December 22, 23... ?
What little snow remains (just the gray-brown shovelled/plowed-up piles at the corners of driveways and parking lots) is rapidly disappearing in the face of increasing temperatures and non-stop rain. December 23rd's forcast, highs in the 50s, mostly (read completely) cloudy, chance (read certainty) of rain. They're still teasing about white Christmas, but...
If the rain doesn't let up I may get the chance to see how well Joan works in the basement as a water thrower...
What little snow remains (just the gray-brown shovelled/plowed-up piles at the corners of driveways and parking lots) is rapidly disappearing in the face of increasing temperatures and non-stop rain. December 23rd's forcast, highs in the 50s, mostly (read completely) cloudy, chance (read certainty) of rain. They're still teasing about white Christmas, but...
If the rain doesn't let up I may get the chance to see how well Joan works in the basement as a water thrower...