I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
ALCapshaw2 said:By all means, get copies of ALL of your Hospital Records, especially your INR at discharge. Everyone I know who has received a mechanical valve is NOT allowed to leave the hospital until their INR is theraputic (typically 2.0 for an Aortic Valve, 2.5 for a Mitral Valve).
I've NEVER heard of anyone taking ONLY ONE mg of Coumadin. Almost surely, THAT is why you had a stroke. I expect the Doctors will be circling their wagons on this issue. You may want to get a second opinion from a knowledgable Cardiologist and anti-coagulation manager NOT affiliated with that hospital or your Surgeon.
Who is managing your Coumadin / INR now?
FWIW, the manufacturers of Coumadin like(d) to claim their product had less variation than the generics, UNTIL they LOST a lawsuit over that claim. One reason was that one of the generics actually had less variation than Coumadin! I had NO PROBLEM changing from Coumadin to Generic Warfarin (made by TARO) when my co-pay for Name Brand meds went sky high and insurance refused to pay more than the cost of the generic.
'AL Capshaw'
denobobeno said:Lynn, I didn't know you wanted to see my crosses. So here is a sample of one.My Cardiologist is in my hometown and had nothing to do with anything at first. I didn't think I was supposed to call him until maybe my second checkup with my Surgeon. I wasn't told otherwise. I think I will ask him his take on everything...but, I'm going to switch Cardiologist..He didn't take me seriously about my symptoms and thought I could go maybe 6-12 months before I needed surgery and I found out otherwise. My husband doesn't like him because he is a known womanizer..and now he doesn't value his expertise much either...after two Surgeons told us the same thing about the surgery needing to be done soon.
I'm so glad to hear that Bonnie has such an easy time with her Coumadin. I'm going to try to get a home tester.
Thanks for the constant encouragement from ya'll.
I ate some snow peas today (raw). Now I'm worried it might affect my INR, I also drank a can of V8, I just wasn't thinking!Do you think that will affect my INR much?
denobobeno said:Lynn and everyone else,
I'll request my records, I know ya'll are right. No, I didn't have my INR checked until my 10 day checkup. I wasn't told to and so now I wished I'd told ya'll so you could have told me!!
My primary care doc is watching my INR. He is the one that told me all my symptoms were my heart, whereas my Cardiologist didn't think so...my Surgeon wanted me in surgery the next week!
So, I trust my primary and he has even got home health coming to me. They are using a little machine to check it. Are some machines more accurate than others? I'm still having trouble getting my INR consistent. I've been on 8mg all week and I'm still only at 2.5 as of this morning.
Thankyou for your help!