ER visit & question about Lopressor

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Gina, Sorry about your unpleasant episode. I can chime in about Lopressor; I took it for a few years. It helped symptoms I was having attributed by then cardio to MVP, but the longer I took it I got more and more tired and sluggish. So, concur with those with that experience. But, as in Karlynn's case, not everyone has that problem. If you end up on it I hope you tolerate it well.

Also, Cort I hope you are doing better.

We don't need our family members ill at Christmas time!!



I visited my cardio today and we decided to stick with my current meds but add Pepcid as Previcid is way too expensive. Since the Pepcid helped yesterday he thinks it may be enough.

He is banking on the HR increase being caused by the stress of the GERD pain since my HR was at 85 today (fairly normal for me). We will try the Lopressor or Toprol if things get out of control again.

So, we will wait and see but I am pretty much OK with not changing too much right now.

Thanks for all the good wishes and information.
Glad to read this Gina and hoping the simplest solution is the best for you!
Hi Gina,

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Jeff is on Lopresser and he doesn't have any problems with it that I am aware of ( and being a man I am sure I would hear about it if there were problems:rolleyes: :p ). If you do need to take it again, feel free to email him with any questions. He is on Lotension and Lopresser, not sure on spellings. He takes one of them once a day and the other twice a day but I am not sure which is which.


I hope that you are feeling better also. Unfortunatly, not liking one's job can be more taxing and stressful that you realize. I hope you are able to find a job you like better.

Wishing you both and all the VR members HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Hi Gina,

So sorry to hear about your ER adventure but thankfully it was not a cardio one. It was very good that you went to the ER even though it is always such an exhausting & overwhelming experience.

I don't have any experience with Lopressor but definitely with GERD and a GERD attack mimicking a heart episode. I was admitted to the hopsital and kept under observation for 24 hours in Feb 04 because of one. An upper endoscopy uncovered Grade B erosive esophagitis. I take Protonix before breakfast & supper and prescription Pepcid before bed to keep my acid reflux under control. Do take care of your heartburn and reflux because you do not want your esophagus to become damaged.

Hope you have a restful weekend and feel tip-top real soon!


P.S. Cort - So sorry you had to visit the ER as well. I wish you a peaceful weekend and hope you can de-stress a little. It's tough when your job plays such havoc with your life and unfortunately our jobs play such a big role in our lives.
I'm sorry to hear that both of you were in the ER. Not a good place to be, but better than being admitted, I suppose.

I'm curious. I suffered from severe heart-burn a couple of months ago, late at night and it really scared me. My wife was getting ready to take me to the ER, but we we called my Insur. Co. hot-line, I took something and it subsided. QUESTION: IS heartburn a common side-effect for valve problems, the meds many of us are on, or is it just a coincidence so many suffer from it?
INRtest said:
I'm sorry to hear that both of you were in the ER. Not a good place to be, but better than being admitted, I suppose.

I'm curious. I suffered from severe heart-burn a couple of months ago, late at night and it really scared me. My wife was getting ready to take me to the ER, but we we called my Insur. Co. hot-line, I took something and it subsided. QUESTION: IS heartburn a common side-effect for valve problems, the meds many of us are on, or is it just a coincidence so many suffer from it?
I am not sure if there is any medical "proof" but I am convinced my GERD is a result of my valve surgeries. I never had problems until right after my first surgery. I often thought it was the coumadin because that was the only new med for me after my OHS. Of course, that is my personal opinion and I have never looked it up as a side effect of coumadin. Maybe I should so I will know for sure. However, GERD and heartburn seem to be very prevalent in valve patients. I think I will start a poll to get some more info.
Geez, I'm in Wisconsin for the weekend, get on my brother's computer to check the boards, and both you, Gina and Cort, are taking trips to the ER. Don't go scaring us like that. Gina, I hope you get your meds straightened out so your heartrate will go down. Please keep us informed as to how you're doing. You too, Cort.
Pain, though not as severe, kept me home Friday, too. I went to see my PCP, who ordered a CT Scan that afternoon. The results were, of course, inconclusive, except for some "gunk" in my gallbladder. So, Saturday morning, they did an ultrasound on the gallbladder and pancreas. Results to come soon, I hope. I'm tired of this pain...and I'm tired of the costs (both medical and not paid for not being at work, among others) involved here....

Thanks for your thoughts/prayers....

[sorry this is short...just trying to "catch up" on all of my boards....]
Just a quick update/explanation as to why I haven't posted/been online much the last few days....

Results of the ultrasound were rather "inconclusive".... They showed a couple stones in the gallbladder, but nothing that my PCP thought would be "big" enough to cause the pain I'm experiencing.


So...hopefully today, they'll be doing a "hydascan" (er, I think that's how it is spelled) to isolate the gallbladder to see if that is indeed the pain culprit...and then go from there. I'm getting really tired of this on again/off again type of pain ... I never know when it'll hit...and I can barely eat anything..... On top of that, I'm getting a wee bit worried about my job ... have called my supervisor and her boss (my manager) a few times, with no response from either of them. So...don't know if I'll have a job to go back to....and, of course, I'm not getting paid for the last 4 days...and who knows how many more going losing money.

Plus, Gramps is not doing well now. And, a few other things "on my plate" as it were....

Aye.... Nutshell...getting slightly scared....
knightfan2691 said:
Just a quick update/explanation as to why I haven't posted/been online much the last few days....

Results of the ultrasound were rather "inconclusive".... They showed a couple stones in the gallbladder, but nothing that my PCP thought would be "big" enough to cause the pain I'm experiencing.


So...hopefully today, they'll be doing a "hydascan" (er, I think that's how it is spelled) to isolate the gallbladder to see if that is indeed the pain culprit...and then go from there. I'm getting really tired of this on again/off again type of pain ... I never know when it'll hit...and I can barely eat anything..... On top of that, I'm getting a wee bit worried about my job ... have called my supervisor and her boss (my manager) a few times, with no response from either of them. So...don't know if I'll have a job to go back to....and, of course, I'm not getting paid for the last 4 days...and who knows how many more going losing money.

Plus, Gramps is not doing well now. And, a few other things "on my plate" as it were....

Aye.... Nutshell...getting slightly scared....

Sorry to hear about all of your problems crashing in on you. I pray that they find the source of your pain soon. I've seen people lose their jobs because they were ill, and it is pathetic for employers to treat someone that way. I hope all goes well there. Will be send prayers for gramps too. Hang in there.


I hope things are going a little better today. Pain can be very wearing especially when you have the stress of job issues too. I am very lucky as both the companies I work for are being very gracious about me being out a few days (went back to one job yesterday but too tired to go to the other one today:( ). I keep getting emails telling me how concerned they are and they just want me to get better so they can have me back.

I will pray that you have some understanding folks at your workplace and all goes well. Let us know what happened with your test.
Thanks Gina and Wise for the thoughts/prayers.


Test today went long...they never really explained why. But, according to my PCP, they were "inconclusive" results. Thus...have to go see a specialist. In the meantime, gotta home I can get ahold of someone at work tomorrow....

Aye. I am sick of this entire "episode" :(.

Really sorry that you are still feeling miserable and worse yet have no answers.

I'm assuming you are going to see a Gastroenterologist - that's good; hopefully he/she can help, however, let me warn you that GI disorders are sometimes hard to pinpoint since the symptoms oftentimes overlap. (I've been seeing a GI since Feb05 for both upper and lower digestive problems - IBS, "insignificant" gallstones, GERD which caused erosive esophagitis and now an unknown lesion on my liver). Unfortunately stress does play a big role in causing digestive woes so you may have a functional problem that is being aggravated by stress. Try to eat bland and low fat foods to ease the discomfort. You might want to keep a journal of what you eat and do and what pain you have and when. Sometimes that helps to know what is triggering the pain.

I really hope someone shows you some concern at work.

Take Care!

Thank you!

I think that's probably why my PCP is so stumped ... as he mentioned to me offhandedly the other day, none of the systems I'm having points to one thing. I think this is why several people are starting to think that it is stress more than anything.


I just want to be able to eat again....he he heh.

Yes, I will be seeing a Gastroenterologist.... In fact, I was talking with my PCP's office this morning about setting up that appointment today or tomorrow...when my manager at work called. Course, I didn't get to the phoen in time, but he left a message indicating that they are preparing documentations for short-term disability. So, that is good. Problem is...well, they know I'm not happy in that particular job. So, I may still be screwed. Just my luck.


Ah, well ... we'll see what happens.

BTW, can they give medication to help with that I can eat again? Just wondering outloud, I guess.....sorry.


Problem is ... the pain is quite delayed. For instance, the Thursday night I went to the ER...the pain didn't come on until 2 hours after I ate..... Well....enough for now...we'll see what happens.... :(.
Cort I am sorry you are going thru so much. I'm glad they are filling out the short term disability forms, so you won't have to worry as much about your job and money tho. I'm just curious, do you have any close family near you for emotional support and hugs? I keep thinking of Just when I read everything you go thru and it makes me so sad for all of you guys, Lyn
Hi Gina,
I've been on Lopressor since my surgery--they decreased the dose for a while I was taking the Sotalol, but I'm back up to 50 mg twice a day. I also take lotensin 5 mg at night. I get a little head rush now and then if I'm bending over and stand up quickly, but other than that, no problems. My heartrate runs around 70-80, every once in a while I notice poundiness but only if I'd had alot of caffeine.
Glad you're feeling better.

Yes...actually, I'm still living with my parents...for better or worse.... Heh...maybe that is the problem right there ;). He he he

And, my sister and her husband live a mile away with my aunt and her husband about the same distance....

So, yes, I have plenty of family around to support me. Just not that very many friends. I have tons of friends all over the United States...just not many here in Illinois that are close in age or close in distance.

Ah, well....

I go see the specialist tomorrow (Friday). I just want to be able to eat again. Everytime I get hungry, I think of pizza, spaghetti, cheeseburger, or even a simple bologny sandwich. Yum. But, then, I get nautious just eating the jello I made....heh.

*shakes head*
knightfan2691 said:

Yes...actually, I'm still living with my parents...for better or worse.... Heh...maybe that is the problem right there ;). He he he

And, my sister and her husband live a mile away with my aunt and her husband about the same distance....

So, yes, I have plenty of family around to support me. Just not that very many friends. I have tons of friends all over the United States...just not many here in Illinois that are close in age or close in distance.

Ah, well....

I go see the specialist tomorrow (Friday). I just want to be able to eat again. Everytime I get hungry, I think of pizza, spaghetti, cheeseburger, or even a simple bologny sandwich. Yum. But, then, I get nautious just eating the jello I made....heh.

*shakes head*

Cort, I just hate to hear you still aren't feeling well. Take care of yourself and let us know what the specialist tells you. I know what you mean about friends though. I have family, a neighbor, a few close friends at church but other than that my friends all live far away....probably comes from moving about the country. I'm looking at two wedding invitations right by my from Boston and the other from Florida. I've also got my VR family too of which you are a part.

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