Dreams - post-op issue for anyone???

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I have always enjoyed my dreams--when I can recall them, though lately they've been boring enough that I don't bother writing them down--odd, since, starting four days after my OHS, I had some spectacularly vivid dreams. Five or six of these have enough original material I can write a novel or at least a detailed short story based on each one. Two of them provided good material for dramatic fiction, one sentimental Christmasy, while the other more tragic. The other three or four would be good for truly original science fiction. Most of these inspired dreams all took place between days 4 and 10 of my post OHS experience. I carefully wrote down the key elements of each and will refer to them when I feel up to writing again. The depression issue seems to have stiffled my creative edge a bit. My dreams since then have became much more routine in content--thus forgotten without much regret.

Maybe it's not just metoprolol, Toprol XL, or any other beta blocker, but our brains adjusting to the trauma of cardio-pulmonary bypass and deep general anesthesia. Since dreams seem to be sort of a brain 'screen saver' or 'in-flight movie' while the rest of our brain does complex memory sorting and other vital stuff while we sleep, the trauma may just make the process much more intensive. The dreams themselves could have a spiritual side, too. I'm not sure how much, but it could be our subconscious trying to give some sort of hint as to the new direction life should take post OHS. I have to admit my more vivid ones weren't particularly relevant--though the tragic one may have meant something.

It was fun while it lasted, and I miss those dreams--I woke up excited from each--sometimes very thrilled and inspired to write down the details. I have not yet published except for some chemistry journal papers, but hope to if life goes the right way. I suggest that those of you who are even remotely inclined toward creative writing, should write down the content of these dreams and consider turning them into works of fiction of some sort. It worked for Mary Shelley--she dreamt the content of "Frankenstein" and converted it into a novel. I can't think of other authors who have done this (too tired right now), but I recall that many works of fiction were based on dreams. Even scientific discoveries. Kekule had a dream about snakes holding their tails, leading to his discovery that benzene (C6H6) molecules were closed six-membered rings.

Good night and sweet dreams. ;)

I'm 8 weeks post-op for AVR and taking metaprolol. It's good to see my newly vivid dreams and 3 hour sleep interruptions are not abnormal. Since we're sharing recurring dream stories, mine involve getting ready to go onstage in a play and not having my lines memorized.
I'm 8 weeks post-op for AVR and taking metaprolol. It's good to see my newly vivid dreams and 3 hour sleep interruptions are not abnormal. Since we're sharing recurring dream stories, mine involve getting ready to go onstage in a play and not having my lines memorized.

You're just having that dream since your surgery? I think I've had that one a dozen times in my life. That and the one where I'm back in high school searching in vain for my locker while running late for a class and not being sure where the classroom is....and this one I had just a week ago. Post op issue? In my case, not so sure.
same same same for me! I sleep a few hours each night, wake up then wait forever to fall back asleep again. generally end up napping during the day. VERY vivid dreams, good ones plus nightmare ones. Generally the plot includes some kind of struggle or problem that I am trying to fix but it just keeps getting worse. I'm on Coumadin, Metoprolal, aspirin, plus a painkiller (generic percocet) and motrin when I'm in between the painkiller dose and still have pain. I'm in week five post-op. Also, I seem to dream about my boss or work related stuff a lot. I think because I really don't want to go back to work. : (
I saw many vivid dreams but only durin the time I was still at the hospital...they were like life after death....strange homes (but beautiful) with people forgiving others for things they will do in the futre...real strange but with a sense of beauty and some mystery! I used sleeping pills when I got home to rest well, when I did not, my sleep was very interrupted but no weird dreams.
I am not sure what my dad was on when in the ltc hospital recently, but he had a dream that he was in a train wreck. He actually reached for the phone & called 911 & told them he was in a train wreck & their were bodies everywhere & to send help. He then hung up! Luckily 911 knew where the call originated & called the hospital rather than looking for an actual train wreck!
I don't remember to many dreams pre-op either. When I was in the hospital aftere AVR I had HORRIBLE nightmares. Since then I dream the weirdest dreams. They are just plain stupid. I have not been on atenolol since June of 2008 and still dreaming away, and I remember them. Who knows why:confused:
I am not sure what my dad was on when in the ltc hospital recently, but he had a dream that he was in a train wreck. He actually reached for the phone & called 911 & told them he was in a train wreck & their were bodies everywhere & to send help. He then hung up! Luckily 911 knew where the call originated & called the hospital rather than looking for an actual train wreck!

Smart 911 operator...you can put this under "jokes" thread!

When was this?...I was run over by that train on September 2nd:eek:

Funny and cute:)
I will be 2 years post op on Jan 30. I miss my dreams. I could hardly wait til bedtime during those days. Must have been the Metoprolol...Gary
Im 2 months out and I have some wierd dreams also. I'm not on any beta blockers anymore so I can rule that out. I was on toprol before surgery and didn't recall any different dreams. I do sleep 2.5 hours on the nose and wake up feeling like I have slept 8+ hours. I have trouble getting back to sleep. I read the side effects on revatio and it says it could cause this. I take 20mg 3X a day. and seem to have more energy 2.5 hours after the dose. It's wierd stuff
My dreams were different after ohs just regular dreams of deceased
then 14 years after surgery i was put on metropolol and those were
nightmares till my body adjusted to them or maybe i dont sleep
enough now as the shift work etc for years too,but the drugmares
lasted about a good month or more

I think it was taking Metoprolol that started all the psychedelic dream stuff....the dreams of being chased would wake me up with a HR of at least 120. Not fun. This past year has been much better. Still some crazy dreams but not so much terror.
The thing is, we all dream every night, as long as we're asleep that is. If you dont think you dreamt much before your operation it just means you were sleeping much better before.
We only remember dreams if we wake up very quickly, from maybe fear, or a noise or some other reason. If you wake up naturally, if for example you get up every day at 7am for work you probably wont remember a thing.
If you've just had a major operation your sleep will be broken and your mind will be worried about all sorts of things provoking memorable dreams from sleeping very lightly and waking easily.
You'll find that maybe on a saturday or sunday morning if and when you have a lay in for an hour or so you'll have the most dreams because you're likely to be woken quickly and easily from them.
But you never stop dreaming, you just dont remamber them.
I've always had the most utterly vivid dreams (and nightmares!). The only difference post surgery is I find it will be referenced in my dream (as in "oh no, I can't go snow-boarding with you Mr Bond... I've just had heart surgery and am still a bit too tender - ARGH...! Watch out for that henchman behind you!!!!!")

I have been having some really crazy & extremely vivid dreams the last couple days since OHS. I am hoping it's due to one of or a combination of the meds because they are freaking me out a bit. had one earlier where I literally woke up sweating & scared & starting getting a massive headache. Almost afraid to sleep because I don't want anymore of these crazy dreams, & I can recall every detail about them while normally I only remember small bits & pieces.

Another thing that can be from the anesthetic. They warned me about it in the hospital (or maybe it was in a booklet they gave me). I still remember two dreams I had the first couple of days in the hospital.
No spectacular increase in dreams remembered, and I was on a pretty large dose of Metoprolol (112.5mgx2 per day). I am now gradually weaning off this drug under doctor's plan - reduced to 100mgx2 then 75mgx2 then 50mgx2 then 25mgx2 then stop over a 40 day period - so far my heart rate is still low and no A-Fib.
I have noticed that if I do have anxiety dreams they are always related to my time working in Saudi Arabia - the anxiety dreams always revolve around getting out of Saudi and not having the right visa, airline ticket, ID etc. Don't think I am dreaming more or more vividly in general.