It feels sooooooooo good
It feels sooooooooo good
Thanks evryone for your happy dance well wishes also
My toothbrush and comb are packed Ann,Bina i will stay calm
the wait was the storm
Phyllis too funny 2008 0n calender! Janette thanks for settling
the (patiently) out with Wayne.
Marie yes my life back i was so
excited to share i typed first thing came to mind(lottery) and yes you
are so right.....Thanks.Freddie you bet (gorgeous)
Eva your prayers mean so much.
who else now aussiegirl,jim ottawagal,Cthrock Dina you bet i will
enjoy the holidays and time will pass quickly. and i hope i haven't
forgotten anyone Norma,sweet Norma thank-you all.
and it sure feels good,to have a date and all my presurgery
papers arrived in mail today,so afew things Dr. MCarther wants
done here on paper,dental etc which i have appts for all his requests
and my forms will be faxed back,so thats the scoop folks,i'm sooooo
ready. Hope i havent forgotten to thank anyone if i have ,i'm sorry
zipper2 (DEB)