Norma, don't worry, we speak "man" talk.
Norma, don't worry, we speak "man" talk.
In this day and age of anti-anxiety drugs that can be tuned from "dawn" to "twilight" and beyond, and from "this is interesting" to "I really don't care!" to "I don't know OR care!", I'm surprised that anxiety over closed MRIs is a serious problem. I can understand having nightmares BEFORE you get the drugs, but not during the actual procedure. What am I missing?
Easier said than done......
I've been reading past threads by some of our beloved, departed members, in the last few days, like Bonzo Dog's, and I wish I could just stop that!
I already know that my chances of surviving another OHS is probably less than 50/50, so why do I continue to torment myself?
And then one of my family members told me that "I'd better not come back from Houston without having the surgery"! If they only knew what I was going thru right now......something that only you and I can ever really understand, right? :frown2:
I was wonderring about the 50% too, Norma did your surgeon tell you that or is it what you think are the odds? We were given much better odd for Justin's 4th and 5th surgeries and the surgeon even knew his heart was fused to his sternum so they would have to be really slow and careful opening his chest..I remember the relief I felt when I knew they were in and working on his heart. Kim gave great advice.Norma, why in the world would you torture yourself by reading those threads? That is the last place in the world you need to be right now. Look at it this way, if you come back from Houston without having surgery, your odds of dying are 100%! And by the way, your odds of surviving a 4th heart surgery are much better than 50% according to what my surgeon told me. Promise me you'll stay away from that forum and stay positive. You are going to have this surgery and do well and be back here before you know it. We will all be her waiting on you!
Thank you again for the pep talk my friends!!! Don't know what I'd do without you!
I'm much calmer now, thanks to you all, and I promise to keep away from those threads and focus instead on a good outcome.
Lyn: I think I just picked those stats out of one of my nightmares or something! My doctors have never given me those numbers, other than the surgery will be very high risk. And we all know that any major surgery has high risks associated with it! That's a fact!
Thanks again! Love u all!![]()
Norma. You are a warrior. Time to polish up that armor and sharpen up your weapons. You can do this. You will do this. Head up. Shoulder's back. There you go.