Greetings to all of you!
Thank you to my dear friend Eva for posting about my absence & thank you for your prayers & well wishes!
Well, for those of you that weren't aware of it, my husband & I should have been enjoying a wonderful Caribbean Cruise last week, but instead, two days prior to our departure date, I had to go into the hospital & have my appendix removed!
I apparently presented quite a challenge to the surgeon & doctors due to my existing heart situation & because when the surgeon went in there to remove the appendix, he could not find it right away because it had become trapped in the muck of scar tissue left over from my hysterectomy many years ago! What should have been a 30-45 minute surgery, took 2-1/2 hrs! :eek2:
I spent 6 days in the hospital, longer than normal because my INR took longer to stablize.
Call it bad luck or Divine Intervention, thank God it all happened before we went on that cruise. I am not unpacking our luggage........they are staying just the way they are.....perhaps we'll try it again next year, God willing!
Thanks again & hugs to all of you & sorry that I had not responded to some PM's. Never meant to ignore you!
P.S. Oh yeah before I forget, when the surgeon came in to say goodbye, his last words were, "and you need to get that valve replaced!"
Thank you to my dear friend Eva for posting about my absence & thank you for your prayers & well wishes!
Well, for those of you that weren't aware of it, my husband & I should have been enjoying a wonderful Caribbean Cruise last week, but instead, two days prior to our departure date, I had to go into the hospital & have my appendix removed!
I spent 6 days in the hospital, longer than normal because my INR took longer to stablize.
Call it bad luck or Divine Intervention, thank God it all happened before we went on that cruise. I am not unpacking our luggage........they are staying just the way they are.....perhaps we'll try it again next year, God willing!
Thanks again & hugs to all of you & sorry that I had not responded to some PM's. Never meant to ignore you!
P.S. Oh yeah before I forget, when the surgeon came in to say goodbye, his last words were, "and you need to get that valve replaced!"
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