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Its almost all Greek to me....
The bit that got my attention was conclusion number one!...what is a "patient body habitus" ? sounds like a politically correct way to say you dont exercise:confused:
Its almost all Greek to me....
The bit that got my attention was conclusion number one!...what is a "patient body habitus" ? sounds like a politically correct way to say you dont exercise:confused:

Definition of Body habitus

Body habitus: The physique or body build. For example: "The metabolic complications most commonly reported (with HIV infection) are hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and altered body habitus."

The term "body habitus" is somewhat redundant, since habitus by itself means "physique or body build."
I think it's just a bad echo myself. I don't see the Cardio until December. I know he's not worried about because his handwritten note is, AVR looks unchanged in general. Then he has N circled LV same etc. and his initals.
I'm also of the opinion (without a lot to substantiate it) that it's a bad read, caused by the position of your heart or the heart pumping harder than normal.

With the mild LVH (me, too), and the 65% EF, you're likely to have a little exta moxie in your pressure gradient, which would read as a stenosis. After all, it's a calculation of the "effective orifice area," not a direct observation of the valve opening size.

Based on their statement of difficulties with the read, if you really want to be sure, you'd have to get a TEE. But I'm betting your heart was just pumping a little hard this time and the tech took it to mean something more than it likely does.

Best wishes,
Considering I walked from the parking lot to the building (about 50 yards) then from there to the echo area (about another 150 yards) got on the table and had to manipulate myself into a position where I could breath and the tech could use the probe properly, without any rest periods, I have to believe your right tobagotwo.

The one thing I did catch that they didn't comment on was pulmonary hypertension.
Considering I walked from the parking lot to the building (about 50 yards) then from there to the echo area (about another 150 yards) got on the table and had to manipulate myself into a position where I could breath and the tech could use the probe properly, without any rest periods, I have to believe your right tobagotwo.
................... .

Wasn't perhaps an attractive, curvy, female tech, rubbing the gel on as well was it? :rolleyes: :D
I tend to agree with you Ross (BAD ECHO)
Besides the black clouds are mine right now!!!!:p

zipper2 (DEB)
there will be no lubing.

One of my favorite things:D

Lets save the joking for small talk folks. Try to be professional out in the other forums even if we aren't.