eat meat or not?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
an article received in mail today:

Guide to Good Food: Eat less meat
August 13, 2009
By Diane Hatz

Doctors to rock stars to Nobel Peace Prize-winning UN panels and even nonprofit organizations are telling us to eat less meat. But why?

To start, if we cut out red meat, fish and/or poultry one day a week without changing any other part of our diet, we would reduce animal protein consumption approximately 8.4 ounces a week, the daily amount the average U.S. citizen eats. That comes out to 27.3 pounds a year. Multiply that by the 304 million people in this country (as of July 2008) and collectively we would reduce our meat, fish and poultry consumption over 8 billion pounds!

That’s a lot of meat and would have an enormous positive impact because reducing your meat consumption saves you money, is better for your health, curbs climate change, helps save the environment, and lessens our dependence on foreign oil. Really. All that from cutting back on the amount of meat you eat. To help even more, make sure the meat you do eat is from local sustainable farms.

Let’s take a quick look at each of these reasons.

Saves you money. Meat can be expensive, oftentimes the most expensive item in the grocery store, so it can take a big dent out of your weekly food budget. A good way around this is to simply cut back on the amount of meat you eat. The 8.4 ounces of red meat, poultry and fish Americans consume per day comes to almost 192 pounds per year.

By cutting out meat just one day a week, you’ll be cutting out 27.3 pounds of meat per person each year. The amount of money you save will vary greatly between where you live and the type of meat, but if you buy ribeye steak on Long Island, NY, you’d pay around $7.99 a pound, so if you ate the 8.4 ounces an average American eats, you would save over $218 a year. Cutting back on a pound of meat a week would save you over $415.00 a year. And if you’re a family of four and you buy 2 ½ pounds of steak, that’s a savings of $20 per week or over $1000 a year!

Better for your health Diets high in red meat like hamburgers and steaks and processed meats like cold cuts, bacon and hot dogs have been linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease and cancer. (The risk from fish and poultry is less.)

The National Cancer Institute studied over 545,000 people from 50 to 71 years old and followed their eating habits for 10 years. There were more than 70,000 deaths during that time. The report, released in March of this year, states that middle aged to older Americans who ate only a quarter-pound hamburger (that’s 4 ounces) a day were 22 percent more likely to die from cancer and 27 percent more likely to die of heart disease, in comparison to individuals who ate only 5 ounces of meat a week. Women had a 20 percent higher risk of dying of cancer and a 50 percent higher risk of dying of heart disease than women who ate less.

In addition, the American Cancer Society undertook a 20-year study of 150,000 men and women from 1982 to 2001 and also found that people who ate a large amount of red and processed meat had a 30 to 40 percent higher chance of developing colon cancer. Those who favored processed meat like sausages, hot dogs and cold cuts increased their colon cancer risk by 50 percent. And to make matters even worse, “high meat consumption” was considered to be 3 ounces a day for men and 2 ounces a day for women. The lowest risk for colon cancer was found when men ate less than 1.5 ounces a day of red or processed meat and less than 1 ounce a day for women.

Adding to this, the European Union’s Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health (SCVPH) confirmed in 2002 that the use of hormones in beef and dairy cattle poses a health risk for consumers.

With regard to fish, today there are concerns about high levels of mercury so fish consumption should be limited, and industrially-raised poultry have shown problems with high levels of arsenic.

There is no doubt that Americans would benefit from reducing their meat consumption, but it must also be pointed out that in these studies no difference was made between industrially raised, factory farm meat and grass-fed sustainable meat. Grass fed sustainable meat is lower in saturated fat, lower in cholesterol (both which contribute to heart disease), lower in calories and will not have any added hormones – so it will always be a better option than factory farmed meat.

Healthcare costs in 2007 were 2 trillion dollars with 75 percent of that amount (1.5 trillion dollars) going toward the treatment of chronic preventable diseases, so reducing your meat consumption can also help lower your healthcare bills down the road.

The message here isn’t to necessarily cut out meat, but if you care about yourself and your health, you might want to limit your intake. And an easy way to do that is to simply cut it out one day a week. And when you do decide to eat it, look for meat from animals that were raised in a sustainable way. Your health depends on it.

Start by pledging to go meatless on Monday -

Use the Eat Well Guide to find sustainable meat in your area.

To be continued….

(Diane Hatz is the Founder of Sustainable Table, Executive Producer of The Meatrix movies and co-Founder of the Eat Well Guide. This is the third installment in her blog series Sustainable Table’s Guide to Good Food.)
Thanks for posting the article, Ann. I gave up red meat consumption decades ago, and today I eat very little poultry. I enjoy seafood, but I also like vegitarian meals like pasta and Indian vegetable based curries with rice. I have read other reports that reducing meat consumption would also reduce stress on the the environment.

I think I'll go have a steak. And eggs, with cheese.

I have very strong feelings against PETA and HSUS which are vegetarian terrorist organizations.
I never really enjoyed red meat growing up, and as an adult, I eat none.
The way I eat today is a direct result of my European background.
"Moderation and Common Sense."....was always my parents' motto.
We eat mainly chicken, fish, some pork, and occasional red meat.
One day a week is "No meat night", where we will have eggs, meatless spaghetti sauce, or vegetarian pizza.
I find it revolting the way that some people eat at those Fast Food/Junk places.....
Ann, thanks for posting this. :)
I could get by without meat, not for environmental reasons or any cause. I went meatless for three months last year as an experiment related to its effect on my cholesterol. Oddly enough my cholesterol went up, which I have decided is a genetic thing with me (I wasn't on cholesterol lowering meds during that time). I enjoyed what I ate then more than I have since. However, I am in no way against eating meat, nor do I believe that most people should totally stop.
I was curious about the reference to reduced meat consumption helping climate change. I asked a few co-workers and they scratched their heads, too.

I doubt that I eat an average of 8.4 oz of animal protein a day.
Last night we had salmon (Gorton's lemon-pepper, about 3oz each frozen), whole-leaf spinach, new potatoes and sliced tomatoes. I bought some ground meat recently -- 97% fat-free -- and we had tacos for 2 meals, and I used the rest for a sauce with penne pasta that stretched to 3 meals. So that was 10 servings from about 1.5-2 pounds of ground meat. When cooked, it was less than 3oz/serving.

I do like 4-oz burgers -- Whataburger Juniors are terrific -- but I don't eat them every day or even one a week.

John & I eat a lot of veggies, not because of any particular beliefs, but because we like them. I love black-eyed peas, so I often get a frozen package and cook it up and serve the peas with several other veggies. I don't like meat pizzas and remove it if someone else does the ordering.
Buying local produce (when possible) is the best thing that you can do to save on fuel consumption during mass transport, and also to support your local economy.
Head out to your local farmer's market. No, it may not be as convenient as your "all in one" mega store, but it's the "green" thing to do. :)
Given the Country life-spans in an index I posted in the HCR debate thread, we could do ourselves a lot of favors by eating less red meat and more fish and chicken. The countries with the highest life expectancy are fish eating countries. The US has a serious obesity problem - an average of 32% for men and women. But it's my guess that red meat is not the culprit but the high carbohydrate fast food that much of our nation lives on.

I'm all for healthier eating! I'm just one that doesn't buy into the whole climate change issue and the fact that if we have less cows for meat we'll have less cow gas etc etc.

Humans have always lived on meat - and depending where they've lived - red meat. I think it's the quantity that is the issue. Europeans eat far less than the US. Go to a restaurant and the servings you get could probably feed 3 people.

But trying to get my husband to stop eating red meat??? This is the man that calls chicken a side-dish. I'd have to pry red meat out of his cold dead hands.