Thanks for updating us. Sounds like a very long day. So how was having the echo?
the echo was a piece of cake. I watched it on her monitor - every now and then she would measure. The heart showed a hole opening and sort of closing (looked like). The gel was not warmed! It was cold and really messy. Why do they make us wipe it off when we can't see where they put it, but they can see it and would have it off in a sec. they just give you a couple bath cloths (dry) and say 'have at it'. That's what I meant about it being 'mechanical' - not a personal experience, one to one. But all the tests were really easy and I was not tired when all was said and done. Daughter and I went to lunch and than shopped a little bit. Fun experience.
well, gee. no information yet. they told me the dr would be in touch in 2 or 3 days. yesterday was the 3rd business day! So today, I guess I will call. Everything must be alright, o/w he'd have called by now. You will know when I know. thanks for your caring concern. Blessins...........
I heard from the doctor's office yesterday - not the dr, tho. She said all looks good and I asked some questions that she wasn't sure about, but no leakage, apparently. I have been told for years that there is a murmur and that must be what he was suspicious of. I am not sure even what a murmur is - because we have had members who had murmurs that turned into an eventual valve replacement. I asked for copies of the tests and if there is anything to be asked, you can bet I will ask y'all and you will make it plain, I know. We all know the experts are right here - or close, anyhow. I want to thank you for all your responses. I'll be back.