I began having migraines (with aura) out of the blue when I was in my early 30's. In retrospect, it probably corresponded to when my mitral valve regurgitation reached a certain leval of critical mass. I have found at least 10 articles from medical journals that have found an association between mitral valve regurgitation and migraine with aura, which suggests there may be a hemotological connection.
I had one very intense migraine with aura 48 hours post-op in the hospital after my mitral valve repair in January 2009. Since that time, I have not had ONE migraine of any type, and can apparently consume freely things that were once verboten migraine triggers for me. Pre-op, I had at least one migraine per week. The absence of migraines is absolutely liberating.
It's possible that post-op migraines will abate once inflamation has abated and complete healing has taken place.
Mitral Valve Repair/Reconstruction (posterior leaflet resection; annular plasty; chordal transfer; and prosthetic annular ring remodelling using ATS Medical #33 band); January 2009Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; performed through right mini-thoracotomy and da Vinci surgical robotic device; Alfredo Trento, M.D.--the best!