Early failure Medtronic mosaic porcine

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So, I presume you just had a regularly scheduled echo and the leak showed up? Did your cardiologist mention calification?This isn't based on any studies, but virtually all the durability issues in tissue vales we hear/read about have to do with calcification of the valve in younger people more often than in older folks. Your problem definitely sounds like a defective valve because it's leaking. I think most of the valves that have short lives due to calcification start to close rather than leak. Perhaps someone can set the record straight on that. Yours sounds like a sudden failure wherein the valve just gave out at some spot that is now leaking. In my overly simplified way of seeing things, that would indicate either a weak spot that resulted from the operation or a valve that had a defect that was not detected. I have no idea of the likelihood of either possibility, but what else would explain it? Ever do any of the events in the DC area? We've got some really tough cyclists as well as triathletes and some great terrain here in Northern Virginia.
Jeff: No -as a matter of fact my scheduled echo this past feb was "perfect" no leak,no regurg. Last monday night I was awoken by what I thought was my air conditioner "squeaking" Closer inspection revealed it wasn't my air conditioner it was my heart. Yeah-awesome experience...The echo the next day showed moderate regurg-and my doc was shocked the valve went from perfect to moderate regurg. in 4 months. No one knows why yet-TEE on Thursday but most assuredly a surgery before the end of the summer due to the rapid decline out of no where.
The worst part-NO EXERCISE.
Jeff: No -as a matter of fact my scheduled echo this past feb was "perfect" no leak,no regurg. Last monday night I was awoken by what I thought was my air conditioner "squeaking" Closer inspection revealed it wasn't my air conditioner it was my heart. Yeah-awesome experience...The echo the next day showed moderate regurg-and my doc was shocked the valve went from perfect to moderate regurg. in 4 months. No one knows why yet-TEE on Thursday but most assuredly a surgery before the end of the summer due to the rapid decline out of no where.
The worst part-NO EXERCISE.

Major bummer. On a lot of levels! Geez, from perfect to leaky and squeaky. And, for all you know, the change may have been even more sudden than 4 months. That is a scary experience. I can understand the no exercise part until they figure out what's going on. Just take care of yourself now; don't push things and get this under control. You know you're in great shape and will come through a reop as well as or better than anyone. And then you can resume the training. Good luck with the TEE on Thu and please keep us in the loop!

I'm going to guess that you managed to drastically enlarge a tiny tear in one of your leaflets. Makes the most sense to me for such a sudden downturn.

While some cardios (not yours) do say that exercise will make the valve last less long, that's not backed by any science. However, if there were a tiny tear in one of the leaflets, it might be more susceptible under high volume circumstances. Normally, the issue is your chemical activity, rather than your physical activity. The more chemically active you are, the faster you can calcify the valve. It sounds to me like you never got a chance to calcify yours.

While I would love to shout "bad product," at Medtronics (my own Mosaic lasted only five years), there isn't enough volume of failures or consistency to them to put together a decent conspiracy theory. We see the failures here, because the successes are out doing what you were doing a month ago, and they have little impetus to be here posting. I'm sorry you've joined this unfortunate club, especially so soon.

If it's any consolation, my second surgery actually went better than my first, and I was again out of the hospital three days after surgery. Did I go for another Mosaic? Hell, no. But there really isn't any reason I can find that I shouldn't have. It's like getting a lemon car: you don't ever buy that brand again, even if all the reviews say it's the best thing on the market. Heck, even if it is the best thing on the market. In fact, just to be perverse, I'll demand a CEPM next time, and complete the trifecta (I have a St Jude Biocor now)...

Best wishes,
Al: what doage of meds do you take daily? Do you have a home testing unit?

My Warfarin dose is probably on the low side of average. Why do you ask?

Yes, I have a home testing unit but quit using it after my company's insurance refused to pay for the Test Strips,
but DID pay 100% for testing at our Very Good Local Coumadin Clinic.
Well after a few years now I return to VR.org for the best source of info. Anyone seen the research on early failure in the aortic placement of the medtronic porcine mosaic valve? (Apparently not in the mitral placement) After only 5 years mine quite suddenly quit. No known infection after cultures. OK valavers-show me what you got-I AM NOT looking forward to yet another recuperation.
Hi Laura -

Sorry to read this. My last echo was nearly a year ago and my tissue valve is considered "abnormal" now, though I'm not exactly sure in what way it is considered abnormal.

I did ask my cardio if my Mosaic was doing about as well as his other patients' were and he replied that it was. For what that's worth.

(Just wondering out loud here, but I can't see how ANYONE thought this thread was about ACT and various mechanical valves.)
I ask b/c the whole mgmt of levels is daunting to me--and I'm a medical professional!! What home unit did you have? I would get one as it's just plain easier for me and my insurance sucks no matter what
You need to come down to the anticoagulation forum and sit back for a good education. Dosing is not rocket science, in fact, it's laughably easy.

You eat like you always have before, including leafy greens, if that's what you've always done before. The dose is set for your diet. We don't diet the dose, but dose the diet we eat.

In fact, very little, if any, changes need to be made for your lifestyle.

As for a home tester, you only have 3 choices. Protime by ITC, Coaguchek by Roche, or INRatio 2 by Hemosense. I use the INRatio myself.
OK valavers-show me what you got-I AM NOT looking forward to yet another recuperation.

(Just wondering out loud here, but I can't see how ANYONE thought this thread was about ACT and various mechanical valves.)

To me, I think offering mechanical and coumadin to a person stating something like this, is reason enough to bring it up for discussion.
I have the same valve and it's abnormal (whatever than means) as well. I have echos every 3 mts however they have remained the same over the last year. I had my replacement in Jan 2008.

Keep us posted.
INR Mgt - Daunting?

INR Mgt - Daunting?

Managing INR may seem daunting before you start doing it, but it's been pretty easy for me. Basically, I test at least once a week and adjust dosages as necessary. Depending upon my level of activity or the kinds of activities I'm engaged in (i.e. drinking too much beer at a party), sometimes I check it twice a week.

I really believe that if I can do it anyone can.
