Doctor decided NOT to do the Surgery...

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(copied from Where's George? Western Forum post)

...& we agree to his reasoning...

Everything was going rather smoothly! All the pre-op stuff was actually fun. Patty, Penny, Michael, Mom & Dad were there.

While I was on the table I had a severe reaction to the drugs. I'm told that I turned beet red & started to swell up, NOT GOOD! Because of this allergic reaction the Doctor had no choice but to cancel. He was ready to make the first cut.

He came out to the waiting area & told Patty, "We have some bad news". He said that the reaction is rare, the only other time it happened to him, he lost the patient. I'm sure glad that he was able to stop before he got started.

My next step is to see an Allergist. A hoity-toity specialist at NorthWest Hospitial. Although we have some wiggle room, time will soon start being a factor.

I am bummed & sore.
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So sorry to read that his happened and I hope the allergist is able to help so that you can proceed. Please keep us informed.
I'm sorry to read that you had the reaction, but thank goodness they stopped before it went any further.
Please keep us advised as to what the allergist recommends.
Sure was a good reason!!! Do they have a guess as to which drug it was?

When you first said "turned beet red", I was thinking Vancomycin. There's a condition that I get (and many do) when Van is administered too quickly called Red Man's Syndrom. You turn beet red with a rash. However, I don't think people swell with it - I didn't. And it's not considered an allergy.

Best wishes - you'll get this figured out and get your surgery.
(copied from Where's George? Western Forum post)

...& we agree to his reasoning...

Everything was going rather smoothly! All the pre-op stuff was actually fun. Patty, Penny, Michael, Mom & Dad were there.

While I was on the table I had a severe reaction to the drugs. I'm told that I turned beet red & started to swell up, NOT GOOD! Because of this allergic reaction the Doctor had no choice but to cancel. He was ready to make the first cut.

He came out to the waiting area & told Patty, "We have some bad news". He said that the reaction is rare, the only other time it happened to him, he lost the patient. I'm sure glad that he was able to stop before he got started.

My next step is to see an Allergist. A hoity-toity specialist at NorthWest Hospitial. Although we have some wiggle room, time will soon start being a factor.

I am bummed & sore.

Your more fortunate then your relies! I had a reaction to Cipro and if not for the grace of God I'd not be here today...
Sorry to hear this happened but it's good it was caught before they got too far. I'm sure it's disappointing given you were almost there. I hope they resolve the problem soon. Best wishes and good luck.
Oh my goodness..... so sorry to hear this.

Hopefully the allergist can manage this issue so you can proceed with the surgery.
BEST wishes.
Please let us know how it goes after you see him.
Sorry to hear about this, but happy that nothing happened to you.

Best wishes that the allergist can resolve this so that you can go ahead with the surgery. Keep us posted.

Good luck:)
Definately find out what medication it was you are allergic to!! You need to know this for the future and be able to name the medicine as medicine allergy!!
OM Goodness so glad you are fine and they stopped

everything. Oh im just so glad they stopped angels

were watching over you good luck with the allergist

appt. and let us know how everything is for you.

zipper2 (DEB)
I totally know how you feel having been there last week..You know there is a reason it's just so frustrating to start over again agter finally getting ready for it...Good luck with the allergist..
(copied from Where's George? Western Forum post)


I am bummed & sore.

We saw the allergist Tuesday, it turns out that I had a Histamine overload. This can look just like an allergic reaction. Due to some confusion by the great people in my Surgeons office, I may or may not have Surgery on Friday. (the Surgeon was busy doing what he does best!) I have some Major League Antihistamines to take before Surgery, whenever that is...

My Daughter's Boyfriend & my Son bought me a stuffed Crocodile (Bob) when this all started back in August. Bob lets me squeeze him & cry on him when I need that! Some people saw me in the Surgery waiting area, a few said "Look at that macho guy with a stuffed animal", I was squeezing Bob at the time. The others were smiling, the staff was smiling, & I felt GREAT!

I figured out years ago that my reason for being is to provide a small ray of sunshine to people's lives. I am an easygoing person, almost always with a smile! My Soulmate/Wife has been at my side thru this ordeal. Medical personal see our love & how we play off of each other. We make them smile!

I read Electric Meters for Seattle City Light. I walk house to house in Seattle's North End. Endless chances to get smiles from people! It is amazing how quickly a situation can be defused by greeting a customer with a smile. I am in THEIR YARD after all.

For Fun I yell at Children, OK I am a Little League Umpire. I may or may not be able to put on the idiot gear & call Balls & Strikes anymore, but I should still be able to work in the field. In the Siggy photo below, I am leading both Little League Teams in the "4th Inning Stretch". It kinda hard to have a 7th Inning Stretch when you only play 6!

It is great, the love for others that is felt in these Forums!
You'll be out of commission for a bit, but there isn't any reason you can't return to being a satanical umpire! Besides, your a brother in the satanical umpires union now and I don't let people out of agreements that easy!

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