Do people REALLY think this way?

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hensylee said:
My car is older than 10 yrs. It's 12 now. Nearly a teenager.


Let's see ... my youngest (the daily driver) will be old enough to drink in 1 year. The rest ... well, I try to keep them under guard as much as possible, but you know what older kids do ... he he!

epstns said:
Don't forget what you've learned as a Radio Personality yourself -- those guys on that show are there to ENTERTAIN somebody.

Oh yes, I know ;). Except, my brand of entertainment is far different than theirs ;).

epstns said:
BTW - Do I owe you a phone call or do you owe me one?

Well, I thought I was waiting to hear back from you, but I'm not really sure ... he he he!

And Debster ... preach it sister ;). He he he!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I'm just out to find the better part of me" ... 5 For Fighting ... 'Superman' an "addendum" to this, particularly the "blah" feeling I mentioned....

I was home sick today (no fever, just severe headache, etc.) and realized that something (as it has been for the last couple days, actually) just didn't feel right. So, I spoke with my PCP and my pacemaker people ... and, via a telephone check, discovered that my pacemaker has reached its "life limit". Tomorrow, the nurses and my cardiologist will call to give me info and schedule possibilities to get my pacemaker replaced ... most-likely an overnight stay in the hospital as well.


At least this explains some of the "blah" feelings. Just now concerned about the new health insurance and a few other things. BUT ... it'll work out, I'm sure :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Watch over them for me" ... Darryl Worley ... 'If Something Should Happen'
Cort, I just wanted to chime in and say....

Cort, I just wanted to chime in and say....

That I certainly know what the "blah" feelings are, as I am dealing with some bad issues myself, and I also wanted to say that I hope all goes well with your pacemaker and you get to feeling better really fast...

I also want to chime in about those horrible evaluations made by the !@#!#%^ on that radio station....

Just because you don't own your own home, have a S/O or drive a brand new car, does NOT make you a loser......I don't know where these people get these aweful thoughts and ideas but I feel that simply being on this earth and sharing your life with us, through your "Baby Girls" and your travels and having the courage to endure the medical issues before you makes you a real winner...I am going out on a limb and I am going to PM you with something I want to share with you that I don't normally share as it is painful....Harrybaby:D :D

Losers tend to take and use things and people without every intending to give back. Winners on the other hand, look for ways to give of themselves to others in various ways without even thiniking about what they will get in return. You my friend, are not a loser. It sounds to me you regularly give of yourself to others. You are truly a winner, in other words..."priceless."

Dear Cort:

I have never met you. I have never PM'd you, or entered into a two way on-line discussion in any forum, that I can recall. I do feel though, that I know you, and let me tell you what I think.

First, and foremost......avery first "blush", you are very very clever. Your posts are very different from everyone elses, and you most always directly respond to anyone who has posted to you. You are smart and witty. You are your own person.

Second......I think you live a very interesting life. Road trips, cars, etc. - Seems like you love what you are doing, both at work (now), and at play. Most people can't say that, Cort.

Third.....I know you are searching for that "someone special". And, you aren't doing it at bars and nightclubs. Sounds to me like you would like to meet someone just like you.......sweet, kind and......interesting!

Fourth are a music buff. Not being one myself.....I find even that interesting!

Lastly, I currently drive a '95 Tahoe with 175,000 miles on it. My last vehicle was a Cadillac, an '88, that I drove till it reached over 250,000 miles. I can afford absolutely any car on the none. I choose to drive the vehicles that I drive, because, frankly, unlike the rest of the world, I don't think that the car that you drive identifies you as a person. A vehicle simply isn't important to me. Now, I do know it is important to other people, and my husband does drive a vehicle that we take long trips in, but I don't think the car I drive identifies me, or you, or anyone else, as a looser.

Cort, you are a winner in my book, by far not a looser. Oh....that most people could live the quality of life that you do.

Best wishes on the pacemaker upgrade, Mr. Big Time Winner!

Harrybaby666 said:
I am going out on a limb and I am going to PM you with something I want to share with you that I don't normally share as it is painful....


I received it Harry, and PMd you back. And, I appreciate your thoughts/comments here.

KAJ said:
Losers tend to take and use things and people without every intending to give back.

Ya know ... I hadn't even thought of it like that. But, in a way, I'd say you're correct with this assessment. And, Karl, thank you for your comments as well.

Mb said:
I have never met you. I have never PM'd you, or entered into a two way on-line discussion in any forum, that I can recall. I do feel though, that I know you, and let me tell you what I think.


I do believe you are correct on all accounts. Isn't that interesting how we feel we know each other ... even online? I know I've heard "horror" stories about different people meeting from message boards, etc., but I have YET to have a bad experience in all of my time/travels.

And, I certainly appreciate all of your comments as well. From what you've written, I'd say you DO know me ... and, well, may've even met me at some point, even though I'm sure we have not ... if that makes any sense ;).

So, thank you :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We'll keep you close as always" ... Michael W Smith ... 'Friends'

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