"Discomfort" from Shot in the Knee?

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
Anyone ever receive a Cortisone (or other) Shot in the Knee to alleviate Knee Pain?

I'd be interested in hearing about your Experience, especially the Intensity and Duration of the "Discomfort".

Any other options? (especially for Coumadin patients?)
What are the usual medications prescribed for Non-Coumadin patients?

'AL Capshaw'
I had a the shot several years ago in my shoulder. I don't remember how long it took but it was several days. Just when I thought well this isn't going to work it kicked in.

I am in the waiting room so I do not have any experience with coumadin.

I read everyday here but don't usually post since I really don't have anything to contribute yet.

Hope your knee is better soon
Cortisone shot

Cortisone shot

About four years ago, I had a injury to my knee that required orthoscopic surgery. After this surgery, I had a lot of fluid buildup around the knee which had to be drained. After draining the knee, the doctor put a shot of cortisone in. This was done twice. I had immediate relief from pain and had no problems using that knee. The doctor did tell me you couldn't have too many shots because the cortisone will actually deteriorate the tissues in the knee.

I know this may not be helpful. Maybe it depends whether you had an injury or if you have arthritis.
Have had shots in both my knee and shoulder. Slight discomfort because of the needle (never really pleasant) but relief was almost immediate and lasted a few months. Cortisone is my friend.;) :D ;)
I too have had cortisone shots. I had to have knee surgery some years back for a torn MCL that happened when I wrecked on my ATV! Like Evelyn, my knee would swell up & fluid would build up causing considerable pain. The cortisone worked well! Another time, I had a pinched nerve in my neck area & I got a cortisone shot for it. Really relieved it.

Good luck & hope you get to feeling better!:)
There is something besides cortisone out there. I don't know if you have an injury, or just a worn out knee.

In my case, my knees have gone through orthoscopic meniscus repair and lateral release of the knee caps. They are worn out!

I have Synvisc shots which are some kind of a derivative of rooster comb. If you are allergic to eggs or chicken, you cannot have them. They inject on the outer edge of the knee and it creates a cushion to alleviate pain. They come in a series of 3 shots, one week apart. You have to baby the knee for the first few days (just no hikes, or exercise) and then the optimum relief occurs in 6 weeks. These shots can be repeated every 6 months. I LOVE THIS STUFF!! My left knee only required one shot. It still clicks, but doens't feel mushy. My right knee has had 2 shots in 18 months and the relief was considerably better the second series.

I am also working to lose weight and strengthen legs by walking and calisthenic type exercises.

Please ask your orthopedist about Synvisc. I'm sure there is a website, too.

Good luck!

Al: Many years ago, when I was around 27, I had a shot in my shoulder for rotator cuff tendinitis. When I went home that day I thought that I may need to get out the chainsaw and cut off my own arm....the pain was that bad!! The doctor who gave me the shot was young and maybe lacking in experience.....I don't know...... Otherwise, I know of other people who have benefited greatly from knee shots.
Best wishes on this.
cortisone shots

cortisone shots

I too have had cortisone shots to my knee, hand and shoulder. It worked the first time on the shoulder but the last one I had 2 weeks ago, did nothing. I felt a lot of pressure when he was giving me the shot and a little sore afterwards. He was amazed that I didn't bleed much. I had one in my shoulder years ago that required a trip to the ER. My primary at the time gave it to me and evidently she hit a nerve or something. It was horribly painful and took a few days to settle down. After that, I went to an Ortho and had them done. I was also told that you can only have so many since it makes the cartilage or whatever mushy. Hope you feel better,
Chris had one put into his ankle joint a couple weeks back. Didn't do anything for him, but he didn't say anything about pain after. He did not like the initial injection at all.
I had several cortisone shots in the left knee but they didn't help at all. Then they used something like Synvisc and the pain went away for a while but had to have the knee replaced this past January. That knee is doing fine although I did loose some of the bend, but it doesn't hurt anything like it used to. It was so bad that I had to wear a brace and use a cane. Now my left knee is going bad. I'll probably start the Synvisc sometime real soon. I really don't want to have another knee surgery yet. If I could lose some weight, I'm sure it would help.