Enetric's 5th & 6th day in hospital

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Hello it's Eric's Mom again. My Eric had a really bad day yesterday. With high fever and heart racing throughout the day he feared a repeat performance of the third day. Short of actually coding again, it was that rough for him, like running a marathon non stop. With medication to try to get his heart to calm down, constant reassurance from the nursing staff that they were not worried, and very restricted visitation and a day of rest they proved to be right. By 8:00 PM a very exhausted Eric laid there trying to relax and stay focused and set his mind that tomorrow would be better. His heart rate was still high but heading down to a better level. They found his arms to be infected from all the IV's and were treating him. His fever was breaking.
Today he awoke in a much better state. Fever gone, heart beat back to normal.. He's off the oxygen and was even able to walk a bit. Positive thinking and good medical care prayers and I hope loving him got him thru. We now know how quickly things can change from bad to good over and over again.
This afternoon after my husband helped him freshen up he was ready to visit with family that was away and several beloved old friends. Nicky (his wife) played the roll of social director and regulated the visits as not to exhaust him. He is enjoying the company even as I write.
I don't know if they are implanting the debrillator tomorrow or Tuesday we will know I believe around 6:00AM Monday. I'll let you know how it all goes. God willing the worst is behind him. Its really been tough. I feel for you all.
Thank you for your kind words of support, I hope soon he will be able to write himself. Good night for now.

I'm glad to hear that Eric's feeling a little better. Please tell him I send my best wishes and kindest regards for his health. He continues to be in my prayers.
Thank you for the update. We appreciate you taking the time to keep us posted. We check often for word on his recovery. He continues to be in my prayers.
It is so great to be getting regular updates and you taking the time is truly appreciated. I will pray that Eric continues to improve and the defibrillator, tho implanted, will never be needed.

Please give Eric our very best.
Thanks so much for posting and please give him our very best wishes. Please find time to take care of yourself as well- something Moms often forget to do!


I hope Eric is feeling better each hour. My second hope is that he is going to get a "Medtronic" defibrillator. My third hope is that he never needs it. Even though a defibrillator is a difficult emotional unit they are utterly amazing in how much they help and what they can do. Mine is almost six months old now so if you or Eric has any questions feel free to ask.
Thank you for updating us, I have been checking and saying lots of prayers. the other's are right too, please make sure all of you take care of your selves too, I'm glad he is feeling better today, Lyn
Prayers going your way

Prayers going your way

I hope things start improving. I am so sorry that he is having such a hard time. I will send positive thoughts his way.
Tough little buggers, those Erics.... I have an 'Eric' too.

Tough little buggers, those Erics.... I have an 'Eric' too.

Please let your son know that many people are thinking of him and sending him positive vibes. Attitude is so important at this stage of the game.

Stay strong Mom.... I know this must be really wearing you down too. Stay in touch.

I'm sorry Eric's having a rough go of it, but glad he's on the mend. I'm sending all good thoughts and hoping he continues to steadily improve.
Thanks for filling us in

Thanks for filling us in

I will keep him in my prayers, and hope things go much better from now on. Brian
Eric will be in my prayers. Things will start improving now. You take care of yourself too. This is so hard on mother's.
Some folks' hearts are just a lot more truculent than others'. Eric's must be in a REALLY bad mood.

As he heals, he'll have good days and bad; but the bad tend to become less bad and the good get better and more numerous.

Please give him my best wishes. My prayers continue that he won't have any more setbacks.
Just got back into town and am sorry to hear of Eric's rocky recovery!! It sounds like things are in better control now and I just wanted to wish him continued success on his journey back to normal!

Thanks for posting for him. Best wishes!

:) Marguerite
Please tell Eric to hang in there..........

Please tell Eric to hang in there..........

we had a very rocky recovery, too, but doing really great now. I just know Eric will, too. We will keep him in our prayers. Hugs. janet

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