Does anyone know

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Susan Allen

Can you collect disabilty when your out for valve replacement surgery??? If so who do you call - internet has lead me no where.

Susan Allen
Hi Susan,
I am currently on long term disability through the City where I work. My wife works for Social Services here in Colo. and she said you should check with your social security office. Hope this helps you are some.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Hi Ross,
I work full time and will be until 2 days before surgery. Helps me keep busy and my mind off things.
I have read a few threads where the person mentions disability.
I called the 800 for social security and the woman told me I could not under the federal government but to try the state ss office. I live in Texas in a small town and she gave me a number for the nearest (about 70 miles away). I've called but have not gotten through. I called the local Texas Dept. of Human Services and they had no clue.
I was just wondering if I was just wasting my time.
What is employer disability??
Work for a very small company and lucky to have health insurance.

Thanks for your help.
Social Security will not help you if it's not expected to last 12 months or less. It must be at least one year or more or end in death.

Check with your benefits coordinator and see if they offer short or long term disability benefits to you. They usual reserve those perks for management etc, but never hurts to ask. Outside of that, not much except to try state level aid.
You can get leave under Short term disability if your employer offers it. Your spouse can get leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
I don't think SSI kicks in for surgery, but it's worth a shot.

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