Thank you all for the replies and welcomes again; it's definitely good to hear from so many people and their different opinions. I think at this point I'm leaning more towards the mechanical valve option, though I'm still wary of the warfarin as anyone would be! I'm going to discuss it with my surgeon and see what they say. I also want to see if I get a choice on the mechanical valve as two people who have posted from the UK have said different things - I guess it depends on the hospital you go to!
I feel so young compared to you oldiesJoking joking of course!
Hi Ajay, if this helps maybe I can put your mind to rest a little bit - I live in Devon (so just down the road) and am 21 and had my Aortic Valve replaced in August last year.
If I'm entirely honest I was absolutely terrified by the whole ordeal but since having it done my standard of life, the amount of energy I have is just.. a ton better. I feel like I've been given a second chance! I use to think I was just getting lazy. Tell myself to snap out of it etc.
I went for a Mechanical Valve - no idea which one, my surgeon picked it so probably a Tescos value one
Its really a no brainer unless your in to Contact Sports. Even then considering your age.. Its really not affected my life one bit, if anything its made it a 100 times better. It also pushes you to take better care of yourself, which isn't really a bad thing.
Best of luck and I am more than happy to chat about it some more if you have any specific questions.