EarthQuake in Eastern Canada

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting that the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.5 and was centered 50km northeast of Ottawa........ tremor testimonials from as far away as Ohio and Montreal.

Hope all our Canadian members are okay with very little damage if any.

Hope you all find some time to check in to gives us the :thumbup:'s
Yep, pretty closeby for me, as am about 17 KM/10 miles from Ontario border, where the epicenter maybe of a 5+.

House was shaking rattling and rolling for a good 20-30 seconds, neat, cause am Ok, house looks ok, but Jessie Golden was not too comfortable with the experience

hope Bina's ok, she may have been even closer to the action, if at home?
Everything o.k. here, didn't feel a thing but my mom which lives 15 minutes from here felt the shake, My son who lives in Ottawa felt it quite a bit, hopefully we'll here from Bina soon!! Hope everyone else who is close to Ottawa, Quebec are o.k.
I went into FB earlier & saw where Bina had posted about the earthquake. She said the earth was shaking & rolling where she lived but didn't say if they had sustained any damage but she was okay....a bit shaken up, but okay! :)

Hopefully she'll come along soon & update us!
Thanks for the concerns everyone!

Good to hear from Gil...haven't heard from Bina yet. I guess I was in the 'middle' of the action.
I was outside watering the plants when all of a sudden I looked over and the neighbour's garage door and window starting shaking pretty badly. At least the earth wasn't moving (beneath me :)). It lasted about 15 seconds. . A number of windows in the shopping centre close by apparently broke. I could hear fire trucks and sirens in the distance, so hope all is well with those in Ottawa and surrounding area.

Well enough excitement for one day. I hope there are no aftershocks.
Yup, I'm mostly okay, although totally freaked out. We live close enough to Ottawa to get the full effects of these quakes.
When it hit I was in the kitchen getting some lunch. The rattling dishes didn't bother me, we've had that before, but the wooden walls and beams were literally trying to move, creaking and cracking the whole time. Our farm house was built in 1890 so it has withstood alot, but I don't trust the current state of freak weather conditions happening across the country.
Anyway, standing in the doorway seemed safe, but then I just wanted to get out, so I stood on the front walkway, but that was shaking too, so I stood on the grass near some big fir trees. Realizing that my heart rate was wild I went back in for the phone, and sat on the porch to call hubby at work. His co-workers know when I call in distress to get him quick and they did. He was home within several minutes and stayed with me while I tried to focus on breathing and relaxing. My sternum got tight, so I lay down for almost 2 hours, but now I have a mild headache. I guess that is from the high BP that I must have had? My HR did go down to 60 again.
What an ordeal....I guess skydiving won't be on my bucket list anytime soon. I've become fragile. ;)
It probably has something to do with the clay soils, and Ottawa being on a river. I don't know much about the bedrock here, but I also have a little river bordering my land. Somebody had posted a video of their fishtank water sloshing and their chandeliers swinging.
Glad you are doing okay Bina. Everyone here was worry about you.
You go get some rest and call it a night sounds like you had a rough trip today.
Bina, Glad you are OK. I think I would freak if I went through that too. Didn't notice it at work.I may have been in an elevator, which is not where you want to be in a big one, but would have hidden mild vibrations here.

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