Do you remember when ..............

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
it took 5 minutes for the TV to warm up; nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got home from school; nobody owned a purebred dog; laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box; stuff from the store came without safety caps and seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger and with all of our progress, don't you wish, just once, you could slip back in time and savour the slower pace.

Just a bit of nostalgia I hope you enjoy.
Ahhhhhhh - yes!

I forgot all about dish towels in laundry detergent! As a kid I always begged my Mom to buy those boxes.

I have a set of ruby-red glasses that my aunt collected. Jelly came in them.

Thanks for the memories!
How about 25 cents/gallon gas and you got free glasses or other things with a fill up?

I remember coming home from school for lunch and finding grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup waiting. Thanks, Mom and thanks, Lance.
That reminds me of ........

That reminds me of ........

A starburst glass was the reward for a $2.00 gas purchase. At the time I was driving a red VW Beetle decorated with flower decals.

For some reason I took a fancy to those glasses and had to have one.

However, if I didn't cruise into the gas station on fumes the tank wouldn't hold $2 worth of gas and it was sold by the Imperial gallon not measly litre.


A relative of mine passed away and I became the owner of several drinking glasses that originally held jam/jelly. Some had round balls, some are Snow White and Seven Dwarf glasses and some are smaller and came with cream cheese.

I also inherited a partial set of dishes from my grandmother that were given out to movie patrons.

Thanks for the reminder.
Grilled cheese and tomato soup!!!!! It makes me feel cozy just to think of it.

I also remember the day we got our color TV. My Dad put on a football game. That seemed like such a horrible use for our brand new color TV. But the programs my sister and I wanted were all still in black and white anyway.
I can certainly remember all of those things...

I can certainly remember all of those things...

and my mom and dad collecting S & H Green Stamps to put towards items in a catalogue....steaknives, plates, glasses and other things...I can also remember fighting with my mom over the tv at 4pm to watch re runs of Dark Shadows....and oh yes, lets not forget the awsome money you would find under an RC cap from buying their soda. Time sure flies when your getting younger....LOL :D :p :D Harrybaby
I must be getting old as I can remember many of these things from when I was a child.
The glasses or cups with fuel purchases were also done in Australia in the late 60s and early 70s.
Jam or as it is called in the US jelly was also put in glasses at times for promotions as Karlynn describes.
These free glass promotions must have been a huge world wide trend at that time. :rolleyes:
We never got the green or pink stamps in Australia so I am not certain what that is all about. :confused:
Debster said:
I used to stick all of my grandmothers S&H greenstamps into little books so she could send them off to get things out of a catalog-do you all remember those?:)
We had an S&H greenstamp catalog warehouse here in Canton,OH. Man I used to love to go there when mom had lots of books filled up. We got some really nice stuff including a waffle iron that I have in the kitchen today!
Things I miss....

Things I miss....

Soda fountains with cola made from syrup and carbonated water sprayed into the glass. Malts so thick you needed a spoon and made with ice cream, milk and syrup all mixed on the spot.

Waiting each week for the new 45rpm singles to be released.

5 cent candy bars and penny candy.

35 cent movie theater admission with free popcorn to the first 50 people.

Huge movie theaters with curtains that withdrew as the movie was starting.

Theaters with balconies.;) :D Drive-in theaters.;) ;) :D

Buses that ran on overhead electric lines and the sparking when they went over connection boxes.

Believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Trick or Treating.

Running for no reason at all other than it was so important to get to your best friends house.

Having a best friend who lived within running distance.

Mentioned before - coming home at lunch to Mom's grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Being excited about 6 inches of snow because you would get off from school.

Snowball fights and hot cocoa after.

I will stop here because I have tears welling up.

However - I would not trade what I have learned and experienced to go back.
RobHol said:
Hey, my wife still fixes me grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup! Another reason I am a lucky guy! :D

Kind of fits with being a 2 year-old.:)

Great list Gina!
Ahhhhhhh - yes!

I forgot all about dish towels in laundry detergent! As a kid I always begged my Mom to buy those boxes.

Anyone remember that Dolly Parton and the tall guy used to advertise this detergent with the towels in the box?

I have some dishes mother got from buying something. wheat pattern

Oats also had glasses, etc in the tall round box.
lance said:
it took 5 minutes for the TV to warm up; nearly everyone's mom was at home when the kids got home from school; nobody owned a purebred dog; laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box; stuff from the store came without safety caps and seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger and with all of our progress, don't you wish, just once, you could slip back in time and savour the slower pace.

Just a bit of nostalgia I hope you enjoy.

I just finished my 57' chev almost I had one in High School my wife had a 55' I had $175.00 in the 57 and we spent $215.00 on the 55 I'll have $36,000. into the 57' and she still needs more. Boy! would I like to go back just to get a deal on parts. :eek: But we all love it so can you put a price on HAPPINESS.
geebee said:
Soda fountains with cola made from syrup and carbonated water sprayed into the glass. Malts so thick you needed a spoon and made with ice cream, milk and syrup all mixed on the spot.

Waiting each week for the new 45rpm singles to be released.

5 cent candy bars and penny candy.

35 cent movie theater admission with free popcorn to the first 50 people.

Huge movie theaters with curtains that withdrew as the movie was starting.

Theaters with balconies.;) :D Drive-in theaters.;) ;) :D

Buses that ran on overhead electric lines and the sparking when they went over connection boxes.

Believing in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

Trick or Treating.

Running for no reason at all other than it was so important to get to your best friends house.

Having a best friend who lived within running distance.

Mentioned before - coming home at lunch to Mom's grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Being excited about 6 inches of snow because you would get off from school.

Snowball fights and hot cocoa after.

I will stop here because I have tears welling up.

However - I would not trade what I have learned and experienced to go back.

:( are you saying theres no santa:confused:
shoot I remember 5cent WHITE CASTLE A BUCK would get us all sick:D
bulldog said:
I just finished my 57' chev almost I had one in High School my wife had a 55' I had $175.00 in the 57 and we spent $215.00 on the 55 I'll have $36,000. into the 57' and she still needs more. Boy! would I like to go back just to get a deal on parts. :eek: But we all love it so can you put a price on HAPPINESS.

Would you like a '69 Mustang Fastback?????? I've had one sitting in my garage for 10 years. My husband takes it out every 2 years, sands it a little bit, and then puts it back in. My car sits outside.:mad:

Remember when the surprise in a box of Cracker jack was really cool - and not just a piece of flimsy plastic?

I could ride my bike down to the local grocer (who's store was smaller than my family room now), with 10 cents and come away with 10 pieces of candy.
I remember Toy Oats - cool toys in the oatmeal box and yes, the good toys in Cracker Jacks. (The last box I saw had a lick and stick tattoo :mad: )

I also remember when Jack in the Box gave out balloons that would blow up to the size of watermelons. Guess that would be considered dangerous nowdays.

Toys in cereal that would cause us to empty the entire box in a bowl to find! Since I never liked cereal, I would just pick the kind with the best toy when it was my turn to choose!

How about walking to the 7-11 with a quarter and coming home with a bag full of candy?

My mom had some dishes with wheat from the grocery store too. I think she sold them at a garage sale.

I also remember our first color TV and that it cost $600 - an extraordinary sum at the time. Also, later, how exciting it was to stand staring into the microwave as it cooked bacon! It wasn't difficult for the whole family to watch at once because it was probably close to 2 feet wide and almost as tall!

Ah....those were the good old days!
Heck just simple summer days, with nothing to do but play baseball or army or whatever you could get others to do. Leave after breakfast and return for supper. So much my kids missed growing up. They never will appreciate the way it was.

I LOVE nostalgic things like this ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Look at everything that's come and gone" ... Bryan Adams ... 'Summer of 69'

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