Welcome to the forum, Bill. Good luck!
Might I qualify since my next birthday is the 80th one and had an AVR at age 55 and been on warfarin for 23 yrs now with absolutely no problems, even small ones. Two years ago, I signed on the dotted line to join a trial for Abbott Labs Tendyne mitral valve which also went south. I had 4 Cardiothorasic surgeons in my room pre-surgery answering my many questions - this was a mitral valve trial. Both valves are fine, I have been home testing warfarin since Dec. 1999. Best Wishes!Hi @morellib , I would take this
and add to it the following "frame of reference" for your analysis:
how long do you anticipate living for (all things being equal).
Because you don't want to find yourself in need of a surgical OHS type intervention 10 years from now when the valve in valve of the TAVI is at end of life.
remember, each time you insert something into a hole the hole becomes smaller (which is why I prefer to think of TAVI not R which implies replacement which may be a false premise.
Myself I'd have a good hard look at a Inspiris Resilia or even perhaps a St Jude mechanical depending on what you think are the probabilities that you'll need AntiCoagulation Therapy anyway in later years.
We indeed have 80 year olds on ACT here and probably the most common finding of people who start ACT is "wow, its nothing like I feared it would be".
I'll again recommend my above blog post to you.
Best Wishes
hey, since pretty much the start!I have been home testing warfarin since Dec. 1999. Best Wishes!
...and for what it's worth I think that's an excellent choice for your parameters.I’m one week post SAVR with a 25mm Edwards Inspiris Resilia
excellent ... keep up the good work and soon it'll be in your rear vision mirrorGetting home I found that rigorously focusing on doing what they told you to do like breathing exercises, logging your BP, HR, weight, etc., and walking was my job and kept me in a positive mindset that allowed me to take pride in each incremental piece of recovery