EvA's Post Surgery Status

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California
Dear Friends,

Eva has just had a very successful aortic and mitral valve replacement with 2 St. Jude's mechanical valves. Both valves replaced showed major calcification due to Rheumatic Fever damage and their closed state showed gaping holes. The surgeon also closed off a left atrial appendage to preclude possible clots. Surgery prep started at 7:30 AM and surgery ended at 3:00 pm. She was in the ICU by 5:00 pm. Her surgeon and attending physicians are very happy and consider the surgery a success! At 6:00 pm the nurse had removed the tube from her mouth and she was breathing on her own. She was dying for a drink (anything) and for a lot of pain relief. The surgeon came to visit her and was drinking a Dr. Pepper. She begged for a sip but he could not let her have any liquids yet. The nurse plans to get her to sit up and stand then walk tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes.

Eva's Husband.:):):)
I am so glad she is doing great. Tell her to eat alot of ice chips. That helps some till she can actually have fluids. They will help monitor the pain and she should feel alot better soon. I can't believe they will have her sitting up tomorrow that is just great. Thank you so much for posting I have been thinking and praying for her though-out the day. Tell her we look forward to hearing about everything when she is able. You take care of yourself too and get some rest!!
Thanks again for posting,
That's great news- thanks for posting and please extend our best wishes for a speedy and uneventful recovery!
Im Glad Eva's surgery went well. Im having mine on the 24th of this month. Im scared but iknow we have a better technology and support here. Which keep us going!!! Ill be praying for her fast recovery. Keep us posted my husband will be doing the same thing you do your a good husband.
Sooooo glad to hear that Eva had a successful double-valve implant! She remains in my prayers & I hope that she can go home soon!

Please give her my best when you talk to her & tell her I'm waiting to hear all about it when she home & up to posting!

Thank you too for keeping us informed on her progress!
Wonderful news! Thank you so much for posting.

Keep a close eye on her and be her best advocate these next few days. Hospitals can be busy....keep a watchful eye and listen to her!

Best wishes!

Wow! two! She's a real trooper, and I'm glad she came through well. Sitting up today, maybe so (I did, but was dreading trying to get back to bed). Walking, now, that would really be something.
Wishing Eva a quick recovery.
WOW! This is all fantastic news!
To have the breathing tube removed 1 hour after being in ICU, amazing.

Now dear Husband thanks for posting and try to get some rest and eat; and Eva, take it one day at a time.

God Bless
Hey! Congratulations for Eva and for you for the time you spent in the waiting room. Hope both you recover well. Good Luck!!
Way to go Eva!!!!! Great news
Prayers out for a speedy recovery

zipper2 (DEB)
That is great news. I will continue to pray for her that her recovery remains smooth and uneventful. Thank you so much for posting!
thanks for taking the time to post the good news. Wishes for a smooth and boring recovery. Now, you get some rest, too, I am sure you were pacing the floor the whole time she was in OR, you need to be good and kind to you, too.

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