DoBee's Grand Opening!! Mitral Valve Special!

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Hello, Family!

My Grand Opening is scheduled for Thursday, April 2nd! I intentionally avoided April Fool's Day.

I'll be having surgery on my mitral valve (either repair or replace) due to regurgitation. If replaced, it will be with the On-X valve. My surgeon, Dr. Kirk Fleischer, has even commented that he would choose the On-X as his valve type - if ever needed.

I've been reading a lot of your pre- and post-surgery messages - getting educated on all of this. Thank you for all of your questions and contributions within "our family". It's helpful for us 'shy lurkers', inquisitive types, and the naturally scared. I've been all of the above since my diagnosis this past fall.

I held up announcing my date to you until today (I've known my date for several weeks). Today was my Pre-op Day at the Sentara Heart Hospital in Norfolk, VA. I'll provide some detail for those who'll follow in my footsteps: Yesterday, I received a call from the hospital for general information and to be registered into the system for the surgery. Today began with some of that same information being requested as nothing had been updated (place of work, etc.) from yesterday. That was minor. I was then taken on a tour of the facility with the nurse explaining what would be happening with me from time of arrival the day of surgery through release. I was able to look into a step-down room (complete with fold-out sofa and internet-accessible flat screen TV!) We can also watch surgical procedures! I hope I'll be awake enough to see some of the FREE 'on demand'/pay-per-view movies! I viewed one video on general heart surgery at this facility and another on post-operative rehab. I received a packet of info including a booklet on valve surgery, pre- and post-op do's and don'ts, tooth brushes and paste to use before surgery and was told to shower in Dial Antibacterial soap the morning of surgery. They will also test for MRSA after I'm out of the ICU. I also had an EKG performed.

Next it was off to the lab: Blood gas (somewhat painful blood draw from the artery (not vein); general blood draw (vein) for type match, diabetes (I've already been diagnosed), etc.; urinalysis; and chest x-rays.

Last stop was to see my surgeon - whom I had not seen since early Dec. Luckily, one of the surgeons on staff had worked with my previous cardiac surgeon when I had a repair of the atrial septic defect in 1974. He will be available to provide consultation to my surgeon. All looks good and I'm less nervous that when the day began. My surgery would have been scheduled sooner (Jan.) but my request to delay it until March was granted when the Cardiologist agreed there was no need to hasten it. (I wanted to teach a new course in Government Contract Pricing in late Feb.) The class went well and now it's on to the Opening!

I have basically been symptom free and feeling fine. This all began with a crackling sound in my lungs due to fluid retention late summer. I'm 5'1'' and weigh about 200 lbs. so I'm not sure if I've had other symptoms (like being out of breath.) My Primary said he heard 'clicking' in my heart along with my life-long murmur. Although this will be my second OHS (the first when I was 14), I don't remember much and my Mom is no longer here to help me through recovery. I do have my great husband, James, and our daughters (Janelle, 10 and Sophia, 4). I also have my siblings, great friends and co-workers, and a wonderful church family supporting me!

It's amazing to me that there are so many valve-related surgeries each year! I understand why so many of us are diabetic, but it seems we cannot always explain valvular problems. My congenital defect may be related to what is happening with me now.

About me: Well, as you can tell, I have a good sense of humor! (I loved the comments posted about the electrical outlets actually being butter knife holders!!) I'm a 49 year old DoD civilian and devote Christian - a Woman of Faith! I plan to spend part of my recovery tending to my square foot veggie garden, enjoying Gospel music and sermons, watching videos, listening to Dave Ramsey podcasts, listening to a few audio books, posting to my CaringBridge journal, and making meals in my Vita Mix. I'm trying to transition to a whole foods diet (green smoothies, etc.) and pray I can eat my veggies consistently enough to not interfere with the coumadin (should I need it).

I promise not to wait so long to converse with you in the future as I see how 'holding back' as caused the floodgates of my mind to burst open into all of these keystrokes!

Thanks, Family, for your support and keeping me in your prayers! I don't know everything regarding my upcoming surgery and recovery process, but all of you have helped me to be aware of so much! I learned of this forum from Adam Pick's book.

I look foward to keeping you updated!:)

Marion "DoBee" Robinson
Hi Marion welcome to the forum, glad that you have a date, best wishes.
Welcome. Sorry we meet under these circumstances. You will be in my prayers on Thursday as I head to Ohio for my "opening" on 4/16 at the CC.
I think it's those butter knife holders that is responsible for arrythmias following surgery for so many. Maybe they should stop putting the knives on the food trays? :D

Here's a newbie about to find out about those holders:

Another sister in Christ, Hallelujah! I will be praying for a quick and trouble free recovery for your surgery!
You mean Ross was pulling my leg about the purpose of those electrical outlets next to the bed? :)

Welcome to VR, Marion. You've probably read some of my postings and know I'll be 2 days ahead of you for a similar operation. I probably won't get a chance to share my experiences before you go under, but I want to wish you best of luck on a successful surgery. It sounds like you've researched everything quite well and will be as prepared as possible for what lies ahead.
Welcome Marion,
I firmly believe that a good sense of humor will get you through just about everything. Mentally be prepared with Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C if needed. I agree that the Lord will get you and your family through this cause he will never give us anything he doens't believe we can handle. I will be praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for you. :D
pull out couch and flat screen tvs!! i'm definitely going to plan my next ohs at your hospital. in manhattan the hospital conditions are much more institutional.

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