I did not realize how much personality 'rodents' really have.

Seriously, there was a woman who brought in this really disgusting looking pregnant rat. It wasn't until she was there for a while and we had the opportunity to watch....that I realized how cool they really were.

It was responding to her commands like a dog! Couldn't believe it. She even wanted a little pet on the top of her head.

I would do hamster. Rats are still another story. Maybe it's the beady eyes and long tail.:eek:
When my youngest daughter was a young teen someone gave her a white mouse. Turned out to be pregnant - then they had babies - then they had babies - then they - well, you know. We made her get rid of all of them except one - who turned out to be, you guessed it - pregnant. Her room had begun to STINK but she's an animal lover so we made her get rid of them all - again, and keep one. She kept it in her headboard (that's when we had those headboards that you could slide the compartments closed). It ate through. Can't remember how we finally rid ourselves of that mouse. Maybe her dad flushed it. Hate mice.
I met some people who have rats as pets and love them. They say that rats are very friendly and social, like dogs, and easy to train. Hamsters are pretty solitary. We have two and they have separate cages because they will fight each other.
Rats and ferrets are supposed to be among these most outgoing and easy to tame of all rodents.

Hensylee- I used to work with mice at a wildlife rehab center (the mice were food for injured raptors), anyway baby mice are very sweet and easy to tame, and can also be very social. All rodents smell, there's no getting around that! but, there are a lot of really good cleaning/deodorizing products out now that make it easy to keep the smells down.
I met a girl who has a pet skunk and a pet prairie dog! talk abot smelly! p-u-.
Think I will stick to cats/dogs. Acquired a new family member this morning. She is an orange kitten that someone dumped off, my sister rescued 3 of the litter, took one home and showed it to me this a.m. Well she was headed for the pound and I just couldn't.......So she has a vet appt this afternoon! All 4 other animals in this household are not speaking to ANYBODY. Most folks round these parts have a field mouse problem, but not if there are pets around - so, knock on wood, I have never had a mouse within acres or my house.

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