Ever seen an Iceberg from top to bottom?

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
This is awesome! This came from a Rig Manager for Global Marine
Drilling in St.Johns, Newfoundland. They actually have to divert
the path of these things away from the rig by towing them with ships!
Anyway, in this particular case the water was calm &the sun was
almost directly overhead so that the diver was able to get into
the water and click this pic. Clear water huh?! They estimated the
weight at 300,000,000 tons. And now we also know why they say
one picture is worth 1000 words....
.....And now we also know why Titanic Sank!
Ever seen an Iceberg from top to bottom?

Absolutely awe inspiring!!!
I have seen icebergs before ( in Newfoundland and was aware of the immense size underwater.......BUT to actually see it!!

a marvellous picture Christina, thanks so very much

jackc (Welland)
Aww, Rossy, why'd ya have to go and spoil the fun??? :mad: Christina - it is a great shot, whether the attached story is entirely true or not. Keep posting 'em! :)

I don't mean to be a kill joy, it just worked out that way. Me sorry, me like picture too anyway. :eek:
Dear Ross,

How can I ever get upset with you! It's just the way it worked out. I had no idea, but it's an awesome picture anyways. No idea why the picture on the forum didn't turn out as well. The picture I copied it from was perfect.
I have seen icebergs from up close when I traveled from Holland to Canada by boat long time ago. It is an awesome sight, and they are big. I also saw a hurd of whales. That also was neat.
Awesome Christina. If you have a moment, please email your photo to me! Tell your friend that is National Geographic material!

Christina I replaced your attachment with another one, hope your not upset by my doing so.

No, I don't mind you replacing the picture. I need all the help I can get. :D :D

Gina, I don't have the picture anymore. Deleted it since Ross was so nice to replace it for me with a better one.
If you want the picture, go to the following URL. Ross was so nice to find that for me. Thanks Ross. What would we do without you!


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