I just received a different second opinion. My first cardiologist was all for moving ahead with surgery for my severe aortic stenosis (determined on first visit after being found by my internist) and now both the pulmonologist I was sent to by him and the second opinion cardiologist (I contacted on my own)have suggested that I wait it out a bit since I am currently mostly asymptomatic. No one seems to be able to tell me if the slight symptoms I am experiencing are actually symptoms.
Should I look for a third opinion? I'm beginning to feel like the first doc was only looking to increase business for the surgeon, who only wants to see me after all tests have been done (including a cardio cath) and then he will schedule surgery. He is the top surgeon in RI and is known to only take on patients who will have a good outcome. I want to talk to him beforehand, but that doesn't seem to be the way he works.
I'm in RI and thinking of going to Boston next. There doesn't seem to be any doubt that I will need a valve replacement and I've accepted that fact, now it's just the matter of timing. I don't know if it's better to stay in the "waiting room" or have the surgery on my terms and schedule. Any ideas?
Should I look for a third opinion? I'm beginning to feel like the first doc was only looking to increase business for the surgeon, who only wants to see me after all tests have been done (including a cardio cath) and then he will schedule surgery. He is the top surgeon in RI and is known to only take on patients who will have a good outcome. I want to talk to him beforehand, but that doesn't seem to be the way he works.
I'm in RI and thinking of going to Boston next. There doesn't seem to be any doubt that I will need a valve replacement and I've accepted that fact, now it's just the matter of timing. I don't know if it's better to stay in the "waiting room" or have the surgery on my terms and schedule. Any ideas?