Do people REALLY think this way?

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During my morning drive to work, I tend to listen to several different morning radio shows. On Friday, one of the morning duos posed this question to its audience:
"What makes someone a Loser?"

I laughed at some of the replies that were called in, including one guy that mentioned:
"You're a loser if you don't cheer for the home team in a sporting event."

Course, that was mentioned because of the upcoming playoff game between the Chicago Bears and New Orleans Saints. Apparently, many Saints fans live here in Chicago. Plus, the "sentimental favorite" for the game is, of course, the Saints because of what happened to New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Though, that isn't the case for everyone. A friend of mine in Louisiana is actually rooting for the Bears ... because he is disgusted at the amount of money that was used to rebuild the home of the Saints ... and was not used to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina that are STILL in need of support and assistance.

Be that as it may, I kept chuckling at other callers ideas ... until the morning duo announced the Top 3 Signs That You Are A Loser. I, unfortunately, found myself fitting every single one.

The top 3 reasons you are a loser: do not own the place in which you live. do not have a significant other and/or you've never "gone all the way" with someone.
...the car you drive daily is older than 10 years.

I didn't know what to think of these ... and, in some ways, I still don't. I try my hardest not to let what others think bother me, but somehow, this added to my current "blah" feeling. I certainly don't feel that I am a loser, even though I fit all three of those criteria. I think my surgery survivals, road trips to meet people, and a few other things far outweight these three "downsides".

So, out of curiosity, do people _really_ think this way?

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Now, how do you feel?" ... Dido ... 'Don't Think Of Me'
Never let someone tell you you are a loser. These guys get paid to be over the top. Besides, by that definition almost all of us have been losers at some point. Life is too short to waste your time on that kind of drivel.
Yes, Cort, some people do think this way. However, they are the losers.;) :D ;)

I have met and spent time with you - you are NOT a loser.
Yeah, there are people who really do think that way, and usually it's because they're so insecure themselves that they have to "invent" things about others to make themselves feel superior. According to that list, I must be a loser, then, too, because my husband and I rent an apartment. Give me a break. :rolleyes: And just because someone doesn't have an SO, it doesn't make them "lame." One of my best friends is a strong-willed single 34 year old who is single by choice.

People perpetuate all kinds of prejudices about others for so many reasons. In fact, I was talking with my sophomore classes yesterday about "false assumptions." In their tri-weekly journals, they wrote to the topic, "Some people think I'm --- but I'm not." My students really responded to that and came to the conclusion that most people are just insecure with themselves so they have to feel better than someone else just to justify why they aren't a "loser" themselves.

Sometimes I'll even catch myself reading a celebrity rag or talking to a "more successful" friend and think, dangit, I'm so lame, I don't have (fill in the blank), but then again, I believe our experiences make us who we are, and the quality of who we are as people. I've survived a heart attack at birth, heart surgery at 30, seven years of teaching :)p ), and I'm (now) a happier person. That's just who I am, a survivor.

Besides, some deejays seem to like to instigate things and/or do dumb things for ratings. Here in California (I don't know if you heard about it), a listener recently died after visiting the local radio station to compete in a "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest. She ended up dying from water intoxication after drinking nearly two gallons of water in a short time. The deejays never looked into the dangers of this type of contest, and now all ten are fired.

Really, just take this with a grain of salt. You are who you are, we all think you're awesome, and we all love you! :D

"The top 3 reasons you are a loser: do not own the place in which you live. do not have a significant other and/or you've never "gone all the way" with someone.
...the car you drive daily is older than 10 years.

Oh my goodness, these are all so stupid and shallow, I hardly know what to say! It sounds like a group of very young uneducated people talking. The fact that they are on the radio and have an audience for their stupidity says a lot about our society.

Set your sights much higher than this. It sounds as if you have already. These remarks are not for a "real" man or woman, they are not really for anybody of value.
Hi Cort

Hi Cort

It is really sad to think that that radio announcer can say such a stupid thing and that a lot of people will buy into it.
My definition of a "loser" is someone who is selfish,judgemental, uncaring,and who does not take responsibilty for what they do or any hurt that they may cause! ( Thats definately not you !! )
Maybe it is time to change your radio station !
Cheer up !!
Best Wishes

PS. I must be loser too ! My car is 18 years old , in really good condition , goes really well and I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks + I don't owe anything on it. :) :)
Hey Cort, yes some do think like that, but you know what, they've never grown up either! Something about growing up, aging, knowing how hard it is to simply survive, is all the difference in the world.
Nancy said:
"The top 3 reasons you are a loser: do not own the place in which you live. do not have a significant other and/or you've never "gone all the way" with someone.
...the car you drive daily is older than 10 years.

Oh my goodness, these are all so stupid and shallow, I hardly know what to say! It sounds like a group of very young uneducated people talking. The fact that they are on the radio and have an audience for their stupidity says a lot about our society.

Set your sights much higher than this. It sounds as if you have already. These remarks are not for a "real" man or woman, they are not really for anybody of value.

Cort, I thought the same as Nancy (being the wise woman she is). Shallow is the first word I thought of, which sure doesn't seem to fit you. **Cindy speaks from the kitchen "Not at all".."Tell him I said that"**
Wise said:
I thought the same as Nancy (being the wise woman she is).

*chuckles silently*

Did you intend for that pun ... or did it just happen?


Some of your replies, folks, are simply priceless...thank you :). I think I was more or less stunned by the "Top 3" than anything. I kept thinking to myself, 'Surely, they must be joking.'

And, Debi ... yes, I certainly did hear about that radio contest-related death in CA. Very very tragic.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"A little vacation, ain't asking very much" ... Tim McGraw ... 'All I Want Is A Life'
Geez Cort, I am sorry

Geez Cort, I am sorry

that you are having such a "blah" time right now. AND you are by far NOT a loser!! You are one of the biggest winners at life that I know - you are kind and thoughtful and you make friends wherever you go - a person with a lot of friends (not lovers!) is a winner!!!

I can empathize with you, Cort, as I was single for 45 years! Of course, I had lived with Wayne since I was 39 (he snagged me while I was still relatively young - ha). I was made to feel all the time that I was "less" because I wasn't married. It was a struggle to stay happy at times and to realize I was "okay" alone!

You know what my feeling is about people who think you should be married? I always thought they wanted me to be as miserable as they were! Truly! Being single is great fun and don't let anyone tell you differently. Sure it is nice to have someone to share things with, but family and friends are JUST as good as a lover, believe you me! Marriage is wonderful, but it is just different - life is life and you take yourself wherever you go. Life is what you make it.

You are in the winner's circle, in my book, Cort!

P.S. One of my sisters is very superficial also (I hate to say) - she thinks worth is based on how big and nice of a house you have and what your children are wearing and how many activities they are involved in. That IS shallow and sad. People who call into radio stations are usually big mouths anyway - I said usually - there are exceptions of course (lest I dig a hole for myself if any of you have called into a radio station). ;)

Christina L
A friend got me hooked on a Chicago radio program, and I listen every time I drive through the afternoon rush hour; it comes on at 2 or 3, probably on WLS. Roe Kahn (or however it is spelled) is outrageous, and intentionally so. He and his foils make the drive go fast, but I don't believe anything they say. One discussion was on the "fact" that women are incapable of talking on a cell phone and driving at the same time, while men can easily handle it. It is not to be believed, but to be entertained. It might just be possible that the program you were listening to had a similar mindset.
Cort, the pun actually was intended. Just thought I'd see if you'd catch it; never doubted that you would. I was serious about Nancy being a wise woman, as we all know.


Yea!!!!!!!! I'm a loser!! (according to worldly terms):rolleyes:

Although in the Knigdom of God, I am a princess!!!

Anybody want to join my "loser" club? :D

Wise said:
Cort, the pun actually was intended. Just thought I'd see if you'd catch it; never doubted that you would. I was serious about Nancy being a wise woman, as we all know.


And a fine pun, indeedy :). Oh, yes, Nancy is one heck of a wise woman, I'd say!

I appreciate your comments ... perhaps more than you know. My current "blahs" are a mixture of different things ... nothing that I can't overcome. I hate telling people I have the "blahs" because most people remember my "evil twin" days (when I was disgusted/mad/pessimistic, etc.) ... and think that any "blip" on the "happy screen" is me going back to that.

Bah. Not a chance.

I'm surprised (a bit) that you are able to get WLS at that time of the day. Then again, I'm not that surprised ... I know how well radio waves (especially on the AM dial) travel! I've been able to get some cool stations from all over ... both here at home ... and while I'm on the road. Actually, about 5 years ago or so, I was in the Fort Wayne area visiting some friends ... and I was able to get 99.5 from Chicago on the dial ... that was kinda cool!

And, I agree about the mindset....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"You got your blinders on" ... Sheryl Crow ... 'Real Gone'
This is the sort of rubbish that tends to attract certain people to especially talk back radio it feeds their own insecurities and prejudices.

It sounds like a group of very young uneducated people talking. The fact that they are on the radio and have an audience for their stupidity says a lot about our society.

I am with you on this one Nancy

Unfortunately not all of them are young; some just lack the maturity that comes with age to most people. :(

Here in California (I don't know if you heard about it), a listener recently died after visiting the local radio station to compete in a "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest. She ended up dying from water intoxication after drinking nearly two gallons of water in a short time.

debster913 this story even made it to Australia.

I struggle to comprehend how some one would even allow themself to be commercially exploited for such a trivial prize. :confused:

By the way the world?s second wealthiest man drives himself around in a 10+ year old car and still lives in the same house he purchased in 1963. :)
definitely paid to insult people. It's that sort of show. Look at Sat Nite Live - it's a spoof. You can't believe what you hear on radio, TV or movies.

My car is older than 10 yrs. It's 12 now. Nearly a teenager. I'm keeping it as long as I can. Or as long as it can.
To answer your question Cort, from my perspective, idiots think that way. IMHO
And of course, MHO, is the one you should pay attention to!:rolleyes:
;) :p
Hey, Cort!

Don't forget what you've learned as a Radio Personality yourself -- those guys on that show are there to ENTERTAIN somebody. (And there is no way to really know who that "somebody" is or how close to reality their mindset might be or not be. . . ) Just as it has been said "Don't believe everything you read" so should it be said "Don't believe everything you hear on the radio or TV." Think about it, how much drivel would we all believe if we thought all entertainers "had" to tell the truth?

BTW - Do I owe you a phone call or do you owe me one?

Oh my gosh Cort-all that lamo stuff is so shallow!!! You belong to a group of very, very brave people. People who have gone through this type of surgery are made of super tough stuff-I have seen it in people on this board and in my own mom as well. To go through these heart challenges and not only survive but thrive-these are the REAL winners in life!!!Anyone can have a new car or other "stuff", but all that is is stuff! Look how many cool experiences you have had with people-these are the things that make life important!!!:) :)