Drinking alcohol on warfarin

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not that i do this but does it affect anything if you drink in the afternoon and then take your dose of warfarin at teatime and then have more drink?

the effect is the same no matter when you take or when you drink. This is because quite simply what you take is actually building up inside you to reach a particular level (lets call that a steady state). It is (more or less) about 2 ~ 3 daily doses within you at any given time. So that's why your INR doesn't go up and down like the tide, the residual is always there. Unless you stop taking it, then it falls and the INR along with it.

The alcohol effects your system while its in there too, but it goes away faster. So, unless you're drinking all the time, starting at breakfast, topping up all day, continuing into the night its like a tide.

So the best way to know how much INR effect an amount of booze has for you (not that you do this) is to
  1. measure your INR (say in the morning)
  2. drink some as you would (not that you do)
  3. measure INR the next morning (and if its elevated, the day after too)
test and know thyself.

Myself I do drink and find that there is little to no INR change from a whisky or two (standard measures) or a Wine or two (again, standard measures). If I get stuck into it (half a bottle of wine or more) then my INR will elevate to something over 3 (from 2.5 ish).

Much depends on the person and many aspects of metabolism


PS, I had to stop drinking a few months back as I developed an arrhythmia which is managed by drugs but is exacerbated by even very minor alcohol consumption.
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I think that you guys are on to something. I have been drinking a little too much lately and think that I could stand to make an adjustment to my current glass size.

View attachment 888193
Was using this glass, the one with the ICE in it, not the correct size you all think, or what?


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not that i do this but does it affect anything if you drink in the afternoon and then take your dose of warfarin at teatime and then have more drink?
Like most i do not drink like i used to and tend not to have a beer or glass of vino until meds are taken?
Warfarin and alcohol do not directly interact. For example, if you get blotto drunk and puke, then that effects your warfarin levels since you puked out your warfarin. If you get severely drunk and this changes your eating patterns (e.g. don't eat much for a day afterward) then this may effect your warfarin therapy due to a lack of food..
Warfarin and alcohol do not directly interact. For example, if you get blotto drunk and puke, then that effects your warfarin levels since you puked out your warfarin. If you get severely drunk and this changes your eating patterns (e.g. don't eat much for a day afterward) then this may effect your warfarin therapy due to a lack of food..
This is wrong. There is a direct effect. See this US government report. However, in moderation, for most of us the effect is minor, and the effect of vomiting is true.

here is a direct effect. See this US government report.

I liked their next stage:

Conversely, in people who chronically drink alcohol, long-term alcohol consumption activates cytochrome P450 and, consequently, warfarin metabolism. As a result, warfarin is broken down faster than normal

clearly I'm an amateur ... (and a retired one now too sadly).
Anybody who drinks to excess will have a problem with booze eventually....... been there, done that!!!
So true, for my father had heart issues along with type 2 diabetes, he was a chronic drinker and died from side health issues related to the diabetes. But I tend to go on the easy route, always thinking about a drink till the urge passes and I try to plan the next try. LMAO!
I’m quite late in breaking into the conversation, and I see you have gone too far on the topic of alcohol, but I'd like to return to the original question. It's essential to be cautious about alcohol consumption while on warfarin. Since warfarin is a blood thinner, excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of bleeding and other complications. It's best to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about how much alcohol is safe for you to consume while on warfarin.
If you're concerned about your drinking habits, it may be helpful to check out resources like Physical Signs of Long-Term Alcohol Abuse - Sunlight Recovery | Addiction Treatment to become more aware of the main signs of addiction. Taking action and reaching out to qualified addiction recovery specialists can be crucial steps towards living a healthier and happier life.
I can totally relate to your question. I used to love having a cold one after work, but now that I'm on warfarin, I'm a bit more cautious. From what I've read, drinking alcohol can definitely affect the way warfarin works in your body. It can increase your risk of bleeding, which is obviously not ideal. As for your specific scenario, it's hard to say for sure. It's possible that having a drink in the afternoon and then taking your warfarin at teatime could increase your risk of bleeding. And then having more drinks after that? That could definitely be risky. But hey, I'm not a doctor or anything. If you're really worried about it, maybe give your doc a call and see what they think. And if you're finding that you're struggling with alcohol in general, it might be worth checking out drug rehab essex or another similar program. It's never a bad thing to take care of yourself and your health. Anyway, hope this was helpful! Cheers (with a glass of water, of course).
I can totally relate to your question. I used to love having a cold one after work, but now that I'm on warfarin, I'm a bit more cautious. From what I've read, drinking alcohol can definitely affect the way warfarin works in your body. It can increase your risk of bleeding, which is obviously not ideal. As for your specific scenario, it's hard to say for sure. It's possible that having a drink in the afternoon and then taking your warfarin at teatime could increase your risk of bleeding. And then having more drinks after that? That could definitely be risky. But hey, I'm not a doctor or anything. If you're really worried about it, maybe give your doc a call and see what they think. And if you're finding that you're struggling with alcohol in general, it might be worth checking out drug rehab essex or another similar program. It's never a bad thing to take care of yourself and your health. Anyway, hope this was helpful! Cheers (with a glass of water, of course).
I've been told and read that warfarin and ones INR isn't effected by alcohol and that it is. I believed those that said no effect since my experience is no effect. No change in INR. The pharmacist in the hospital 10 years ago gave me one on one instruction and said warfarin and alcohol is not a problem unless you puke out your warfarin. The last person to tell me I shouldn't drink on warfarin was a nurse and she was in a bad mood and didn't believe in alcohol use, since it's the root of all evil :) I routinely have a couple of shots and beers in the evening. I don't get drunk though, too old for that :)
Me too but I am no longer drinking alcohol. Was off Warfarin but talk is of going back on. Would be off alcohol regardless though.
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The idea of taking warfarin soon after drinking sounds a bit strange to me. Vomiting out my pills because I drank too much shortly before I got drunk doesn't seem to be a very likely scenario.

Personally, I take my warfarin daily, at 10:15 PM. I've been doing this for years. I take it along with some other medications. I often have a small bit of carb after the warfarin, just to appease my stomach so that the dissolved pills don't trouble it.

I don't think I'm the only one here who takes heart medications -- contraindications on some of these include alcohol. I rarely drink, and when I have, I really didn't notice any side effects (dizziness, lightheadedness, other stuff).

There have been studies about the tannins in dark red wines interacting with warfarin and coagulation. From what I recall, you need to drink a lot of wine for it to have any effect.

As others have said, alcohol is metabolized quickly - about 6 or 8 hours - and there should be no LONG term effects. I would be careful, though, not to drink so much that I can't stand up or walk without falling. Injuries like this, whether well anticoagulated or not, should really be avoided.
I think we tend to mix issues up. Personality disorders are a major problem in and of itself. What does it have to do with Warfarin and INR stability. Wouldn't the same affect cancer treatment, diabetes...all chronic ailments?
Wouldn't homelessness cause the same issues?
If you can drink a 12 pack/day everyday you have issues other than INR. If you were Kelce and Taylor and you did a 12 pack after a game oh well..take your pills test at the end of the week.
Like the folks here say - dose the diet. Do what you do
Hi guys I had my surgery in October last year and I’m on warfarin for life and I really miss drinking but I’ve been drinking on the weekends and I want to know how much I can have because I really miss getting drunk with my mates! I’m 21!
Hi guys I had my surgery in October last year and I’m on warfarin for life and I really miss drinking but I’ve been drinking on the weekends and I want to know how much I can have because I really miss getting drunk with my mates! I’m 21!
Enjoy your life, I love a drink and as I live in France wine is like water CHEERS OOOPPPPSS
I think we tend to mix issues up. Personality disorders are a major problem in and of itself. What does it have to do with Warfarin and INR stability. Wouldn't the same affect cancer treatment, diabetes...all chronic ailments?
Wouldn't homelessness cause the same issues?
If you can drink a 12 pack/day everyday you have issues other than INR. If you were Kelce and Taylor and you did a 12 pack after a game oh well..take your pills test at the end of the week.
Like the folks here say - dose the diet. Do what you do
And it is fine for those of us who take a bit occasionally. I do every few years. I an due to a shot of Black Label Jack Daniels and a coke. LOL!

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