Sounds like you had a rough road. Wishing you the best.
thursday, february 10, 2011 11:23 am, est
4 week valversary today!
Four weeks ago today, i was getting my new on-x aortic valve. After a fabulous 2-week start, there was a bump with the 10 days of hospitalization for afib but overall, i'm doing just fine.
The pace of recovery is much slower right now and a little frustrating. I'm ready to get on with life, but the heart just wants to sleep in and rest a little longer before it's ready to work.
Maggie, my 14 year-old irish setter, is coming home for a trial visit this weekend. She's been staying with the sitter until i am well enough to care for her. I can't wait to see her, and i'm sure she'll be good for my heart and my recovery.
I have my 4 week follow up with the surgeon on monday, valentine's day. How appropriate is that? Don't know what he will say with all of the afib/chf issues, but i'm hoping to find out when i can drive again. And, we do know the valve itself is a great success and is working beautifully. It's just the surrounding heart tissue that's needing some help right now.