electric bed/fire

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I woke up last night to what turned out to be a fire. It was the motor of our electric bed. My husband whos always hot, i'm always cold put on the fan of the air conditioner. We have the individual unit. The air conditioner started going on and off. I woke up my husband. He looked under the bed. There was a popping noise. He thought the cat was throwing up. He saw flames. It all happend very fast. He threw the bed over and put the fire out with his hand. I called 911 and got the kids up and dressed. We were very lucky.
Part of me wants to talk about it. Warn others about the possible hazard of having an electric bed etc. It was just awful but such a miracle that everyone is ok. Still got an awful taste in my mouth.
What were you doin in that bed????? Is that called a hot time in the old town tonight? Wonder if the firemen ever had a call like this one.

My sister and her husband bought a new bed once upon a time. During the night it fell down. Nuff said!

Glad you are ok; I know it scared you. - but bet you have a new bed tonight. Put it together right and it won't fall down, like my sister's did.:D
I asked my brother whos a just retired NYC fireman.
He didn't say he saw one of those but hes seen plently.
We heard of those coffee makers that used to just go on fire by themselves. I'm afraid to leave anything plugged in.
While working for the county, part of my job was connected with fire dept. A house was lost due to one of those coffeemakers. Also one victim rec'd an electric blanket for Christmas, and on first use, it burnt down the entire house. I have seen some of those blankets spark and I never would use one, but my mother, sister and brother used them and had high praise. Not me - I am so scared of fires. Here in the country fires can be started to burn trash - not me, tho. Much too big a disaster can happen. Plus I am a very basic chicken.
There is a book called "The Gift of Fear". It about feeling the fear. Its a sense we have. Your Gutt. They say listen to your instincts.
My husband once robbed at his business by gunpoint. The took his money and taped him up with his tape gun. He wore a bullet proof vest for a year. Thats when we got the first dog.
Oh my dogs were downstairs in the living room they sleep in our room. I don't know when they left. But they didn't wake us.


Wow, Nancy, I'm glad you and hubby are OK. I share your fear of leaving things plugged in...I've been known to turn off the main breaker to the house when going on a trip!
Wow Nancy-

You were so lucky that you both woke up when it had just started, and that your husband was able to put the fire out.

I'm so happy that everyone is AOK and that there was only minimal damage (to the bed motor, I guess).

Someone upstairs was looking out for you!
Thanks alot everyone glad to still be here.
Of course my main concern was waking the kids and calling 911.
I think I woke before the fire started we heard a pop then he looked under the bed and saw a bit of flames. He stuck his hand on the motor and smoothered out. After that he flipped the bed over. He said it was out and the kids wanted to jump right back into their beds. I yelled get dressed.
I spoke to my brother he said don't throw water on electric stuff until you've unplugged it.
I'm starting to calm down. I've been wired up all day.
I went to the dr. to get my flu shot and made him check me out since my throat was bothering me.

That idea about shutting off everything is interesting.
Electric bed? Is this like a Craftmatic or Air bed?

Your life certainly is full of shocking little surprises. I'm glad that no one got hurt and no real damage was done. :eek:
Just when I was about to decide on being agoraphobic (scared to leave home) you come along to dissuade me...LOL!

Seriously..I'm sure it was very traumatic, and I'm very glad you are all fine now that your nerves have had a chance to calm down. They say most accidents happen in the home, so I guess I'll keep venturing out...grin. I know it makes you begin to worry about eveything when something like this occurs.

Best wishes to you and family!

Zipper *~*
Hi again,
It was an adjustable bed similiar to a craftmatic. But we purchased it at Sleepys. I think my husband is upset he can't adjust the bed. He's mouring its loss.
I had too much coffee that night therefore I was very restless.
Nancy I'm sure someone is looking out for us.
The air conditioner which was plugged in a different outlet going on and off. This alerted me that something wasn't right.

Yes its a mirale everyone is fine. I don't think the kids realize how serious it was. The timing was perfect.