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Joy, you have been through a rough time lately what with your husband gone away but, bless your heart, you sound like you have mostly conquered the blues. Ain't nothing you can do to change things (long as the gov't is in charge), so acceptance and getting on is next best. God bless
Bless your heart, Ann

Bless your heart, Ann

You always have the nicest things to say..bless your heart..Now, you and Bill pay close attention to where Isadore is coming. She might get you both..Bless your Hearts (I really need to put the Bless Your Heart story on Too funny :D :D :D we have any memebers along the Miss coast, La. coast or Texas coast..They don't know where Isadore is going. :eek: :eek: :eek: Bonnie
Thank you hensylee. It has been rough, but I look at the fact that Kev will be back, and then those ladies' who's husbands died in 9/11, and they will never see or hear their husbands again. I feel fortunate and am very proud of my husband for taking on this responsibility of defending our country. I feel like I should mention my brother as well, who has been like a father to me(he's twelve years older than me) who is probably going to be going to bosnia. He's in the Army, and he'll be leaving his wife and son back in Minnesota. I'm proud of them both. It was difficult right after I had the surgery because I couldn't hold Erik, or play with Ian, but I feel good now and can go back to work, and I am at peace with my situation. Take care, and God Bless!
Bonnie - you really should put it in small talk - ain't no tellin what additions we would get.

As to Isadore, we're just sittin tight here, but think it's not coming to La (lower Alabama), nor Fla panhandle - Bill might get a sprinkle. Don't know if we have any others in the danger path, tho. One thing about a hurricane that I learned when I was in grade school in Miami is that the predictability of a hurricane is unpredictability!
Oh yeah, I was listening to something about her on the weather channel and feeling glad I am not down there, that's supposed to be a HUGE hurricane! Hmmm, hopefully they don't get a typhoon where Kevin is...San diego. Speaking of depression, Kevin doesn't have to go to DG for a year! YAY! Happy happy ME! Not depressed, but I miss him! Take it easy!
It IS a big storm - the mileage it covers is very wide and it's dropping rain like you wouldn't believe. Thankfully not on the US, so far. Sorry for the folks who ARE getting it, tho. Winds are about 125 mph and that's a very dangerous storm.
Wow! Isn't that stronger than hurricane Andrew? I am sorry for the people it is affecting! I hope it misses the us, but it doesn''t look like it will. Unfortunately, but on the up side, at least people who live in that area are well informed and educated on hurricane safety!
talk about isidore... my daughter is at tulane and they do not have accomodations for their students incase of hurricanes. they shut down the dorms, power and all, and you have to fend for yourself_ even if you're from out of town!!
she can't decide if she should leave with her friends tomorrow or stay and pray it blows over (which they often do).
poor thing...
Best to watch weather channel

Best to watch weather channel

I saw a special of Camille..when it hit Mississippi..People who were in the 6th floor of a motel a mile from ocean was washed away...Scary..Only bad thing is just I-10 to get out of panhandle of Fla and it usually bogs down..In Ga. now they are going to turn all major highways into 1 ways..away from storm as if you are in Savannah, Ga. all lanes will head west..No one allowed to go East...towards the ocean. Good thinking. Bonnie
That is good thinking. It would be so scary living in FLa knowing one of those storms were coming your way. I would freak! Sorry, but I am glad I live on the west coast. No noreasters. no hurricanes, you know that stuff. I would hate the snow in the north. Sort of funny...I lived in Rochester, MN for 20 years! THEY get a lot of snow in the winter. I remember when I was in ski club, we'd ski in -40 windchill with no coats and STILL be sweating! Imagine that! I remember back when I smoked, I would take 1/2 hour to dress to go smoke with about 5 layers of jackets just to go sit in my garage and smoke! Wow, I don't miss that AT ALL! So no matter where you live there's always something about the weather. In WA it's dreary in the winter, In cali it's not bad in San Diego, but it's too expensive to live down there. Anyways, we just have to adapt, i guess, right? Take care!
Went through many hurricanes in Miami, as a young'un. Never was scared. Some were bad and all caused some damage - but not like Andrew which was a very atypical storm. I, personally, think most of Andrew was tornado-filled and with lessening of strong building codes, that's where much damage came into the picture.

I didn't see snow til I was 30. We moved to Baltimore for 5 yrs. Scared me to death. I just hibernated. Couldn't drive in the stuff. Couldn't walk in the stuff. But you had to shovel the h*** out of it. Ya'll can keep the snow, thanks, and bless your hearts. I will take an occasional (albeit weak) hurricane.
Yeah, they can keep their snow below zero weather, severe thunderstorms, tornados, and hot weather! Oh and the hurricanes, I can handle an occasional earthquake, and some drizzle and clouds. The nisqually earthquake of 3001 was scary, but rather interesting. Ian was crawling around in circles like a dog, and I nearly had a heart attack! I hope Ranier doesn't blow like it's supposed to sometime soon. That would be aweful! Good think the puget sound is between me and rainier, but it's not far enough! Take it easy!
No, in the winter it is always cloudy, but it's more of a drizzle. It never gets below 40 degrees out here, but in the summer it's just beautiful! All summer long you can see the olympic mountains, and Mnt. Rainier. It only rains in the winter, and these last couple years have been pretty dry. I think this year we're supposed to have another dry winter, something about el nino visiting again. Boy, California is going to get a lot of rain! Hope we stay here! Take it easy!
Not many natural disasters in CO

Not many natural disasters in CO

Oh come on!!!

Ya?all haven?t played in the snow?! Some of my favorite memories are of sledding down the hills on car hoods & inner tubes, snow ball fights and ice skating the new year in with a big bon fire.

It?s okay... I?ll keep the snow and you keep the earth quakes, tornados, hurricanes, etc. :p You can come visit us in the spring, summer or fall. :)

Rain, in Colorado
Hi Rain! When I was growing up, I remember we had this HUGE hill by our house, and one time I was sledding down it with my dog on the back of the sled, and she jumped off it just as we were going to go off a jump. Boy, those were fun. Like I said, I was in ski club. I do miss christmas in MN. Lots of snow. Just doesn't seem the same out here. Green christmas vs. white christmas. I loved it, we always had the cars plugged in and everybody who would come over for our big christmas party always had theirs plugged in too, just because of the windchills. Ahhhh, I do miss some of that! WE were talking about retiring near denver. Quite a while(11 years) til then. I remember skiing at welch village with no jacket, and I was still very warm! GOing into the chalet to warm up and eat my dinner. It was fun. That was back when crystal pepsi was the "in" thing. Any memories guys? I love sharing mine!
Right on, Joy!!

Right on, Joy!!


When I was a teenager we used to go snow skiing in shorts all the time. It can be very warm and sun shiny outside and we still have snow on the ground. The hill we used to sled down on the car hoods was a very long hill too. The older kids always had to pull the car hoods back up the hill. lol You can pile a lot of kids on a car hood! And boy can it get going fast! Then we used to take them up in the fields and my big brother would pull us around the field on them with his pickup. Not sure if my parents knew we were doing that.... Seems rather dangerous, looking back on it. lol It doesn?t get so cold where I live that we have to plug our cars in. You can drive 30 minutes one way and be at timber line or two hours and be on the continental divide.. but if you drive 30 mins the other direction you are in the desert. Can you tell I love where I live? :)

Childhood memories are wonderful. I wish my kids could have grown up the same way I did. Well....... more money might have been nice. lol But that?s probably part of what made it the way it was.

I think the four seasons are wonderful, none of them are so long that you get sick of them. And each is beautiful in its own way. I think you would love retiring in Colorado. But, I?m a little biased... I was born and raised here. :)

We just gotta have a reunion here some day!! You guys would love it.

When we moved back to Florida after 5 yrs in Baltimore - my daughters NEVER forgave me. Can't blame them, I guess. We moved them to a tiny little cowtown where they were exposed only to cowbows and oranges - vs the wonderful culture of big city living. And believe me, culture is there in Baltimore - bit time. Alas, tho, Florida was home - and not too far from Mother!!
Hey, the cowboys I have seen are all in their 20's with sky blue eyes, and NICE butts!:D I like it when a man fills out his jeans(if you know what I mean) and doesn't have a gut that spills OVER them, that's disgusting! Sorry guys, this post wasn't really for you. IT's girl talk.
Where I live

Where I live

I live on top of a big mountain in North Georgia....I am only 1 hour away from a ski resort..yes..a ski resort in Ga. I am only 2 hours from the Great Smokey Mountains..Put em up against yours anytime Rain..:D ..and if I wanted too, which I never do, we have Hot Lanta 1 hour South..(Atlanta)....My den overlooks Trey Mountain and I have a real live Black Bear that lives in my yard..We bump into one another almost every day and I will just say, Morning and he just looks and wanders away. No big deal,,Only bad thing is I live in a Preserve and the Deer RULE..Eats all my flowers..If anyone is interested, pull up Helen, Georgia on internet. #1 tourist town in Ga. Bavarian Village..That's where I live. Isn't America wonderful:D :D :D Bonnie

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