did you need blood?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2007
Cajun Country
I am wondering how many of you needed to have blood after your surgery.

Did pre admit and last of testing this morning. Tomorrow's the day.

Thanks to all of you for your support and well wishes. I truly appreciate all of you and I am so thankful to have found all of you
I most cases, they clean yours and give it back to you during surgery. I'm not saying you may not need some in addition to surgery, but it's not something you have to worry about.
I went home slightly anemic??took the chance that I would rebuild on my own, the surgeon said I would most likely be back. A week later I felt like a truck had hit me and back in to be topped off with three pints. If they offer you blood?..take it.:D
My surgeon discussed giving blood if I wanted to pre-op in case I needed it. However, he said it was rare that patients need it so I decided not to.

As it turned out, I didn't need blood during or immediately after the OHS surgery. However, when I was readmitted to the hospital three weeks later for pericardial tamponade, they needed to give me blood during the surgery to drain the fluid.
Hi Marie

When Tyce had his surgery done, we did what is called "directed donations." He needed nothing. Our surgeon said they very rarely need blood. Tyce was very anemic when he got home, which is normal, post op.

I will put you in my prayers.


For my husband's first surgery, they only gave him back, the one unit he was able to predonate.

The second surgery they gave him blood during ths surgery, and then two additional units post surgery. I've no idea why, except that he did have a plueral effusion post surgery.

Hi Marie,

You and the others having surgery this week are in our prayers. I am sure all will go well. Looking forward to you letting us know about your smooth surgery.
My wife tells me that I was given one unit of blood after my OHS because they had some trouble stopping the bleeding coming out of the "drainage hole" after I was stitched up. A second surgeon went in and fixed that. It apparently was not a big deal, as I do not remember any of this.
I did not need any blood during or after my surgery. Good luck with your surgery, you'll be ok. You have all of us with you. :)
My surgeon's team was mildly insulted when I suggested I donate for myself. They almost never need blood (okay - I put the "almost" in that sentence). He didn't need any for me.

Best wishes,


Like others have reported, my surgical team did the reuse thing during my AVR surgery. I have no doubt that my blood supply was not up to par when I returned home. I could not stay warm and my wife told me I was like an ice cube.

I didn't need blood during or after my two surgeries. If you really have an opposition to receiving blood products then discuss this openly with your team. There are many other solutions to low blood volume than transfusion, low hemoglobin is a different situation but one very few of us need to face.

Please, don't feel pressured into taking blood. It is a tissue transplant and needs to be treated with as much care and consideration as getting a new kidney or other organ should be.
I needed two pints in CICU the day after my surgery. I remember the nurse standing at my bedside telling me I needed it and I remember her setting it on the pole but don't remember anything after that. Even still, I was anemic.
As far as I know, I wasn't told or asked or otherwise.
It ALL happened so fast - I came very close on not signing the consent form.
I believe I did not need blood for my surgery.
I autodonated a month before my surgery and had a friend who direct donated as well. I received my own unit back, but didn't get hers. I also went home very anemic and on iron pills.

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