Do I need a flu shot? Who does?

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I haven't had a flu shot in years, but now I'm beginning to think I've been taking chances. Since I have a new valve, bovine, am I still at risk if I catch the flu? I also have pericardial constriction; does that make me more vulnerable to complications if I should come down with it?
I know most of the information out there will say get the shot. However, I do not get flu shots because I had very bad reaction to one a few years back.

I do take a lot of precautions with hand washing, carrying wipes with me, and staying out of very crowded places during flu season. I also avoid eating out as too many servers go to work ill.

All in all, your doctor is probably your best source to help you decide.
Ross will be along to chastize Gina and me. I have never had a flu shot. I was thinking about getting one this year, but it always seems like if something can go wrong with something, I will be the one for it to go wrong on.

Then it always seems like I'm hearing that the flu that goes around, just by coincidence, is not one that was put in the flu shot cocktail.

My friend got really sick with the flu last year - and she had a flu shot. I had maybe one mild cold the entire season. (knocking wood very hard right here and you may want to bookmark this post because now I'll probably be the one to post a Sick As a Dog thread. :rolleyes: )

I'm certainly not saying not to get a flu shot, and we are certainly in the group that gets the thumbs-up for them, I just never have. Mostly because of laziness.
Interesting timing. My wife called Dr. Cosgrove's office today to find out whether she should have one pre-surgery (meaning within a month). I'll let you know what they say when they return her call.
My surgeon specifically said that I MUST have a flu shot from now on (I, too, never had them, and never had the flu). I've been a good little camper and have gotten them since I had surgery.
My husbands doctor said after surgery he needed a flu shot every year and a pneumonia shot every ten years. Last year he was unable to get one because of the shortage. We will try again this year.
If you've had heart surgery or any lung condition, it is most certainly suggested that you do get it. The big thing now is this Avian flu in Asia. If that gets over here and spreads, it's going to wipe a lot of us out. I don't have the specifics on exactly what, when or where they'll have this thing added to the flu vaccine, but it's coming, you can count on it.

I have to get a flu shot yearly and pneumonia every 5 years. Of course for me, a simple cold could become deadly.

To ensure that people who are at highest risk of complications from influenza have access to vaccine, CDC recommends that certain priority groups receive inactivated influenza vaccine (i.e., the ?flu shot?) until October 24, 2005 . Beginning October 24, 2005 , all persons will be eligible for vaccination.

The following are the priority groups which should be targeted to receive inactivated influenza vaccine (i.e., the flu shot) prior to October 24, 2005:

persons aged 65 years and older, with and without chronic health conditions
residents of long-term care facilities
persons aged 2?64 years with chronic health conditions
children aged 6?23 months
pregnant women
health-care personnel who provide direct patient care
household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children aged <6 months
It should be noted that vaccination with the live, nasal-spray flu vaccine (FluMist®) is always an option for healthy persons aged 5-49 years who are not pregnant. This vaccine is not subject to prioritization and can be given to healthy 5-49 year olds at any time.

Who should not get a flu shot?
Talk with a doctor before getting a flu shot if you:
1) Have ever had a severe allergic reaction to eggs or to a previous flu shot
2) Have a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).

If you are sick with a fever when you go to get your flu shot, you should talk to your doctor or nurse about getting your shot at a later date. However, you can get a flu shot at the same time you have a respiratory illness without fever or if you have another mild illness.
My doctors have always advised that I get a Flu Shot.

Our local Senior Center (usually) sponsors FREE Flu Shots which are given in the gymnasium of a local church.

During the last Flu Shot shortage, I paid $30 to get one through a pharmacy at a local grocery store.

I never have understood the distribution system for flu shots!

'AL Capshaw'
Ross said:
The big thing now is this Avian flu in Asia. If that gets over here and spreads, it's going to wipe a lot of us out. I don't have the specifics on exactly what, when or where they'll have this thing added to the flu vaccine, but it's coming, you can count on it.

From what I understand so far about the Avian Flu is that it is so feared because there isn't a vaccination for it at this time.
Karlynn said:
From what I understand so far about the Avian Flu is that it is so feared because there isn't a vaccination for it at this time.

At this point, they aren't sure it's transmitted to humans, but if it is, it can become a plague quickly.

Outbreaks in North America Among Poultry

H5N2 in Poultry in Texas

H7N2 in Poultry in Maryland

H2N2 in Pennsylvania

H7N2 in Poultry in Delaware and Live Bird Markets in New Jersey

Interim Guidance for Protection of Persons Involved in U.S. Avian Influenza Outbreak Disease Control and Eradication Activities
Admittedly the possible threat from avian flu is huge. But to put it in perspective - does anyone remember the swine flu debacle???? I'll bet more people quit having flu shots after that than any other reason.
Get a Flu Shot!

Get a Flu Shot!

You are in a high risk category, my discusions with 2 doctors indicated that a flu shot was a must. I got mine.
You better..........

You better..........

get my butt vaccinated, girlfriend. I always get a flu shot due to the population of kids I teach at the at-risk school (they only come to school when they are sick because being sick interferes with their partying :mad: ). And Katie always gets a flu shot. Last year her PC even called us to make sure she was getting one (He was concerned about the flu shot shortage and wanted to make sure she got one - he was going to arrange one there at the hospital if her ped couldn't dose her. Her ped had already "reserved" one for her, though.) Last year we even went whole hog - not cause of the old swine flu, but because her valve was leaking so badly and we didn't know when surgery would be) and got the pneumonia shot, too.

This year, even with the repair, her ped and PC both want her to get the flu shot. Many hugs. Janet
Husband stopped by PCP last night to get his INR checked on way home from work and I reminded him to get a flu shot. They were out and hope to get more next week. I hope its not a shortage like last year. He didn't get one last year and I held my breath all winter that he wouldn't get the flu.
gijanet said:
get my butt vaccinated, girlfriend. I always get a flu shot due to the population of kids I teach at the at-risk school (they only come to school when they are sick because being sick interferes with their partying :mad: ). And Katie always gets a flu shot. Last year her PC even called us to make sure she was getting one (He was concerned about the flu shot shortage and wanted to make sure she got one - he was going to arrange one there at the hospital if her ped couldn't dose her. Her ped had already "reserved" one for her, though.) Last year we even went whole hog - not cause of the old swine flu, but because her valve was leaking so badly and we didn't know when surgery would be) and got the pneumonia shot, too.

This year, even with the repair, her ped and PC both want her to get the flu shot. Many hugs. Janet

Well that does it! I can't take a chance on "your butt" having to deal with a case of flu. :p :p :p I will call the PC and see when I can get one. :)
I got a Flu shot this year for the first time ever. This winter just gone is my first however since the VR. I am planning on having them from now on. Like Karlynn and Ross mentioned the Avian Flu may be a much bigger concern in the not to distant future. There isn't a preventative vaccine for it however it can be treated; the government here in Australia is stockpiling medications in anticipation of such an outbreak. Not wanting to scare you but the last flu pandemic in 1919 killed 10's of millions world wide. :eek:
Gary just had his 3rd OHS in August and they said it is mandatory for not only him but our whole family to get the flu shot. 2 of my 4 kids always get it because they are asthmatics - this year - actually this past week all four got it! The pediatricians office actually has a list of children - you have to call to be approved and then they have to confirm with the higher ups and then they will put your kid on the list. We just happened to go in this week for an asthma check (we were out of meds) and the nurse pulled me aside (knowing about all Gary just went through) and explained the flu shot procedure but added " your not even going on the list - the kids will all have their shots today" and they did! The doc strongly believes cardiac pts. and families must have the flu shot.
Now I have to figure out how to get mine. last year my pcp kept a running list and I was #500 - needless to say I never got the call to get one!

Yup, just booked my flu *** - they're free here if you are in an at risk group.
The Bird Flu stuff is worrying... according to the BBC, the 1918 outbreak that killed 50 million also originated from birds!
...and we're flying via Hong Kong in Jan/Feb :eek:
I hope by the time you take your trip we'll know more about the spread of the virus. I heard where they killed 1500 turkeys somewhere in Europe that had it. The news said it was the first confirmed cases in Europe.

My mother's sister died during the 1918 outbreak; she was four years old at the time.

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