ER visit & question about Lopressor

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Hi all,

I just got back from spending the afternoon in the ER. I woke up this morning very dizzy, lightheaded, felt like I was going to pass out, heart pounding and very fast, MAJOR heartburn-like pain and SOB. I went to work thinking it would go away - yeah, right.:rolleyes: :eek: :(

Called my cardio around noon and, of course, he is out of town. However, his nurse did talk to me and relayed my symptoms to the cardio covering for him. That cardio called me back within a few minutes and strongly suggested the visit to the ER. He said many women have heartburn-like pain with attacks.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Anyway, they found I was in a-fib (not a surprise as it is constant), my HR was over 140, and very "poundy". My BP was 147/94 (my normal is 115/75). They did a bunch of bloodwork and found a slightly elevated WBC but nothing scary.

I was given a disgusting "cocktail" of 2 types of antacids mixed with a local anesthestic. This was to determine if the heartburn was heartburn or heart pain. The pain went away so they decided it was acid reflux from a major flare up of the GERD I have. Gave me some Pepcid via the IV line and the pain was gone (and still is).

They also gave me Lopressor via the IV line. They were able to get my HR down to 83 and my BP down to 121/80. My SOB disappeared and I was feeling much, much better. I was released with orders to see my cardio about continuing the Lopressor.

Sorry it took so long to get to my question but I would love some input as to anyone's experiences with Lopressor. Any side effects or long-term problems? I did have a bit of a headache after the injections but I am not sure what I can blame that on or if it was from not eating or stress.:rolleyes:

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks for listening.
Hey GeeBee...

Hey GeeBee...

Nathan was on Lopressor a few years ago, 2002 I think. Don't remember the dosage, but didn't tolerate it. We can't remember specifically why, but he ran through a series of BP meds until he found the right one( 10mg BID post op, 20 mg BID pre op). He had a hard time with the others usually due to vertigo.

Glad to hear you went and got things checked out! Naughty tummy, but that GERD can sure be a bugger sometimes! Take care Geebee,
I'm glad you went to the ER. I'm even happier that it wasn't heart related.:)
Scary Gina -

Scary Gina -

like Mark asked, how are you doing now?

Do you know how GERD is related to valve disease? I would sure like to know. I have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and GERD this past April and never had it before. Nancy said the two often are related.

Have your doctors talked with you about the correlation?

Glad it was not your heart and that you were fixed up! :)

Christina L
Hi Gina!

Hi Gina!

I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day. It least you are feeling better now and things are under control.
I believe Lopressor and Toprol are the same types of meds. I was on Lopressor while I was in the hospital for my surgery but once discharged they put me on Toprol. I didn't have any problems with either but I have heard some that say it can make you tired, sluggish and dizzy or lightheaded. A lot depends on the dose they have you on. Everyone reacts differently to drugs. What works for one doesn't work for the other. I hope you don't have any issues with the Lopressor.
I had a terrible reaction to Procardia. Not a drug I ever want to go near again. It is a Calcium Channel Blocker. I don't respond well to Calcium Channel Blockers, especially Procardia. Beta Blockers like Toprol, Atenalol etc.....always seem to work best with me.
Please let us know how you continue to do with the Lopressor.
Glad you are home and feeling better.

Take Care!
Hi Gina,
So glad it turned out to be acid reflex and not heart related- must have been scary!:eek: Dick has been on Lopressor since the replacement- 50mg/twice a day and now 25/mg twice a day since June. He has had no side effects at all.
Thanks to all. I am feeling pretty good but I can tell that the Lopressor is wearing off because my HR is starting to go back up. Obvisously it works and I didn't seem to have any problems but sometimes problems show up after awhile.

I am really tired tho as you all know how wearing the ER can be. I think I will skip working tomorrow and concentrate on getting the meds I need. I got a prescription for Prevacid from the ER doctor for the GERD but I think I will wait and talk to my cardio before starting it. Up til now I have been taking Zantac and chewing Tums. It worked pretty well until this morning. Don't know what happened during the night.;) ;) Maybe the aliens stole my body and fed me spicy foods.:D

Overall, things turned out good. Nothing that can't be fixed and that's all that counts.


Hi, sorry you had such a scary day. Glad things have worked out and hope you have a good night and get some sleep. Lopressor can cause fatigue, sluggishness, depression, low BP. There may be another drug that your cardio would prefer. Some of the Beta blockers have fewer side effects than others.
Personally I prefer Prevacid to Zantac but you may need something like Protonix or Nexium.
Take care.
Lopressor and Prevacid

Lopressor and Prevacid

I have taken and take both prescriptions. The Lopressor did make me very tired and sluggish. I do have CHF and it did make the CHF worse. I started on Prevacid last year about this same time for bleeding ulcers and GERD. The ulcers were taken care of but the Prevacid is one med I would never ever go off. I tried Prilosec in the hospital a couple of months ago and sent my husband home to get the Prevacid. I am going to do an upper GI next month to see if the ulcers have returned, darn things do let you know when they are lurking. The Lopressor did give me headaches to. There is such a multitude of meds for BP you just have to find what works for you. Did they get the afib under control? If you ever need to get into a lengthly discussion about afib let me know.
I take Toprol now, but years ago was on Lopressor w/no problems.

So sorry you had such a scary day. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Hi Gina:

Sorry you had such a crummy day, but at least they figured out what was going on and gave you a good temporary fix. I'll be hoping you get a more permanent fix tomorrow and get the chance to do some extra snoozing during the day.

Take care.

I don't have any answers for you, sorry, but just thought I'd share that you and I had a "shared experience" today ... the ER.

About 7:30p (Chicago time, that is) I began having a severe pain in my stomach. I had had similar pains last Tuesday (the Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving)...and took Prevacid, per my PCP. Took the same medication tonight...but it wasn't going away. Went to the ER. They did some Xrays and took blood work...nothing...absolutely nothing. So, I'm home...and will be calling my PCP for a follow-up appointment tomorrow.

What fun...and more ways than one :(.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"It's coming down to nothing more than apathy" ... The Fray ... 'Over My Head'
My GI Doc told me that Pepcid works well on some process that occurs at night so he recommends taking Pepcid before bed. He would also likes Nexium in the morning if you can afford it, otherwise Prilosec which is less expensive.
I was on Toprol for several years. Cardio #1 wanted me on 100 mg which made me pretty lethargic. Cardio #2 had me cut the dose in half for two weeks which was quite a relief. Then cut it in half again for two weeks. Not much difference. Finally, he had me go cold turkey and my arrhythmias returned. Back to 25 mg of Toprol XL (time released version) which worked quite well with no discernable side effects for several years.

It sounds like you are having as much fun trying to keep your balance on your 'medical tight rope' as I do. :D

'AL Capshaw'

I am so sorry we were ER cohorts today. It is an awful way to spend time. At least this time they actually did some good for me. I hope you feel better soon.


My meds have been pretty consistent for a number of years. I guess it was inevitable that the balance would mess up sometime. You are right, I am going to have to make some decisions about that tightrope. At least I have a few choices. Sounds like I will need to discuss Toprol with my cardio as it seems like it might be a little less disruptive to daily living.;)

I'm sorry, too :(. Luckily, I wasn't there all that long ... from about 8:20p until about 10:30p.... Still...aye.

When I told my PCP last week about the pains...he thought they might be stress-related. I didn't think they were, but now, well, maybe they are. I'm not _stressed_ per se...just do not like my job...and a bit frustrated with some other "boring" issues.....


And, thank you.
Now you two have got to cut this out!!!!

Now you two have got to cut this out!!!!

I'll have no more of this. Gina, you scared me to death when I read the first part of your thread................I am so glad that things turned out well for both of you..................but my two cents:

Cort, you would not believe the studies showing the strong correlation between stress and all sorts of physical ailments. ONe of our teachers who retired last year comes back to sub occasionally when we beg her, and she looks ten years younger and says she feels better than she has in a long, long time. So please figure out what is stressing you out, figure out what you can change - and change it - and just try to let the rest not get to you so much.................I know, I know, easier said than done, preaching to the choir here. Ya have my love. (((hugs))) J.

Gina, you know I can't answer your question.............if you would just ask something simpler once in a while, like, "HOw long does it take Katie to completely dismantle a room?" then I could easily answer "5 minutes - tops!" :D Please, please follow up on that escalated heart rate. We need you here round these parts. Do follow up and get your meds tomorrow and rest, rest, rest...............cuz I'm shipping Katie your way next week. heehee! :D Much love and many hugs. J.

P.S. Putting you both in my prayers and keep us posted. J.

Glad you're feeling better now. I hope that new meds will do the trick. There's nothing scarier than having to go to the ER - that alone creates a tremendous amount of stress. Last time I went thay did give me warm blankets though :) .


Happy to hear there's nothing serious - but stress comes in many different forms. Best of luck resolving those issues.


It sounds like you had a heck of a day! And yes, it is draining to go to the ER, emotionally.

My husband has GERD, starting about a week or so after he was diagnosed as being in CHF. He takes Prevacid twice a day, morning and at night. He tries not to eat after 6:30PM, and that helps a bit, but ,many, many nights he sleeps with four or five pillows.

He also went to ER about 5 weeks ago now. He is also in chronic a-fib, which has been controlled by atenenol, another beta blocker, for the four years since his surgery. (He was on Toprol prior to surgery). His BP when we got to the hospital was 160 over 120....way way too high for him. I cannot recall his HR. The Dr's medicated him, and got everything under control, after a day or so.

His cardio has increased his atenenol. That seems to have done the job, as he hasn't experienced the high BP or HR since then. His cardio says that recently a number of his patients have had to increase their beta blockers, and he has no explanation for it.

I relate this only to let you know that others have gone through very similar circumstances, and sometimes tweaking meds can make a huge difference.

I wish you the best in working with your Dr. to get you back on track, ready for the holiday season. God bless you.
Hi Gina. Your episode seems eerily similar to a few I've had. I'm on the prevacid solutabs for GERD and a bleeding ulcer (which has healed and of course no longer bleeding). I haven't been on Lopressor so I have no help for you there but as for myself, if I don't feel well then my b/p and pulse go up as a RESULT. I hate to start a new medication for something that will resolve on its own when the temporary condition improves. If you need it then of course take it.

I sure hope you stay well........and you too Cort! I HATE ER visits. I understand why all the cardiac work-up is done and don't fault the staff for it but the visits are never short and are never cheap. I'm hoping this year to get through the winter uninterrupted by one.